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Take pg's take on it with a grain of salt...I downloaded the game about 4 days ago and bought it the next day after getting to the space chapter.

I consider the game to have 2 halves. the first half is phazes 1-4. The cell phase kicks ass, it's like fl0w, it finishes way too fast and you don't have too much in way of body parts in the water.

The creature phase is what makes the first half of the game kick ass and last so long...you never want to stop. You're basically running around your planet coercing creatures to like your...or extincting EVERYTHING that moves. Once you slap some wings on your creature you feel like a badass.

The tribal phase is a very dumbed down RTS, you can either destroy the other tribes, or coerce them to be your friends through music. It's nothing special and can be beaten by even the worst of RTS players on medium. The civilization phase is exactly that...civilization. You capture full on civilizations through either religious propaganda, military might, or by trading and giving away loads of cash. Civ mode is great, but once again veeeerry basic. You get to create all of your buildings and vehicles though which is pretty awesome.

Finally after you dominate your full planet you get to play through space mode, the 2nd half of the game. Space phase is a straight up adventure game, you build up a space ship and then travel from planet to planet trading, teraforming and just straight up dominating the galaxy. It's a ton of fun, especially when you're getting content filtered in from online, I've fought all kinds of pokemon, star wars ships and creatures and other random shit (I subscribed to a star wars and pokemon sporecast...) I've also seen a kickass bowser and giga bowser, I really hope giga bowser gets thrown onto a world as an epic creature (1000 hp unkillable monstrosities...until space mode BOOM).

Definitely not the best game, but it's an awesome diversion of your time, I can see myself coming back to this game at random times during the week and just starting a new creature, it's fun to raise up these kickass little beasts and watch them evolve into smart beings that rule the galaxy

EDIT: Oh yea, I didn't post a topic about it cause I didn't think many of yous were into the game after the creature creator :o.

Also..the creature creator now auto saves an animated gif of how your creation is made in the creator, so you can see all the crazy experimenting you do on your creature before it's done.

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Well the whole thing plays like a pretty empty game. The cell phase feels like a poorman's flash game, and the creature phase, while cute (you migrate and run from giant monsters and shit) feels like there's little beyond deciding to kill/dance with nearby animals and collect body parts.

I'm not enjoying the tribal stage at all, and I think I just Alt+F4ed after I was sick of it. Unless the remaining crap is some kind of masterful artpiece that changes my perspective on life and god and touches a fuzzy part of the cold, dark, blood-pumpy thing in my chest, I see nothing fun in the gameplay itself beyond "this creature started as poop, now it's poop that can ride a space ship and wears a funny hat".

It's not a great game. Just a neat little...thing.

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Diet Fl0w.

Diet Diablo.

Diet Populous.

Diet Civ 4

Diet Star Control.

5 games in one, simplified for your amusment :)

I admit that some of the modes aren't as deep as I'd like 'em, with only the Civ and Space stages being that much fun for me (And even then, Civ stage can be won the moment you get planes).

Space stage seems like excellent fun and really it's the main crux of the game, but the game is so unbelievably unstable. No autosave and a habit of crashing every 30 minutes or so (I've had 4 crashes while constructing the spaceship, and around 7 crashes while flying about) means it desperately needs to get itself patched.

It's a good foundation of a game though, obviously expansion packs will help expand and add some of the functionality back in (Water dwelling creatures, what happened to those? :P )

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I'm enjoying the game for the most part. I did a speed playthrough at first for progress, but now I'm actually kicking back and taking things one step at a time. Currently in the creature phase, trying to come up with something amazing. I like that a "Ban" option was added for creatures on an individual basis.

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Space stage seems like excellent fun and really it's the main crux of the game, but the game is so unbelievably unstable. No autosave and a habit of crashing every 30 minutes or so (I've had 4 crashes while constructing the spaceship, and around 7 crashes while flying about) means it desperately needs to get itself patched.

Odd...I had mine running for about 2.5 days straight with no crashes at all...I wanted to get from Cell to Space in one go (it's an achievement), so I left it running for the past few days and played it in my free time. The game didn't hiccup once during any of my playing.

Regardless though, pretty fun game. I just got to space. I'd agree that most of the game isn't as deep as it could be. It's fun, but just too short. My roommate's been in space for awhile, so I know that'll take time, but I wish some of the other modes were more indepth...

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If by fantastic assortment of expansions, you mean about 300 dollars in price gouging, then yeah. The Sims 2 expansion packs are the biggest ripoff ever. Thirty dollars to be advertised to by Ikea? Fuck off EA!

That was the exact thought that went through my mind when I saw my aunt's complete shelf of all the Sims 2 expansions. >.>

and trust me, it's more than $300 in price gouging

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I don't know about that... I picked up Sims 2 Double Deluxe for 40 bucks... which got me the base game, some expansion pack, and some stuff pack... then there are like... *checks*

Holy fuck, I thought there were only 5 expansions and 5 stuff packs. Make that 8 and 9. At around 30 bucks apiece thats like a bajillion dollars.

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Diet Fl0w.

Diet Diablo.

Diet Populous.

Diet Civ 4

Diet Star Control.

5 games in one, simplified for your amusment :)


So, I've been having fun with this game, got two races to space, and whenever I get there, I get bored. It looks so freakin' huge and time consuming, and uninteresting compared to the Creature stage...

Also: Werehog.png <-this is how a 'werehog' should look like.

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