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Bingo The Multiva (Now with Public Beta!)


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Dont mean ti bring out the "ripoff!!" Bandwagon, but a lot of the changes in this game feel eerily similar to freedom planet. Could be pure coincidence, but thought it was worth pointing out.

I honestly don't see how this looks like Freedom Planet: that games combines combat with relatively high-speed platforming, while this game is all about the latter, and the characters look really different from FP too. The only thing I could really say is that the art styles are similar, but FP used Sonic's art style anyway, while this game has original aspects added to it.

EDIT: Now that you mention it, the character screen looks very similar to FP's. I don't think it's a bad thing, but yeah, you can see that Plom (probably) got inspired by it.

Edited by WreckingPrograms
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What lies at the bottom of this dark cave? Is it certain doom? Just be sure that you don't make a mistake or you might have to traverse this place more than you need to.


While on the topic of how this game may be like Freedom Planet, it clearly isn't the same thing. Of course, I am taking notes from that game but not everything is a carbon copy. I will admit that Salamon's abilities are inspired by FP as I didn't want to make him "Tails" and give him a blaster. Another example of inspiration can be the Forbidden Ruins. I see it as the game has more inspiration from Sonic Lost World than anything else, if anyone remembers that there was a sprint button very early on.


Also, just because I said that there may be "certain doom" if you fall, doesn't necessarily mean that there will be bottomless pits. I won't spoil what happens if you do fall off, but you won't find out in the NCFC build since this level is still being worked on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With NCFC 2014 right around the corner, I might as well share the download links to the v1.4.0 beta of Bingo The Multiva!








I'll also supply some screenshots that relate to the new build.





I hope you guys have fun with the new beta!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Out of complete boredom, I decided to make a sprite of Bingo in the Freedom Planet style.


bingo_and_lilac.png 1x Size

bingo_and_lilac_x4.png4x Size


Not quite an update for the actual game itself, but something I wanted to share with you all. In other news, NCFC is officially over. I do hope that you guys enjoyed the newest beta so far. There may even be more content to play once SAGE 2015 is here. While I'm on the topic of additional content, I'm still looking for a CHARACTER SPRITE ARTIST as I don't feel confident enough to make sprites for the rival characters. I might bump my help thread to see if anyone would be willing to help.

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Here's a short preview for another boss. Well, the arena so to speak. Unlike the Darth Boss fight, there is some level before the arena to collect some coins. I'll post another video when I have the actual boss implemented.


On a side note, I'm noticing that I'm the only one posting on this thread. At this point, I'm kind of treating this thread like a "dev blog" of sorts. I still appreciate comments on anything I post though.

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I REALLY liked the fact that you even have a mobile version. That's really cool and- since I played that version, that's the one I'll talk about. I'm not sure if this is my phone or the game but the framerate kept dropping and sometimes stayed very low, it only surprises me because I've ran emulated DS games before 3D and 2D which didn't have the problem.


But on to the game! I really liked it, both characters played very well and it seems you fixed the jumping acceleration I believe because now jumping to other platforms is no longer hard to do. The special moves are a bit weak seeing as the meter refills REALLY slow unless collect coins. Everything plays great so far and seems very well put together.


I did get a glitch where everything besides the tiles of the map turned into hitboxes though. All I saw were white flashing boxes for each thing, enemies, rings, player, and a couple more like springs. 


Some things I didn't like were the fact that roll still is pretty ineffective and the specials are pretty underwhelming (salamon to be more specific) and special recoveries are too long in my opinion. Gameplay could use s'more "spice" but it's fine and the levels could use some lengthening but since there's so many it's okay.


edit: Oh yea mobile d-pad could use some enlarging. Not the actual graphic but the touch radius or whatever.

Edited by Light The Hedgehog
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Now that i played the game myself i can say that...this game doesnt do a good job of being very..fun or memorable. All the levels feel very cookie-cutter, with some aesthetic changes that dont mean much. The gimmicks and character moveset are straight copies of freedom planet(like the gems in the temple level are straight out of battle glacier, even some of the layout of them is similar). The game also has an overall lack of polish, i found myself getting stuck in slopes all the time or just stopping for no real reason. 

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Now that i played the game myself i can say that...this game doesnt do a good job of being very..fun or memorable. All the levels feel very cookie-cutter, with some aesthetic changes that dont mean much. The gimmicks and character moveset are straight copies of freedom planet(like the gems in the temple level are straight out of battle glacier, even some of the layout of them is similar). The game also has an overall lack of polish, i found myself getting stuck in slopes all the time or just stopping for no real reason.

I wouldn't say this at all feels similar to freedom planet besides the special meter which other games have and handle the same. I saw a few pages back the same thing was mentioned but I don't see it. If anything these moves are straight out of Sonic with a special meter attached. Boost / Air Boost - Flight / Tailspin thing. So no I do not agree. I can however agree on the lack of polish.

This game could either use an engine revamp or a complete change of engines and then porting everything over. The slopes are a bit broken which slows gameplay. The levels were good enough to me and while they can use more specific gimmicks, they're enjoyable enough.

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Then i would say you havent played freedom planet. or at least not very much. I really dont want to call the ripoff card, but this isnt even trying to differentiate the gimmicks really, it feels like it was ripped straight from there and implemented as a much lazier version.

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Please don't start this shit again. You don't need to point fingers at BTS everytime someone starts a classic sonic fangame, or Freedom Planet everytime someone posts a sonic-derived original.


They're all literally built off Sonic engines, making them derivative by nature. The comparisons are worthless. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd like to give an update that I haven't quite made any progress on Bingo The Multiva since I have school. I would like to give a simple question as to how I should continue the game.


Would anyone mind if I still kept the 24 Levels per World mindset or should I restructure the game to where every level trope is its own world as a 2 or 3 act structure?


I personally feel like while the 24 levels is nice considering the different tropes, it may be a bit too much since there will be a point when there will be too many repeated ideas and themes going on. The good thing about doing the 2 or 3 act structure is that I have enough themes to be considered their own world. (Plus, no more Desert level is the 2nd world) As well as varied tropes, that can also mean more bosses as well as a story that's more to the point rather than having a slow start. If I do go with the structured route, the only changes that will be made is just either removing or merging existing levels together and scraping the ones that won't necessarily fit. (ex. gimmick based levels)


I don't want to rush my projects nor do I want to be remembered as someone who rushes their games. What do you guys think I should do? Continue with my current plan or restructure? Feedback is going to be needed on this so I can come to a clear decision.

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I think having 24 stages per one world is way too much. Even if each stage might be less than a minute long... say 30 seconds at the most minimum, you're looking at over 48 minutes worth of gameplay. No doubt that would be a drag even for the most dedicated players and as you mention, time would be better spent on other areas of the game than repeating the same ideas ad nauseum, as they say less is more.


How many worlds are there exactly? Sorry if I missed it mentioned in this thread.

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With the original plan, there would only be 3 worlds, so it would be at least 72 levels to go through. However, since I did say I had enough level tropes to be their own worlds and by going with the 2 act structure with a mini boss and major boss, the 72 levels would be GREATLY reduced to roughly about 30 levels. If I haven't mentioned this yet, restructuring the game in this way wouldn't mean I lost any time with making levels. Only that a few will be cut in favor of the new structure.


Right now I'm almost convinced about doing 2 "acts" and 2 bosses per world as I feel that this would be better for the game. Any thoughts?

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What about 3 acts + a boss per world? This would be better. Also as what as I can remember from NCFC, it's a nice game ruined with bad physics. The character accelerates very slow and collisions are bad. But musics and graphics are awesome, I especially loved Drawing For Children stage, it looks very nice :P.

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I don't like how the pause screen is a solid black screen, rather than showing the game paused. Showing the game during a pause screen is a good way to remind players of their progress even if they've forgotten.


Also, I suggest three worlds with three sub-worlds each. Each sub-world would have 2 acts.

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But musics [...] are awesome

i wonder why


I should probably be privately Skyping this to you instead, but I think somewhere around 3 to 5 stages per world would be nice, yeah. It's going to be a whole less work on your part, and if I'm not misinformed there's not too few worlds to go around, anyway. That should get you an estimate of anywhere from 30 to 50 stages, right? I'unno, considering I'm a Mario fan I guess I'm perfectly cool with having multiple stages using the same kind of level trope.

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Yeah I think 2 stages with a miniboss and boss is the sweet spot and I'd recommend going forward with that. Since you're not losing any great amount of work you can stick with the new design (Perhaps the cut content, if good enough, work as secret levels?)


If you want to use 3 stages at some point, save it for something towards the end of the game as challenging level (IE. Metropolis Zone.)

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  • 2 weeks later...



As promised, I brought you all my gift that I've been hinting at. A new demo for Bingo The Multiva!




There are major changes in this build. An obvious change is the lack of a level select menu. I plan on reworking that since I'll be going with the 2 act 2 bosses structure which is demonstrated here. You'll be going through 2 new Verdant Valley levels, face a new boss, and fight Darth at the end. There may be some small oddities here and there, but I will mention that some tracks are still unfinished. Even though the music for the first boss may sound like a complete track, I will need some suitable mini-boss music to go along with it.


As always, critiques will be appreciated and I want to know if this structure is good for anyone. I don't want to be THAT guy, but I wouldn't mind if anyone would to like to record the demo. Videos also help with figuring out what works and what doesn't.


I hope you guys enjoy the demo!

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