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Falling Painel and act 2 in same frame.


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Hello there!, i will try create a new system of acts in a zone, like in the same frame, the act 1 go to act 2, but... I dont know how do this, i need a help to do the falling sign, and the act 1 to act 2 in the same frame, help!

Engine: Sonic Worlds Delta 1.2


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I believe the key would be trying to make it LOOK like It's the same area (have something in the foreground before the sub-boss, to obscure the player's view), or making a mechanism in which you re-create the sub-boss room in the seccond act, and make it so depending on where the player was when the sign fell, they appear in that area on the seccond act's mockup. (both acts have a similar section, touch sign, and when you touch the sign, the game detects where you are in that small section, and in the seccond act, it sends you to that same section in the copy).

If it got hard to follow, ask me and i'll try to simplify.

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Creating the falling sign and making it appear shouldn't be too hard. Spawn it after the boss is destroyed, relative to the character position.

As for the bouncing thing, check out how the hidden monitors (usually on trees) can be knocked down by hitting them from below, and apply similar events from there. The sign should behave like a character jumping, just apply the same kind of "gravity" as the character has, but make it so that it accelerates slower.

Lastly, the hidden objects could be spawned by checking if the sign X position is in a specific range once it hits a floor object.

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Act transitions, in the sense of how Sonic 3 & Knuckles actually does them, isn't currently available in Worlds Delta. You could cheat and have all the level data for acts 1 and 2 in the same frame, but as Dimension Winnie said, it's going to hurt performance so badly it just isn't worth it.

Sonic 3&K do it by streaming level data. It creates the illusion that there is just one big continuous stretch of level, but in fact level data is craftily loaded behind the scenes while you're playing. (Generally, as soon as the sign lands and the score tally begins)

Level streaming is an announced feature of Delta 1.4, which isn't due for an undetermined length of time. So until then, unless you want to cheat and degrade the game's performance...

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