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Sonic DX


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at last.... one again solved! XD



This is my concept and i really want this concept looks same as the pixelated :v

nothing special about this, but as long ima updating this project, nothing to be worried about the cancellalion :v

Look at the first post! something has changed!

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Flat Forest :

This is where the game's start level! XD

Sonic and Tails was crashed in this level, and suddenly, Tails and the rest of emeralds are gone!

(Level Thingies) :

Sonic will running across the trees and bushes. this level supposed to be not too hard, and this level was good for easy level, cause this level will be calm and less badnick (or Minibots for my version). the platform will be trees, normal platforms, and some rocks. And there will be underwater too on Act 2.


Ocean Oddysey :

this level where Sonic was chase Wozo and suddenly found Tails in the end of level (as the reference of Sonic Adventure/DX)

(Level Thingies) :

this level was on Beach and a "little underwater" there. the platform was more like Sonic Advance's Neo Green Hill, i mean.... the wood platform. some of sand was tricky, Sonic can be slippered on some sands. Coconut tree was programmed for fall-able :v . Ocean wave was intended to this level too.


Untitled Level [City/Buldings theme]


Sonic and Tails found a city after awhile journey, but they were encountered by some dark "Minions". they must face them and find the rest of emerald

(Level Thigies) :

this level will be buildings and buildings! some of progress of levels will be inside of Buildings to Downtown. you can destroy some of rooms to find hidden "items" and secret passage



the concept of Sonic trapped in caves (Wozo's Trap) on Frosty Flow, with his "Snoballz".

well, this is the best Sonic "back" design that i ever made, cause i just can't make his face that easly as flipping my own hand. :v



introducing, Wozo the Mad Scientist!

he's the Main Antagonist and Main Boss for Sonic in this game. more likely my "Wizi" design. (wait, Wozo had a relationship with Wizi?yup, more likely Wizi's rival since their kid/past moment)

Wozo was good at "trapping" and making the great plan. but, he's always make mistakes on his plan. this will be implemented to the game


hope i'm not make the connection Between Wizi and Sonic :v

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here you go! Left : New and old : Right

the new one still WIP and will changed if possible. but you can critique, comment, or choose whatever you want.


reference for the new one :

Sonic BTS sonics sprite : overal and shoes

Sonic Time Twisted sonics sprite : shading and some of details


thanx for their spriters, i can edit/make my own :v

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Uknown for Untitled wasn't really "uknown" name. i name it,cause it's kinda never seen that Level name before :v

this level include the flasback (maybe, if i can) and Harder version of DoomsDay.

little back story :

after the crash, he got "amnesia" at some point. he only remeber Tails and too keep the emeralds. but he forgot why or where he got crashed and his last adventure (S3K). well, i guess i'll make the classic one.

btw, the back story still in progress until that story was make sense

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Frosty Flowcomb (yeah, thought Honey"comb" wouldbe good last name)

Reference :

-Ice Cap (Sonic 3K)

-Cyan City AtS :v

Wozo successfully escaped from ruined cave's rooms and get to snowy mountain. Now, Sonic and Tails must get out from the cave and chase him once again! (the start level was on ruined cave for act 1)

P.S : i fell like ima making copy of Ice Cap

(Level's Thigies) :

the slippery and snowy foreground, with some of ice and cold water (cold water can make your breathe shorter than other water) to make more like Winter theme watch out for Cursed Totem Cole, some of statue can make snowball zapper (make Sonic to electricity and lose 2 rings. in electricity, you'l lose 2 ring if get to water and do double if you do it twice and so)



Mystery Massacre

Reference :

- Luigi Mansion (Mario Kart DS and original game)

- Danganronpa Theme (if you don't know, search on google :v )

- Moon Mansion AtS (thanx mr. Lake, your my inspiraton :v)

Wozo still "Wanted" for Sonic! Sonic and Tails Found Cursed Library and wanted to see what's inside!

(Level's Thigies) :

Full of bookshelf, table, chair, and mostly, the GHOST!!!! Cursed Library (or Mystery Massacre) full of traps of enviroment and Ghosts! DX

prepare to be "DIE"!!!


well, too much thingies here, actually.....

but i make another mind to change the engine and "screwing" up those engines :v

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Oh man, I'm loving your level ideas, a snow/honeycomb level, that's pretty badass. The sprites and standing animation are coming along nicely too. I think the Wozo idea seems really out of place, I've never been a fan of putting your original characters in fangames, unless they fit the Sonic style, and a stick figure as the MAIN villain seems a little weird.

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You know,I'm not one to usually like fancharacters in Sonic fangames,but that's because they're mainly Original the Character,usually a shitty Sonic recolor with a fringe slapped in.But I've never actually seen anyone make a Mad Doctor character that replaces Eggman instead,so I'm all for the Wozo idea.

You'll need a better design for it to work though.

For the Sonic sprite,I find it pointless that you added all those countless shades of blue,they add little to the sprite besides making it cluttered and harder for you to work with.

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oh, no! DX

redesign sure hard, but maybe i'll try it

and btw, i got the ending now, to fit in S3K --> SA/DX

er.... but,

(as on Sonic Retro)"Meanwhile, Sonic the Hedgehog, once again looking for excitement and adventure, happened to jump right into the heart of Station Square, the next destination on his vacation plan. Excited to see the sights and sounds, the hedgehog stood atop a skyscraper, taking in the city's bright lights and breathtaking visuals."

that quote not fit or even to faraway from my ending! DX

well, here's the spoiler for the ending,

P.S : plz don't read crappy ending if don't wan to (cause i feel embarasing but i must show the ending for other stories)

The place for the final is "DoomsDay" take it from my old story (i redesign it). after the re-battle was won by Sonic, the Flying Mecha-DX fell to Angel Island. the Angel island was accidentally fell to surface once again, and get a big wave to Sonic and Eggman. cause them to smashed to sea. meanwhile, Tails found that Angel island was fell to surface and started to search Sonic.luckly, Tails got radar dat can detect Sonic (lawl), now he was in Station Square. Sonic got hit by building, but another luck, Sonic had complete emeralds.

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Yay, Thanx =3


Maybe..yeah, but this is the last think that i can do :v

and... oh dear...


somekind of what, it just same as BtS/AtS Max Speed! DX

but it was original by me (i mean, without looking on others) but Mr.Lake was the first made it, sorry Mr.Lake.i force use this cause it's cool to get MaxSpeed =(

so, this MaxSpeed owner was Mr.Lake Feperd! =D

my sprite still 55% done, but maybe i want to start it with my old "only-re-colored" Sprite

Edit : the MaxSpeed must at 0.01 second/frame, but imgur made some trouble

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  • 1 year later...


Just a mockup. And that's 35% of Ocean Oddysey 

But i just got quite of progress. (except for engine)

...i have no idea why im still continue doing this.

well, i leave this mockup here

Edit (Add) :

Concept and Actual Gameart of Ocean Oddysey's Mid-Boss



(Tho, it's not final and i need to change-a-bit of that mid-boss)

Edited by GamerZ1
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