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i played the ps3


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SefirothDB: Please stop antagonizing certain people, let's try to keep this a little more relaxed eh? You kinda looked silly when you took Serephim's post apart like that.
I do this always, it's a habit of mine. I reply to each subject one by one, and divide the quotes accordingly - it may give my posts an aggresive feel, but that's not true, I'm a nice guy trying to make replies organized and easily understandable ): Sometimes I can get more sarcastic or on a satiric mood, but I've never written a post here with the intention to offend anyone. Apologies again.

Regarding the rumor, well... currently, the PS3 is out in Japan and there hasn't been any reports. No mention of it in any documentation (be it in the hardware, the online user guide or in the games) So yeah, nothing to worry it'd say.

I had forgotten about this completely, threw it away with the "games to cost $100" crap :P

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Serephim: Please stop sucking. Sucking, primarily, is writing a single period in an entire post. That's all I'm really annoyed about with you in this topic, don't do that, you're eating up bandwidth for no reason when you do that. Also, please try to be a bit less rude, kay? You're acting a wee bit asinine and that's no good for anyone =(

Well, actully my whole post was a Quote of DW's post, but the peroid was there because it said i had no characters in my post...

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"And others like hi-def audio. Or fitting several languages/regional versions in one disc - an excellent use of the format in my opinion."

Hi-def audio I accept. The second I don't. It's not really an excellent use unless it's used effectively. As in you can play the same game in any region. Otherwise the purpose of having several languages are the same disc is kind of stupid.

"You'll never use that sexy new nVidia G80 to it's fullest because a newer card would come soon, raising the standard."

'Cept I'm not obligated to update the newest card. Once a gaming generation is over, you have to buy a new system to keep playing a certain series or certain games. I see where you're going with this though.

"They're in fact like pasting together a HD disc and the DVD. To get the HD content, you need a HD player."

Yea.. I know. However, this does make me think of something interesting that would easily have solved a problem and possibly have more people purchasing the system due to a lower price.

"I'll say, however, that the most disputed over feature -the BR playback- has an actual use and benefit over the console's first and foremost function: playing games."

Think about it. We just talked about hybrids. Of all the crazy things, I think the solution should've been simple: hybrids. I totally don't see why not. You could have a version of the PS3 that had a DVD player, and a version of the PS3 that had BD player. There could be two versions of the PS3- the $600 version for people who want to watch BD movies, and do whatever other random stuff is in the hi-end version. And a version for about the price of the hi-end X360: $400 (w/o tax). All games would be on hybrid discs, playable on both systems. The low-end system would play games in standard definition, the hi-end would play them in HiDef. An additional bonus to the $600 hi-end console would be that you could actually watch BD movies (I'm sure Sony could rig it where only games were put onto hybrids). And, as you said, for the people who actually want all the extra features the price difference wouldn't be an issue. That seems like the ideal solution. And it would make your above statement pretty much null. Because the benefit of capacity would still be there.

I'm not even going to kid myself here though, I know exactly why things didn't go the way of hybrid: they can't effectively establish BD without having every PS3 function as a BD player.

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Hi-def audio I accept. The second I don't. It's not really an excellent use unless it's used effectively. As in you can play the same game in any region. Otherwise the purpose of having several languages are the same disc is kind of stupid.
You can. One single disc to rule them all :P Game will configure automatically to match your PS3 regional settings (your OS is set on Spanish -> you get the Spanish version). Settings can be changed through the interface, if I'm not mistaken.
There could be two versions of the PS3- the $600 version for people who want to watch BD movies, and do whatever other random stuff is in the hi-end version.
Ah, but as you said, that'd go against Sony's interest of mass marketing BRDs as soon as possible, plus it'd drastically split the market which is more worrying for the user. Games on hybrids would require additional effort and is kinda useless given the consoles can downscale HD content to SD res.

The creation process of hybrids is more costly and so is the manufacturing. With a standarized BR drive, costs will drop sooner and it fastens the creation of the hardware compared to having two separate manufacturing processes (one for the DVD version, other for the BRD). Having all PS3s BR-capable plays in Sony's favor since it's likely a good number of the users will put it to use - if it's there, why not give it a try? I know I'll end up playing Advent Children on it, for instance. And this generates revenue.

I do expect the expensive model to be dropped or turned into a "limited edition" if the 20Gb version is demanded enough, by the way.

Oh, and games won't cost $100 >_>;

@Midi: GBA SP rite?

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A friend and I were joking over AIM the other day about how the PS3 would end up becoming part of the gang economy just like hos and rocks and gunz and all that other junk... and we were having a good time laughing and such.

Today I was at EB Games where I found Batallion Wars. As I was getting ready to get to the checkout, about 8 black dudes with color coordinated outfits and dew rags came in asking where the PS3s were at.

I found a corner and started laughing.

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So you're telling me I can buy a Jap PS3, buy games stateside and they'll work? If so, you win this one, and PS3 may actually be a possibility for me.

"I do expect the expensive model to be dropped or turned into a "limited edition" if the 20Gb version is demanded enough, by the way."

What good would that do?

"I know I'll end up playing Advent Children on it, for instance."

Lawl. I believe I made a joke about this earlier, no? About people getting HD-DVD and BD players so that they can watch old crap. And then you come about saying you'll watch something old. For the win. xD

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So you're telling me I can buy a Jap PS3, buy games stateside and they'll work? If so, you win this one, and PS3 may actually be a possibility for me.
That has more to do with the console being region free (it is). Point of having games like that would be that you can purchase/import a title anywhere and not be limited to whatever language, settings, censorship edits(?) the region you bought it from has. I'll do some research on hardware importing pros and cons and let you know tomorrow.
What good would that do?
Better consumer perception to the price (current and after drops) and pumping out units faster.
Lawl. I believe I made a joke about this earlier, no? About people getting HD-DVD and BD players so that they can watch old crap. And then you come about saying you'll watch something old. For the win. xD
Advent Children is not out here yet ;_; The BR will have extra scenes and other crap too.
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"The BR will have extra scenes and other crap too."

Haha. Another point! As far as movies goe BR is pretty much useless. They're going to pile them crazy-hi with extra scenes, commentary, and other foolishness the average person won't really care about.

"Point of having games like that would be that you can purchase/import a title anywhere and not be limited to whatever language, settings, censorship edits(?) the region you bought it from has."

Too bad you're neglecting the fact that they filed a lawsuit against Lik-Sang for exporting PS2s. Granted, the PS2 wasn't region free but with the PS3 coming out soon and having the ability to play PS2 games, I'm thinking there's something more to it.

"Better consumer perception to the price (current and after drops) and pumping out units faster."

Even so fast that they cancel half their initial launch target, are delayed, and then completely bidge-slap an entire region. Yay for faster!

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Not sure I understand what you mean.

O.K. When sony came out with the ps2, it was cool that you can play ps1 games on it. That worth the money. But now there doing it with the ps3.

Play ps2 games and ps1 games. They're gonna keep on doing that until the end of time. They use it as an excuse for a new feature, besides putting anything that's actually new on there.

Nintendo is actually doing something new. The motion sensor capabilities.

I don't know if XBOX 360 is doing the same as PS3, play XBOX games on XBOX 360. What I'm saying is, they need new features besides replaying the past.

Oh, and that mariah carrey thing? They keep playing the same song, "We belong together" over and over again. So I compared it to that. With a little humor.

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That song seriously made me mad. For real. Like punch a baby in the face, break it's nose mad. And no X360 doesn't play all Xbox games. Kind of makes me mad actually as I'd love to play Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future if I bought an X360. And for me, and tons of other people, who may possibly switch companies and for people who own older systems backwards compatability is important. If it weren't for the DCs lack of backwards compatablity I would have been able to play NiGHTS and Burning Rangers.

As far as features the only thing I truly want from a console is online multiplayer, gaming, and the ability to play music. All of those are old technologies. If you can allow me to watch movies on there so be it, I just don't want the price jacked up so that I can watch movies because I have like 5 other devices for doing that already (portable DVD player, old DVD player in my room, 5-disc DVD player in living room, a VHS in my sister's room, and a computer).

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Exactly! So for that amount of money, they should put a new feature into instead of reusing the old methods and jack up the prices. Hell, for all that, mp3, dvd, etc. I can get that for under $100. So unless it can do something new, and exciting, there is no reason to jack up the price like that, its a real turn off.

Mariah Carrey: She really needs to come out with a new song or don't replay the latest song repeatedly. I swear to god I want to rip my radio out of the car sometimes.

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