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What can I delete/Where's the camera limit?


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Hi! I'm back with another question!

I want to make a normal map, that has nothing on it, so I can make it from scratch. The problem is, I don't know what can I delete and where's the camera limit a.k.a. the end of the on-screen map. Because I see in the Base World that there's a pile of everything on the left. BUT, I can't get to it because there's an invisible wall and the camera won't even go through it. Also, I want to delete those models too, because it doesn't do anything... But I tried and last time the music went off, the player died at the beginning, the boss got destroyed at the beginning and things like that.

Thanks for helping!

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Don't delete the stuff out of the frame. The code is designed to handle cleaning that all up on its own. If you delete those things yourself, you WILL break the game code.

Camera limits are defined in the frame's properties. There's the size field, and the virtual height/width fields, so you can limit the camera boundaries while in the regular mode. You shouldn't make the virtual width/height larger than the actual size of the playfield.

For boss fights, there are two horizontal red bars and two vertical blue bars, with a yellow line on one side. If you line them up so that the sides with the yellow lines face each other to form a box while NOT having the red/blue parts inside the box, that is your boss camera boundary. Bosses are triggered with the big yellow vertical bar.

For the goal, that is wherever you place the goal sign. You should only have ONE goal sign object in existence. Once the player passes to the right of the sign, the end-of-level sequence begins and the camera locks onto the sign.

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