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Everything posted by Asuma

  1. Ristar, are you able to mimic Sound Advance style?
  2. Sonic Unleashed = Sonic Star Online. Egg Wyvern Eggmland / .I'm sure it's the same composer.
  3. I don't know how it is now, but back when I applied, I was told that making one liners ("Cool!" "That was awesome!") wasn't accepted there. Also, you'll need proper typing keeps. Not like a English teacher, just decent enough. No shortcut-ted words. Basically, proper sentence structure. In short, quality posts. The admins are alright, but I'd say Scared Sun is a bit hi-strung, but overall she seems to care for community, which is nice. Personally, I like this, because it keeps out the kids who think it's cool to type "leik dis".
  4. Awesome. Looks like the models ripped from Sonic Heroes, either way, it still looks awesome.
  5. If you avoid using always, how you would you keep offscreen enemies from fall trough the floor? Even with the "Handle background collision" option checked?
  6. If I knew as much about programming as you do, I;d make me own game editor.
  7. I'd personally like to see a non laggy or no slow level up system using loops. You know, one that has instant level up. Like If I get 1,000,000 EXP, I'd instantly level up to level 300, or it I set my EXP to 1,000,000 I'd get to level 300. Instead of the exp increasing every so slightly. If I still had the source, I'd post. I might be able get one up though.
  8. I believe was a workaround for that, Serephim. I believe I asked Lark about that like 2 years ago.
  9. I believe to write shaders for UDK you can use the material editor or a separate program. It's best to ask at UDK forums.
  10. What do you mean by lightning? Using lightmaps, lighting a map, or texture-based lightning?
  11. Test graphics. Although, it may become some more. If I decide to push my idea that is.
  12. MMF2 isn't as great as you think. If Construct wasn't so buggy, it would hold candle to MMF2 with extra wax.
  13. Unemployed. Looking, but I have no job experience what so ever, so it;s going to be hard unless I know someone.
  14. yeah, further in production. I won't mind helping. I honestly don't like GM, but too be honest, I never tired myself. I could find an abundance of visual GML tutorials, I'd give it ago.
  15. If you're serious about this, why not talk to DW and see if you can get a Sonic Dash sub-forum?
  16. I don't like how Pepsi taste, so, I drink coke whenever I go to the fast food restaurant. If they don't have coke, then I'll either choose Hi-C Fruit Punch, Minute Maid Lemonade, Raspberry/Lemon/Peach Iced tea, or Peach flavor drinks.
  17. SAGE is just going to get harder and harder to manage. Tensions are going rise, people will get frustrated, blame arrows will start flying and piercing each.
  18. First, you need to have HWA enabled on MMF2. In the workspace toolbar, click on the name of the of your project. Click the Runtime options and change the "Display Option" to Direct3D 9/8. Effects goes in the effects folder. You can change effects by click on the objects property window and changing the effect option. ...Multimedia Fusion 2/Effects You'll see two files. XML and FX. They'll look like this when opened in any text editor. (From the BlendExample.xml, BlendExample.fx) XML <effect> <name>Blend Shader Example</name> <description>Simple example of shader with one parameter</description> <parameter> // Name of parameter property <name>Blend Coef (float)</name> // Parameter name (in the .fx file) <code>fBlend</code> // Description <description>Simple example of parameter</description> // Type (int, float or int_float4) <type>float</type> // Property type (EDIT, SLIDER, SPIN, CHECKBOX, COLOR) <property>edit</property> // Default value <value>1.0</value> // Optional : min and max values, not used by all the parameters //<min>0.0</min> //<max>1.0</max> </parameter> </effect> FX // Pixel shader input structure struct PS_INPUT { float4 Position : POSITION; float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0; }; // Pixel shader output structure struct PS_OUTPUT { float4 Color : COLOR0; }; // Global variables sampler2D Tex0; // Bled coefficient float fBlend; PS_OUTPUT ps_main( in PS_INPUT In ) { PS_OUTPUT Out; Out.Color = tex2D(Tex0, In.Texture) * fBlend; return Out; } // Effect technique technique tech_main { pass P0 { // shaders VertexShader = NULL; PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 ps_main(); } } As DW said, XML is just the description file. The FX contains the information and code for the shader.
  19. Something I've wondered. In The Construct, they prefer the use Function instead of using Loop. Are Functions faster, or better for optimization? I know MMF has Function object, but I think it's rather dated.
  20. They know about the poor, erm less desirable object handling in MMF2. Their excuse for not fixing it is due to the fact that will break people who haven't updated or something like that. Construct has a better object system. You can define different values for one object. They are working on C2, but C1 is still pretty good, despite that it crashes often. But it is OS, so if any want ot take a crack at it. It's on the SVN. But, I'll save that for another topic. It's nice to see people trying to work around MF2.
  21. Yea, when you think about it, look at cartoon shows, there has been death or even darker, or more suggestive themes. Like that Spongebob movie.
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