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Scarfy McBlades

Pheonix Gamma

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I'd say that looks pretty impressive! ...But I'm not that verbally charitable iconwinkingrazz4px3.gif. Seriously, though, it looks great.

I have a qustion about it, though; is that thing that's swinging around him a scarf with swords tyed to it, one on each end? Because, that's what it looks like, and it certainly woud explain the name "Scarfy McBlades."

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Scarfy McBlades? I'm sorry. My brain isn't equipped to handle cheese on such high levels.

That was the point. Something along the lines of "Snakes on a Plane", or Quailman, or that dude with a big chin from that Nick cartoon. It's a cheesy concept (swords on a scarf D: ) so it needs an equally cheesy name.

Would you prefer something more along the lines of...DANTE: MASTER OF FABULOUS SWORDSCARFS?

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"An adventure greater than sex itself."

That is mad cool. xD

It's a great concept. How do they use their weapons though? Do their clothes have a mind of their own? Is the wearer able to control them via magic? Do they act as an extension to their limbs?

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"An adventure greater than sex itself."

That is mad cool. xD

It's a great concept. How do they use their weapons though? Do their clothes have a mind of their own? Is the wearer able to control them via magic? Do they act as an extension to their limbs?

When my friends and I were adding all of these ridiculous people, we decided that the weapons act as limbs in a sense that they can move them just as they would their arm, though because they're not actually limbs, some movements require them to move their bodies a little.

For instance, we made this sketch where AxeHat is sort of thrusting his head as if he were headbanging in order to move the Axe foward, since the axe itself is friggen' huge, though he can bend the hat itself to influence its movement (imagine moving your upper body to swing your arm because you can't actually bend your shoulder, but you can bend the elbow. Thus you set the arm in motion, then extend the arm to add more force to it. Yea, we spent all class discussing this crap.)

MaceCoat just sorta moves his body and uses centrifugal force to move the maces around. He doesn't fight too much, he just goes around being a duchebag and being all secretive.

Scarfy, from what I envisioned, has more control over the scarf. Something like Doc Oc, where he can stretch them out, wrap the scarf around your neck and choke you, and thrust the blades into your eyes.

Strangling and eye stabbing, it's the worst of both worlds, mothafucka.

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