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Iron Man

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pffft. Iron Man? I liked him better when he was called MEGA Man!


Nyuk nyuk nyuk

But seriously though, people bitch about other companies rehashing shit all the time, but when Marvel does it, brb gotta get my nostalgia goggles. Not that the movies themselves are bad, but I'd like Marvel to put their efforts to something that wasn't already written for them decades ago, is all.

Eventually we're gonna use them all up, and we'll be stuck making Aquaman movies. And don't anyone fucking tell me that Marvel won't make an Aquaman movie because Aquaman is DC material, because I don't care.

That said I'm going to go suck Marvel's cock now and see the movie. brb getting my nostalgia goggles.

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Guest Shadix

and now we're letting his trolling destroy the topic.

So yeah, I hope they make an Avengers movie now.

I loved the way they ended it... It's always like "lets make the superhero a secret identity" crap, and then he's just like... "oh screw it..." "I. AM. IROON MAN"

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Well shit indeed. Sorry Streak, the movie only gave my metal poles a wiggle. After the previews my opinion of the oversaturation of Superhero flicks, they got lodged in there extra tight. Iron Man, Dark Knight, Hulk...I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.

But with regards to the movie itself...I'd give it a 7/10 at the worst parts, 8 at best. With only two actual fight scenes, the movie felt empty. I liked the introduction; it was a nice play on the militarization of America, treating the head honcho of weapons and explodey things as an internationally heralded celebrity. Sadly this parody was thrown in the back burner, a result of the two separate scripts superglued together. I'd imagine the second half of that part of the script probably had some activist group involved, conflicting the hero and the audience, until a moral was brought to the surface and Mr. Stark had a reason to fight besides snubbing terrorists.

I didn't like the creation of the Iron Man either. So you've just been captured by Al Qa- I mean the Rings of Something or Other, and you need to build a weapon or die. Clearly the only option is to build a magical suit! I'm not faulting the movie, since it is tied to the comic, but it seems like all superhero movies follow the same pattern: a rich, powerful man (or a loser who's a sweetheart) is put into a scenario and needs to create a suit or something to save the city, world, and girlfriend (preferably a redhead). Then usually a mentor or ally turns evil or whatever, gets inspired by the hero to make his OWN supervillian, then there's a duel and the hero wins. Can we just make superhero movies their own genre and stop beating around the bush?

I liked Stark. He's witty, funny, and charming, even if he's a tad two dimensional. I do wish he'd stop cutting holes for his magic chestpiece (why expose that shit in your battlearmor?!), but whatever. It's just unfortunate that everyone else in Fictional California, USA is a cardboard cutout; no one else is all that interesting. The movie did teach me something: if you're an Afghanistan citizen, you're either a mother, a child, or a terrorist. If you're a man who isn't a terrorist, you'll probably get shot.


But that doesn't matter. No one sees superhero movies for the plot. We see it for the awsum fight sequences. So then why does Iron Man only have...two? Sure you could count the sky chase as three, but it still felt incredibly bare. I know they're trying to be like Batman Begins with the whole "setting up the hero" business, and there's a lot to tell, but the fight scenes were so short and anticlimactic that I felt pretty bummed. It's like they spent all of this time telling a story that they realized "oh shit we need to end this. Let's have them fly really high, fall back down, and throw in a big explosion. We'll have Iron Man reveal his identity at the end and call it a day." There was too much to tell in too little time.

I did like the little cameo of...I believe it was War Machine, yes? That was a pretty slick nod that I'm sure 99% of the theater missed.

My last complaint is that the robots weren't needed at all. The movie has enough comic relief from Stark's dialog and the little jokes during the fight scenes. Besides, if your robots are less competant at moving wires than Gwedith Paltrow, just scrap 'em.

In the end, it felt like the writers wanted to make something really special out of this, but conflicts with scripts and Marvel's own intentions seemed to cause this to feel a little to much like a cash-in. With a sequel somewhere in the near future (Iron Man 2: Electric Boogaloo), I'm sure fans everywhere will be lining up to lap up water from Marvel's fountain of recycled plots. I'm sure the sequel will be better, if only so there's less introduction and more explosions.

You know, Marvel has so much power and potential. I really wish they'd make something original. Like, maybe even a hero that wasn't already created decades ago. Here's a plot for you, Marvel, free of charge:

Instead of a downtrotten sweety or a powerful tycoon, let's use an average person. Maybe he works at the GAP or something. He aspires to be a fashion designer, but never get his foot in the door, so he's at the GAP. Eventually he creates this outfit that is gonna be the one that gets him a job, but it gets contaminated on the way to some meeting or whatever. Now when he wears it, he gets all of these powers, like camouflage, so he's like this trendy ninja. Women swoon over him, especially his co-worker, but our hero bats for the other team, so he's not into that stuff. The suit has a mind of its own, however, so there's all sorts of sexual tension or something. His female co-worker designs her own mutant suit and totally gets the gig our hero failed to get. They duke it out, but realize what the fashion industry has done to them. They become allies and fight crime. The end.

Second idea: immigrant at Dell Technical support gets infected by a computer virus that he's troubleshooting, then surfs the internets and kills viruses and shit. I'm still working on that one, but I'll let you know how it turns out!

In the end, it's not a bad movie, just overhyped. There's been way better stuff in the past, but at least this isn't fucking Daredevil, right? I give it a B for putting more effort into it than some of the other Marvel flops. It's like my Web Design professor said, you don't have to do something creative so long as you do it right.

tl;dr: It's not bad, but it feels like it's going through the motions. I'd recommend it if it meant that Sereph doesn't barge in here and start quoting every sentence in this post. That, and it's not that bad of a film.

Also, I take back the Mega Man quip. I was reminded of someone totally different after I saw the movie...


over 9000 hours in MSPaint.

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iron man reminded you of samus? what?

Just the red-yellow supersuit saving the day part. The way he walked in the few scenes that he actually walked reminded me of the stiffness of Samus. Otherwise, there's not much similarity between the two. The helmet does kinda fit, though :3

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Instead of a downtrotten sweety or a powerful tycoon, let's use an average person. Maybe he works at the GAP or something. He aspires to be a fashion designer, but never get his foot in the door, so he's at the GAP. Eventually he creates this outfit that is gonna be the one that gets him a job, but it gets contaminated on the way to some meeting or whatever. Now when he wears it, he gets all of these powers, like camouflage, so he's like this trendy ninja. Women swoon over him, especially his co-worker, but our hero bats for the other team, so he's not into that stuff. The suit has a mind of its own, however, so there's all sorts of sexual tension or something. His female co-worker designs her own mutant suit and totally gets the gig our hero failed to get. They duke it out, but realize what the fashion industry has done to them. They become allies and fight crime. The end.

So....kinda like Deadpool then right? He's your standard ninja anti hero that is horribly disfigured under the suit.

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No wai. This guy's way more fashionable, and he's not physically disfigured, the suit just likes the ladies and he likes the dudes, so there's contrasting sexual impulses. So he saves ladies and hits on them even though he doesn't actually want to.

Then later in the sequel the suit starts doing shit on its own, and our hero needs to track it down to save crime/get it ready for the big fashion show.

Keep in mind I literally threw this plot together on my way home from the movie, so I'm not seriously fleshing this out :E

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I dunno, I see where you are coming from, but marvel has so much source material they have to dip into still, we all know a cap america movie is inevitable now with the coming of the


. Wolverine origins is already in the works (deadpool is in it!), hulk is shaping up to be an awesome movie,and they're actually skipping all the bull shit origin stuff.

I'm just excited for when we start going into crossovers and stuff, spiderman vs. hulk, iron man teaming up with spidey,

avengers etc. etc.

I'm thinking for the avengers they're going to throw spiderman and reed richards into the team

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See, what you call "dipping into source material", I call "milking the cow". Sure, I liek me sum Captain America (most American superhero ever), but I'd like to see the writers (and Mr. Lee himself) work on a new story with new characters rather than running down the checklist and saying "ok who didn't we peg yet?" It kinda says that those old stories are the best Marvel can do so there's no point in making new shit.

Just because it was a good comic doesn't mean it HAS to be a movie, and just because it was a good movie doesn't mean it needs a whole trilogy :<

It's just that when I see two superhero trailers before the actual superhero movie, then the movie ends hinting at another movie, and there are 50 other Marvel movies being worked on, the nostalgia starts to wear a little thin.

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Guest Shadix

Edit: I just realized that 90% of movies are all adaptations of something :E.

If it's not comics it's books, graphic novels (usually the best ones, ex V for Vendetta and 300), TV series from the 50s, musicals, plays, cartoons, etc. :E

Can I Am Legend count since it's such a liberal adaptation of the novel?

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"It kinda says that those old stories are the best Marvel can do so there's no point in making new shit."

I can't think of very many original superhero movies. And out of those few that come to mind, none of them fared very well. Granted, they could write a movie for a new superhero, but then people would complain about how "un-Marvel" the new guy was or how he was too similar to some other character, etc, etc. Of course if they don't, you complain about that too. Everyone's a critic and there's no real way to win.

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Everyone's a critic and there's no real way to win.

Amen, it drives me crazy how's there's always gonna be that group of people. But eh, whatever, I'm excited to see what they're going to be doing with superhero movies within the next few years.

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I'm excited to see what they're going to be doing with superhero movies within the next few years.


Marvel Entertainment held its shareholder webcast this morning where they announced some pretty interesting information regarding their upcoming slate. Included is confirmation that IRON MAN 2 is on the fast track for an April 30, 2010 release (summer officially begins in April now!) and THE AVENGERS in July, 2011. Also on the release schedule are THOR (June 4, 2010) and THE FIRST AVENGER: CAPTAIN AMERICAN (May 6, 2011). While Zak Penn is writing THE AVENGERS and Matthew Vaughn is developing THOR, there is no talent attached yet to CAPTAIN AMERICA though you can expect that to change soon enough. The announcement comes just three days after IRON MAN opened and has already pulled in over $200 million worldwide to the 2nd highest non-sequel opening in history. Also came news of plenty of other properties including video games, direct-to-DVD and animated TV series. ANT MAN was also confirmed as being in development (with Edgar Wright attached to write and direct) but no release date was announced. You can read a full summary of the webcast at Yahoo! Finance. So what Avengers line-up can we expect to see in the series?

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