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I am having trouble when I want to change the position of Sonic at the start of the stage. Well, I am planning to add checkpoints into it but for some reason, I can't position player with a "start of frame" command. in fact, I try to change it to "when time=00.05" and i still cant move him. I tried to move "Player" and then "Sonic" but i still cant work it. Anyone help?

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I suffered this type of problem a couple of months ago, it was frustrating because the community wanted me to add checkpoints because it had deathpit problems. I'm sure you can Solve this problem with a little Sin And Cos Values or reposition the active that positions the player in the first place? Apart from that i'm not really sure.

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Sin and cosine are generally used to find the unit vector multipliers for any given force or velocity based on angle. You put in a number between 0 and 360 degrees. Sin will give you the vertical component. Cosine will give you the horizontal component. It really isn't as complicated as you'd think.

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Sin and cosine are generally used to find the unit vector multipliers for any given force or velocity based on angle. You put in a number between 0 and 360 degrees. Sin will give you the vertical component. Cosine will give you the horizontal component. It really isn't as complicated as you'd think.

It sounds tricky...Any tutorials on how to learn it anywhere?

@Damizean: I tried that, but it still didnt work. I will explain in more detail. :)

Basically, I have a group that I called Checkpoint, and a Global Value name called Checkpoint. I created 2 objects, 1 is hidden (it goes where sonic should start) and the checkpoint. I put player ball in some random location so I can see if he does get positioned at the start box (but he dosen't)

I put the events:

If Checkpoint=0

Start of frame

Position object "Player" at 0,0 Startbox

If Checkpoint=1

Start of frame

Change animation sequence "checkpoint" Walking

Position object "Player" at 0,0 checkpoint

If player collision with checkpoint

[NEGATE] Animation Checkpoint WALKING is playing

Set global value Checkpoint 1

Play sample MobDie

Change animation sequence "checkpoint" Walking

I play, and die, but dont appear at startbox

I play, touch checkpoint and die, but dont appear at checkpoint. I just appear where Player was position in the frame editor.

I tried to move all the checkpoint events to the top, but nothing different...

I can touch the checkpoint and it plays a sound and the animation changes, but it wont position at the start of the level. Please help!

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