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nVidia lunches new GFX card.


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No one cares. Buy a video game console to play video games.

I second that. PC gaming is pretty much dead to me for that sole reason: I could get that card (cashing out $$$), yet in a couple months ATi will counter with a better card... followed by nVidia's next version and so on. Which leaves me with an outdated turd in 1-2 years that can't run the games decently. <_< >_>

That being said, I need a better GFX card for rendering purposes. But that'd require me to replace the whole motherboard, and since it's not a priority to me I'll just wait and get a better PC instead.

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Actually, this wouldn't be ideal for graphics rendering. nVidia makes workstation cards specifically for model rendering.

And to me, PC playing is a bit easier to get caught up in, and therefore more fun. But it's entirely up the the player. Not really something you can debate.

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I love PC Gaming for many reason. 1.) You can mod almost any game with the proper know how. 2.) You can play japanese, spanish, french, etc games without the worry of modding your PC to do so. 3.) If your console game get too badly messed up, you can't play it. On a PC, No-CD patches...even though they are use for piracy....I could go on.

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You guys are lucky to live in a rich country, where a good pc is affordable for most people. Around here, a video card costs 3 times the price, thus me buying a Geforce 6200, instead of a 6800 or better. I can play most recent games at a reasonable speed though, except the ones that use the new shader technology. Those will run at around 15 to 20 fps, that really sucks...

Edit: Kinda off topic, but since we're talking about PC gaming... I've been thinking about getting a nice Turtlebeach catalina sound card instead of the crappy onboard sound and improve my RAM from 1gb to 2gb. Since you guys know about the subject better than me, how much would that affect gaming performance? Is it worth it?

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1GB to 2GB of ram...eh, it depends what you're running. Will there be a performance increase? Yes. Will it be very obvious, probably not. I still think 1GB is a nice sweet spot, but 2GB will be a sweet spot soon. As far as the sound goes, if you're trying to render 5.1 with environmental sounds and whatnot, you may benefit a bit. What I believe it boils down to is two things though. Assuming you have 1GB or more of memory, it's CPU and video card. Those are the two things that are constantly in demand. That's my take on it.

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I read somewhere that onboard sound would consume a lot of cpu, that's why I considered buying a sound card. My processor is a pentium 4 3.0ghz, pretty decent one with 2mb cache. I guess the only problem is the video card. It's an eVga Geforce 6200 256mb. As for the motherboard, Asus P5P800-SE.

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I just grabbed a 6600 GT 256Mb for £110 and I thought that was expensive, this is just insane, yet if I had to pay the same for a console I probably wouldn't mind, maybe it because a gfx card can faulter depending on other hardware which means more cost.

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