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This just in: Oblivion on PSP will suck.


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Basically, the PSP version of Oblivion is going to be a dungeon crawl across 10 large levels.

The developers have decided to remove the wide-open, explore-the-landscape experience and simplified the controls, so some fans might get disappointed. Still, the gameplay will be strikingly similar to the original. All the core attributes and perks as well as most of the skills from the original game will be in the PSP version. Great news indeed, most of all for fans of hack-n-slash dungeon crawlers. This is definitely one game to look forward to.

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Oh by jove, its just like an old old Dugeon Hack clone with a watered down Oblivion engine. It probably doesn't have realistic physics, sickeningly good graphics, or interaction with extremely AI bound characters like Oblivion either. And 10 levels is more than enough to say that it isn't the same experience at all.

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So it's like Eye of the Beholder or Dungeon Master? Better than I expected. I was thinking they'd go the Mobile game route. Don't know why people here is expecting a full home console quality version on a portable. Hell, it'd be much >_>

That being said, I don't like (most) WRPGs.

This reminds me.. I haven't heard of anything related to the PSP in a long while outside of Rivals, Crisis Core, and this. What's up with that?

You don't pay attention enough :P From Killzone Liberation to Ace Combat X there's a lot of promising games coming out for it. If I had money to spare (and more interest in portable gaming) I'd buy one. I've seen Tekken DR in action myself and it's freaking sweet.

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This reminds me.. I haven't heard of anything related to the PSP in a long while outside of Rivals, Crisis Core, and this. What's up with that?

The PSP has only one reason for its purpose...

A mobile SEGA Mega Drive and Super Nintendo emulator, everything else is an extra.

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Sef: Psh. The PSP, from what I can see does hardly anything new. It's mainly sequels, ports, and spinoffs of PS2 games. Or.. at least the majority of the stuff you hear about is. For instance Killzone: Liberation and Oblivion PSP. The first is a sequel, the second is simply the PSP version. Both are changing up the style of play in the original because the PSP isn't suited for their original gameplay style. Hmm.. interesting. I'm not saying the DS is totally free of this, but when I think of the DS the big games that come to mind aren't ports that run impressively slower than the original (MC3:DUB) or are a graphical redesign of games that are as much as ten years old (Capcom's PSP games).

I think of Feel the Magic, Nintendogs, Trace Memory, Big Brain Academy, and that doctor game where you cut people open. Granted I also think of the spinoff Mario Hoops 3-on-3, the possibly non-canon Sonic Rush, the countless Pokemon and Megaman X continuations/spinoffs. I suppose you could say "Well.. don't you have a DS?" to which I could easily respond "technically, yes." But it's my sister's and the only game I've purchased for it is Sonic Rush, and the only game I can see myself purchasing in the near future is Puyo Puyo, assuming I can't find Puyo Puyo 4: Fever for a DC burn. So it's not like it's mine and I'm out looking for games all the time. ::shrug::

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Scatta, I listed these because sequels/spinoffs or not, they're awesome. Most of the big titles in DS are sequels or spinoffs too in one way or another, once we rule out the non-games (Nintendogs, Training series and such). But that's the way both portables are: one of them gets the rara-avis and continues the GBA legacy while the other one provides a experience closer to home consoles.

The occassional original IP is there too (Jeanne D'Arc. Exit. LocoRoco. Lumines. EEE...), but I certainly don't mind having a WipeOut spinoff if it turns out to be the BEST racing game I've ever played on a portable. And don't diss the Capcom love, because Sef got around to try Ultimate Gn'G and <3<3<3<3 (as far as several years old redesigns go, plays much better than FFIII DS <_<).

I'm actually in the same situation as you, as I got my sister to buy a DS and just used it for Sonic Rush. Haven't touched the thing in ages, only games I see appealing now are Ouendan (!) and Contact :/

btw, the doctor game is Trauma Center :P

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Yes, but when you go into a room and say "PSP" the first thing that comes to mind won't be LocoRoco, Lumines, Jeanne D'Arc or Exit. It'll be Midnight Club 3, Liberty City/Vice City Stories, Metal Gear Ac!d, etc.

And at least the ports/spinoffs on the DS don't take forever to load and run infinitely slower. I'm not saying the PSP sucks, don't get me wrong.

Err.. how the hell did you get to play FFIII DS? And you're forgetting one huge thing, my friend. FFIII was never release outside of Japan, so it's not the same at all. Bad example. There's a vast difference. Not only are people outside of Japan getting to play it for the first time, but it's also getting a graphical redesign.

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Regarding FFIII, I was sent some gameplay videos a while ago and battles had noticeable slowdown, whereas UGnG's framerate was more stable (and had more crap on screen at that). That could have been fixed by now, I can't recall how long it has been since I saw these...

Concerning load times, that's up to the developer and hardware. Some games have them short or none at all (see: Daxter). Alternatively, if they made the game cache some data into the Duo flash cards thingies (or however they're called) the issue would be alliviated.

And lastly, the image you get from the console is not up to the system itself, it's marketing and such. But as said before, I'll take Namco's incredible portable fighter over any of the tasteless training games even if it scores -10 in the originality scale :P [/opinion] I'm one of the people who find the "portable home console" idea as a pro rather than as a con.

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I never said I disliked "portable home consoles." And no one says you need to buy a training game.

Err.. we're getting off topic. Ehm.. Oblivion.. more like.. I'll remember how bad this is. Lawl. Get it.. opposite of oblivious.. which is like oblivion the game name. Haha. Err.. now I think we're on-topic again.

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I tried Oblivion (PC) once.

It was a much better experience than Morrowind, in fact it lasted me for twice as long. Twice the fun! That's why I wouldn't touch Oblivion PSP even if I had the portable.

My total Morrowind playtime adds up to 30 minutes ^_^

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Oblivion is awesome. This is not. Thats really all there is to it. People don't play Oblivion because it has incredibly deep combat or anything though... it doesn't. People play Oblivion because it has the single most immersive experience of any game to date. The sheer detail of the world is why people play TES games.

Actually, thats one of the same reasons GTA:SA was so popular. <3 GTA:SA

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