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The Christmas and other festivities thread


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Since Christmas is happening in some countries right now, with the rest of the world not too far behind I thought I'd create a general fesitive thread here. :) Feel free to post about your presents, how your day went, what you celebrated, etc. Did your wishes come true? Did you have a great time? Post it here! ^_^

My Christmas actually went really great for once! I had a great time.

In terms of gifts, I got a ton of chocolate. I also got an Angry Birds stocking filled with candy canes and marshmallows, a pyjama t-shirt, a Disney bauble with cookies inside, and a Pokemon DVD movie (Genesect and the Legend Awakened).

The food was good too. I never want to see that much food ever again. @__@

Edited by Lhancat
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It's 11:22 for me, and almost Christmas. Christmas Eve went OK for me, although it's just like any other day with the exception of going to church midnight.


It's unpredictable of how my Christmas day will go. Maybe it will be the best day of my life, or possibly the worst. I do know that my dad will buy me a bike.



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So far I got a shirt, a sweater, a vest, and some money. Since I always seem to gain like 20 lbs by the end of the year I have to lose it to enjoy the presents...kinda sucks but it's my own fault. I always get really ?anxious? around Christmas cuz my family's so huge and I don't really know them so well, so I doubt I'll be able to break away and hang out w/ my cousins...if anything it'll be like another Mission Impossible scenario...just like last year "Ok I don't think they'll see past this window...ok my mom's turning to talk to your dad, GO GO GO!" duh duh duh du du duh duh XD

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Merry Christmas!

My roommate got me a new computer desk. It's nice, cherrywood, was a little headache to put together but aren't they all.


My mom got me a Ninja Turtles t-shirt, a funny cat book, cat "dress-up" magnets (a cat magnet and a bunch of "outfit" magnets, including a Santa hat and beard, so guess what he's wearing today haha), and $50 which was a nice touch. ;)


I got my roomie the Ahh! Real Monsters Complete Series dvd set. I also got her a couple of "pre Christmas" gifts: The Ove Glove and the Potato Express. Alas the Potato Express, a potato pouch claiming to cook potatoes "in 4 minutes" in the microwave fell short (it didn't cook any faster than the regular microwave without the pouch). The Ove Glove they sent me was the left hand, even though I ordered the right, but it works well. I also plan to get her a blanket she's been wanting but I have to wait until January. Fixed incomes are a pain. XP


Anyway, hope everyone has a good holiday!

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