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Anyone play Trickster yet?

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It just launched on friday, though it's been around in other languages (I've been praying for an International version) and I registered, though I never installed it on my laptop (it's all the way upstairs ;_;)

Anyways, it's gotten fairly popular, and looks really neat. Someone tell me if it's worth the harddrive space or not.

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I was tempted to try this until I noticed the size of the download. Normally wouldn't be a problem but at the moment I'm stuck on a 5gb limit. I'm tempted to just ignore it completely. Looks spiffy anyway...admittedly looks exactly the same as other KRPGs but I'm bored and need something new.

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I believe this character choice thingy says everything that needs to be said...

I shall post one of those that I have chosen at random.

Type of Character CAT


Job and Type

Model, Charm Type


A female character who enjoys wearing revealing outfits. She is full of self-confidence and knows how beautiful she looks.

Reason for coming to Caballa Island

A rising star model who has won a couple of beauty contests. She has been cast to play the leading role in an upcoming blockbuster “Cleopatra.” She comes to the island to make money to purchase ravish and expensive costumes for her movie.


Honestly, these Korean MMORPGs are all the bloody same... just another freakin doll house.

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I'm the kinda guy who gets excited just by looking at art. I don't like most PC games at stores cause they're all "UURG REALISM" so I get happy when I see neat little anime or whatever for a game.

I know it's shallow, but I've gotten to the point where I can actually judge a game, manga, movie, etc, just by it's cover or what have you. I dunno, it's wierd. I've prooven myself wrong a few times, though (I love DDR, though I thought I was too cool for it back in the day) so I'm not TOO narrow minded >_>

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I mean, I watch it today and I love it. I dunno. I can't think of a good analogy. Art doesn;t have to be cutting edge for me to like it (though, I'll contradict myself and say I tend to be picky about what I like)

If I see a manga with a neat cover, I'll open it and look at the art on the pages. If it looks nice, I'll usually buy it.

Eraysor, don't forget the KH2 world :)

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...there's a Steamboat Willie world in KH2?

Why is this game not out in Europe yet >_<

That's odd...compain to Squenix.

But yea, the Steamboat Willie world ownz, but it's too short. Still awesome, though. They totally had the effects and everything (the projector sounds, the cowbell when people shake hands or something, etc ^_^)

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How would you actually be able to make them different? I mean, if you're looking for an MMORPG this is the sort of thing you would want. Just like if you wanted an FPS, you'd go for a game where you shoot things from a first person perspective...

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I dunno...I think they could make MMORPGs varied. I mean, RPGs themselves are varied greatly. Look at all the different combat systems and such.

My biggest peeves about MMORPGs:

pay to play; I paid $50 for the game, I'm not paying more money.

Fetch quests

Long hours leveling up

A lot of them look the same (which, I guess contradicts my whole argument. YAY!)

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This game isn't all that great.


1) Logging on from the website. You can't log on using the client, everytime you start the game you need to go to their website.

2) It's only compatible with IE. Blows.

3) When you do eventually log on, the servers are so ____ing packed that the chances of actually getting on first try are low. Even if you do, it takes ages to log in.

4) Lag.

5) Picking items up is a bitch. Possibly due to lag, but it's really really annoying.

6) Slow attack speed. Dear god you attack like once a year. It's horrible :(

But it's not too terrible. The graphics are pretty and it's somewhat similar to RO, so yeh.

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so really the big issue is the lag and the website. The game is new and it's gotten popular from what I've heard, so later on it'll probably be a little better, like more servers or something...


Well personally I hate the not-picking-up items thing.

But yeh,those are the biggest problems.

Oh, another is that it can be trouble getting on (like last night, there was a trouble with logging onto the site). Means people AFK a lot, clogging the servers making it HARDER to get on.

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