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Everything posted by sonicyoda

  1. Does it include everything in the entire thread or just the stuff I uploaded?
  2. Ahem. Probably best you read this before you say something like that again.
  3. Get it in this topic Diablo! Keep the dream alive! Earn your place in Sonic fangaming history etc!
  4. Seriously, what's the point? I actually don't care what this guy has to offer if it's going to look like those images and if you continue to show any sort of interest in his "project" then you're only feeding his inferiority complex. I'm sure some people on YouTube will think it's the best thing they've ever seen. That should keep him happy. I'm sorry.
  5. Well it sounds kinda cool, but does it actually mean anything?
  6. Okay then, hit us up with a demo (or a video at the very least) and prove us all wrong. Then why did you bother sharing? Look man, get off your high horse and do this properly. You can't just expect constructive criticism for a wall of text and some ugly screenshots. You want people to take you seriously? Give them a rolling demo (AKA video) or allow them to play a portion of the game that gives an accurate representation of your "vision". Yes, I realise graphics aren't everything but decent graphics will endear more people to your game because it shows you care about presentation. A well presented product is absolutely key in gaining people's interest. If you can't deliver this then you should have thought about keeping this under wraps for a little longer until you had something decent to show. One last thing, gamers don't want to see massive descriptions of every individual thing that will be included in your game. They want quick, precise points about what to expect otherwise they'll just look elsewhere. At the moment, the only thing that's made me come back to this forum is the fact you're kicking up a big fuss and not that you've got some kart-racing gimmick in there I want to play. I actually don't care about that in the slightest. After all, this should be a Sonic game and your first port of call should be solid platforming and great level design. Worry about gimmicks later.
  7. The entire soundtrack for the Amiga game Shadow of the Beast. It's just the best, atmospheric game soundtrack I've ever heard. Proper creepy aswell. It was also re-recorded in a studio for an album called 'Immortal' back in '99 methinks. www.amiga-immortal.com was the site, don't know if it's still active.
  8. Dude! It looks like this game has travelled from 1999 and ended up in 2011! Seriously though man; we have a little engine called Sonic Worlds. You might wanna scrap this, download that engine, play around with it a bit then come back later when you've got something better than this. I can't really critique something that looks like one of the worst fan-games I've ever seen. Sorry to be harsh.
  9. Homestar fans unite! On a serious note, the key to a good band name is simple: 1) Pick a noun 2) Add an 'S' Kings. Vipers. Dogs. Generators. Gods. Rifles. You can have that lot for free. Also, shameless plug! http://pigeonsofdeath.bandcamp.com
  10. But I had to! You can't tell someone not to do something without some idiot going and doing it! I wanted to be that idiot! Especially as it had bugger all to do with what was actually going on in this topic! Anyway, enough of that. I loved this. Egoraptor has always been ridonkulously funny and this was no exception. I loved the shorts he did for the Street Fighter Collab as well. "I'd-like-some-pound-cake!" Also, this is going to have to be my new exclamation; "damn, that bitch gave birth!"
  11. Putting that in Babel Fish Translator and setting it to Portugese to English gives me 'PUTA THAT GIVE BIRTH'. And in Google Translate I get 'THAT BITCH PARIU'. So if I put two and two together surely that translates to 'THAT BITCH GAVE BIRTH'. ... What the fucking fuck?
  12. Featured at SEGADriven.com by the way http://sega.sonicstadium.org/2011/02/08/fan-scene-sonic-2k6-2d-final-version-released/
  13. He's actually using Sonic Worlds. No probs buddy. You'll find most people here try to offer more construcive criticism than you're standard 'WTF IS THIS SHIT!?!?11?!!' you might get elsewhere.
  14. That's cool, but why is it 119 meg when it only has 3 stages? You need to compress this down my friend.
  15. First off, 119mg for a demo!?!?! You crazy Jesus. The tiles you're using could work well together but you've literally just cut bits out of them and tried to fit them together. Also, they're all a bit off and don't mesh together correctly. Please allow the player to move around the menu with the keys and select with the space bar or something. There's no indication that the mouse should be used for the menus (like the text flashing when you hover over it) and it just doesn't feel right. Don't use Photoshop blur on the backgrounds; it contrasts with the foreground and looks rubbish. You need to design a more interesting level. I literally blasted through the first act in 20 seconds. Where's Sonic's spring animation? He's always in a ball. I realise you're having issues with parallax backgrounds so you should probably ask in the Fangaming Assistance board or look on the site (www.sonicfangameshq.com) for some tutorials. You can also check the sticky topics in that board. Your game really needs some parallax to give the graphics a nice little boost. Welcome to the forum as well
  16. Gold = too bright. Doesn't go with the scenery. To stark a contrast. Silver = you can barely see them against the rock face. I'd recommend making them bronze and see how that looks. @Blaze You've made me a very happy man. Nostalgia! Please release Shadow of Chaos as well. That game was a proper laugh!
  17. I'm with FGR; sprites look great in the screenshot. You've got the 32 bit style down perfect.
  18. Graphics are fine but they're a bit 'advancey' for the 16 bit sprites. Perhaps it would be better to use Advance sprites or change the shading to match the 16 bit feel. Also, the grass shadow is far too big. Draw it in a bit.
  19. Amazing LH. Gorgeous looking stage. The underwater background is loads better.
  20. I've gotta say, the cutscenes were really well animated. Well done! I enjoyed the third act of Hilltop Heights but though the section were you jump up the platforms in the tree was a bit odd. You need to make it a little easier to see the character through the leaves. Also, how come Starlight Carnival was so ridiculously short? Just a taster of what's to come?
  21. This stage is for the Sonic Worlds Level Collab and the red rings were just an interesting feature they decided to include. I suppose the counter could be a little smaller but I think the idea with the collab is to just create some random stages out of existing graphics, hence why the counter doesn't fit right. It's not a big issue but anything LH changes has to go for the whole project.
  22. This is amazing! Really impressed with the way you've made the sprites work in this perspective.
  23. Happy New Year guys. Someone at the party I was at downed a pint of JD and stacked it, smashing his head against a table in the process. There was blood. 5 minutes before midnight aswell!
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