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Everything posted by P3DR0

    1. lone8643


      so let's raise the bar in a course to the stars..ROCKET!

  1. Welp, it looks cool and all, but the lava doesn't really fit in. It needs some better color scheme and less contrast with the sky. Remember that lava tends to release smoke into the athmosphere and gives off light as well. So it's pratically impossible that a region filled with lava would have such clear skies. For me, especially after Lost World, it looks like orange juice.
  2. That Zeena looks great, Shimbs. I'd love to see the rest of the Deadly Six in your artstyle.
  3. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGFWEoCGhi8 - Japanese commercials, love 'em or hate 'em.
    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Snowy roads ARE scary. I live in Nevada, so I don't have to worry 'bout it.

  5. #swag #yolo #jesus #SWMLooking4STR

    1. Crow the BOOLET
    2. Stritix


      #person #myself #uncle #eater

    3. Jassbec



  6. I would like to see the box2D physics applied to Sonic Worlds in a way much like that Sonic '06 fangame did where Sonic would interact with the objects but wouldn't "collide" with them. Just for eye-candy really, where instead of having cheap ways to make destructible objects, we could have more "realist" ways. Not sure if can be done, though.
  7. Nice. Way to bump a 5 years old thread. Welp, now the damage is done I might as well...
  8. Going to sleep now. Good night, Sonic Fan Games United/Sonic United Headquarters. See you tomorrow, with more tweets, more people and hopefully, more Rael. Love you all; #gone #bedtime #masturbationfirst

    1. Jassbec



      Oh dear lord.

  9. I need to pickup where I left it. I believe I'm 3 or 4 episodes off. I love the designs and the animation itself. The over-the-top action is suberb and it's pretty funny once you get the jokes on anime stereotypes. Even though I'm not a big anime fan, I'm truly able to enjoy this. :3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OverbounD


      More like https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5170721/sfghqlogo.png but it's still kind of shitty it's only a rough draft.

    3. P3DR0


      that looks shit mine looks perfect u jelly cus mine beutiful and u shit. pls die.

    4. GSF


      I'm saving that for next April Fools.

  10. P3DR0

    Forum themes

    Could we like, change the background color (or the text color) of the twitter feed on the right of the main page? Is pretty hard to read my tweets.
  11. I'm pooping atm. LMAO ROFL OMFG #sostinky #dirtybuttcheeks #poopstuckinmypubichair

    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      10/10 Best status update evar. Would read again.

    2. OverbounD


      What his this theme of poop jokes since the move? Genoa changes his name to butthole, Rawr posts and status update of butt, and now this. WTF!

    3. Clouder
  12. P3DR0

    Forum themes

    Phew, that's much better. Thanks for that, gsoft. It would be nice if we could get some more themes, though. Or at least an updated version of the SFGHQ's theme. Perhaps even let the community work around with some designs and redesigns.
  13. So this place is like a retarded love-child of Social Networks and Forums?

    1. OverbounD


      It does have some social features similar to Sonic Retro as it runs on the same software. Let's be friends!

    2. Crow the BOOLET
    3. GSF


      But they run 3.1.4, we're on a newer version, whee~

      Although retro has the Up-Down-Left-Right-A-Enter cheat code thing... We need something like that here

  14. That looks great, Highwire. The new light adjustments makes it looks suberb and give that look that Jeli mentioned, not too realistic, not too cartoony, right in the middle. Which is a great look if you ask me.
  15. Damn Highwire, this is looking better every new update.
  16. I like the cooldown idea, but the location of the bar is terrible. Also for the dynamic combat you are going for the whole "per turn" menu is unnecessary awful, you can't defend while selecting an attack, you can't see what move your opponent use and the whole package. It's a neat idea, but the menus need to be extra dynamic for it to work as you intend (or as I've understood how it will work). But neat stuff none the less, looking foward.
  17. That's sweet, Strong Gust. Boy, I hope you add some slippery physics to the floor (if this is something other than a mockup). And, of course, some water gimmicks. :3
  18. Now that is so much better, Highwire. The shadow maps should be on a bigger res but that's ok. Now, don't get me wrong, your scene is coming along better by every update, altough it's missing character, a story to tell. For that, all you gotta do is put in some decals in those containers and the white barriers things (I personally prefer the ones on the first screenshot with the red stripes), add in a few extra meshes like some cranes perhaps and add in a bit of vertex painting here and there with some water puddles, cracks and vegetation perhaps, just to break up the flow a bit. Nothing too fancy, I guess, perhaps in the containers you could add some parts where the tint worn out, maybe from rain or from the contact with other containers. You could work this out with texture variations like, say, having a different version of the same material but with a different texture with some metal marks. Don't go too over-the-top with it or else you'll create too much unnecessary noise, but just tiny details. For the water puddles/cracks and vegetation on the ground I believe vertex painting is the ideal choice here. It may not even make much sense, but gives some character to the scene and will help to create variation without having to throw in new meshes. ( - a good Vertex Painting tutorial, I suggest watching both part 1 and 2).Another cool thing that I would add if I were you are some particles in the sky of some seagulls flying by perhaps. Since they're going to be high in the sky, you can pull it off with 2D textures instead of needing to use 3D models and since details don't really matter much and if I remember correctly, you're good at drawing so you could probably pull it of drawing the seagulls yourself, just a 4 frames animation should do the trick just fine. A quick google search will give you a few ideas of how the wings move and stuff like that. ( - Tutorial on animating particles and introduction to the particle system in UDK)It's coming along great, man. Congratz.
  19. Now that is pretty cool, Highwire. I would still mess around with those lights and shadows if I were you they're still on the dark side, especially on Sonic. Don't feel scared of going with lighter and saturated shadows, even if you're trying to achieve a "realistic" look. Go to View > World Properties and mess around with the Environment Color value and make those shadows saturated and blue-ish tinted: http://i.imgur.com/FT8mS.jpg (found this image at the Epic Forums). If things get way too saturated for you, you can always add a Post Processing Chain or reduce the saturation. But honestly, when it comes to shadows, even in non-Sonic games I always feel that the more saturated the better: http://techgage.com/reviews/gaming/sleeping_dogs/sleeping_dogs_10.jpg Also check this out: This is a very helpful feature that I found out a while ago, and good lord, this is really something. Good lights and shadows are one of the things that will decide if your environment looks amazing, or shit. You can have the most impressive meshes and textures in there, but if you're using a white/black light/shadow, it will look like shit. I'm really proud of the light in this scene that I did a while back:
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