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SoaH City Message Board

Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis - Happy Birthday, Sonic?


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Oh, come on! It's got to be at least 2% not a failure! You're saying it's not even that? I mean, it's got to to be at least a "so so, I guess" game, right? (Not that I'm saying anyone could play it and state that there's no reason at all to complain and that the game's perfectly acceptable, just that if someone were to play it they'd recognize that's it's still [to a degree] fun.)

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List of bugs/problems/WTFs i was able to find:

- Speed inconstancy (Probably worse than SADX, considering this is for a video game, not for a PC.

- Sonic doesn't stop when he hits walls... So if you hit a wall, and then jump, you'll blast at full speed, which is stupid.

- Sonic's deceleration is completely different from the MD game.

- The background flickers for no reason at all.

- They used Master System quality sounds for no reason at all.

- Sonic has the power to make walls instantly disappear by simply rolling at them

- They used a meshing for that SEGA logo animation. They could have used a pallete trick, like on the original game, or the GBA layer overlay effects.

- Wrong palletes here and there

- The water at the title is not animated

- Some of the sprites use dithering for no apparent reason, specially considering the GBA pallete is far bigger than the MD one. Probably they saved it in photoshop with the wrong settings.

- Many of the effects use LESS sprites, which is stupid considering the GBA can handle almost as twice as sprites as the MD.

- Some sprites pop up and disappear for no apparent reason.

After this one, I think we should invite SEGA to participate at SAGE. They would learn a lot from us.

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Okay... after playing the rom again, all I have to say is this makes alot of fangames look really really good. Seriously this game is like someone opened up gamesfactory for the first time, turned on platform movement, and set sonic speed really high and deceleration to zero.

Whatever happened to Quality Assurance?

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Well just as I predicted, my cousin bought the game yesterday, I played and thought it was a mockery of a true classic, my cousin threw his gba against the wall repeatedly because he kept running into enemies constantly. (The resolution.)


It wasn't a problem for me because I memorized the paths and know what comes up ahead. But still, I figured they would make it look and feel better than the genesis version.

Let's hope the PSP version (Sega genesis collection) will be better.

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