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Most Ridiculous Anime Hair


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I used to love anime... quite a lot. I'd go out of my way to watch all sorts of cool anime films and stuff, collect manga books and even bought stuff from the How to Draw Manga website.

Then when I turned 16, I sort of realised that 90% of it is really fucking stupid. It was round about the time when Yu Gi Oh, Beyblade, Card Captor Sakura, Hamtaro and other daft stuff was on Cartoon Network aaaall the time.

One of the things I love to find when watching anime these days is the most ridiculous hair.

So, because my favourite retro VG music thread seemed to do quite well, I thought we'd have a "Most Ridiculous Anime Hair" competition.

It can be from manga, anime or japanese games - I just want to see silly hair.

Extra points for mullets!

So to start us off:


I was quite impressed by the amount of relatively normal hairstyles in FF13, until this prick turned up... I mean, how many anime cliches can you fit into one style?

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I wouldn't be seen dead with that hairstyle :P

Also, I only watch the shit that gets localised because I don't really go out of my way to watch undubbed anime.

And regardless of whether it's localised or not, there are still some daft hairstyles. The hairstyles will still be stupid whether they're translated or not.

I used to watch loads of OVAs when they were on SciFi back in the late 90s - stuff like Bubblegum Crash, Golgo 13, Goku Midnight Eye, Roujin Z, Macross etc. and I used to think they were the shit back then. Looking back, I think Golgo 13 was the only decent one.

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Well yes, a lot of the hairstyles are pretty crazy, but that doesn't excuse just writing anime off entirely as 90% shit. Also, I would have that hairstyle (minus the blue) in any state living or dead, and I pretty much do.

That being said, I'm trying really hard to think of some crazy anime hair, but I'm so immune to it from too much anime.


How about this guy? He appears to have a few lines shaved into the side of his hair and then slicked back hair as well.

EDIT: Well fuck everyone else loses.

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Well, he's a policeman. But he sucks. All his praises are thanks to his little sister's deduction skills.

Protagonist goes all WTF when he sees that haircut at first.

So yeah, he's a totally-not-serious character.

I wiiiiiiiiin. <3

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First of all, Grevil's hair is RIDIC. I LOVE IT. But everyone else in Gosick is pretty normal-looking.

Secondly, I really can't take anything OP says seriously because the first paragraph mentions that you purchased shit from the How to Draw Manga peeps so my mind went 'HERP DERP' for realz

Ok now for some real awesome haircuts

http://lounge.moviecodec.com/images/attachment/zoom-vs-goku-488.jpg THE ORIGINAL

http://sailorscoutwolrd.webs.com/photos/Moon-Sailor-Scouts/7.JPG how about them hair meatballs?

http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/S/SH/SHA/SHAIY/1229991806_2237_full.jpeg gravity is useless.

http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/74/41308-yugi_pokemon_large.jpg wut

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/348/f/f/Tenjou_Tenge___Maya__s_Fans_by_Xpand_Your_Mind.jpg apparently tenjo tenge is all about boobs sry

but yeah, OP picture is not that ridiculous. I think it's really pretty. :) Kuja's hair is crazier.

Here's some bonus pictures of crazy real life hair!



Okay, I'll go back into my hole now :D But yaaay for Gosick! Have you read the light novels?

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Goku and Yugi are classics. But they don't hold shit against DRILL HAIR.

And no.

Just came across pics and the whole "hahahahahah" thing. Just had to check it out. Might actually read later. Also, I want to kill everyone who jumps on the whole "-ka versus -que" thing. It's just retarded.

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Goku and Yugi are classics. But they don't hold shit against DRILL HAIR.

Lol true facts. I guess it doesn't really seem that crazy to me because it's a lot like a pompadour, and yeah, it's pretty crazy, but it was also pretty popular in the past! Also in the Katamari games, and a movie where this guy has this hair:


I guess I've just been exposed to it too much! :icon_surprised:

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Kamikaze Girls?

also, citrouille, I was about 12 or 13 when I bought the overpriced shit from the HtDM site... I'm 21 now lolz.

So I'm the only one that thinks the blue haired kid from FF13 has some downright silly hair?

Kuja... jesus what a trap. Women would be envious of his hips.

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Okay maybe it isn't so crazy upon first glance, and maybe it might not count, but I have always found Alucard's hair from Hellsing to be a bit nuts. Sure it looks normal but as soon as he starts going into creepy mode its floating all over the damn place, and changing its length from long to short etc etc. It just goes off and does it's own thing.

I was trying to find pictures but I couldn't really find any. Otherwise Hellsing didn't have too many crazy hairstyles unless you count Alucard. If not then I'll have to get back to this topic after, I do not watch very much anime so its hard for me to remember the ones I did watch that had crazy hair since its been a while.

I do have to admit, that the crazy hair has always been one of the elements I do really like about anime/manga and thus I tend to draw a lot of characters with that type of hair haha.

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I honestly haven't seen Nomura spam belts OR zippers excessively since kingdom hearts or Final Fantasy VIII (squall specifically. Dont think any others had the syndrome.)

Lulu excused for obvious reasons.

Despite his jpop-based designs, when i look back on Nomura's stuff, it's actually pretty diverse. Advent Children just took all of FFVII's stuff and stuck it into KH2/FFXIII versus category.

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