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About citrouille

  • Birthday 04/19/1993

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  • Interests
    reading, drawing/digital painting, music, being awesome.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Lol true facts. I guess it doesn't really seem that crazy to me because it's a lot like a pompadour, and yeah, it's pretty crazy, but it was also pretty popular in the past! Also in the Katamari games, and a movie where this guy has this hair: I guess I've just been exposed to it too much!
  2. First of all, Grevil's hair is RIDIC. I LOVE IT. But everyone else in Gosick is pretty normal-looking. Secondly, I really can't take anything OP says seriously because the first paragraph mentions that you purchased shit from the How to Draw Manga peeps so my mind went 'HERP DERP' for realz Ok now for some real awesome haircuts http://lounge.moviecodec.com/images/attachment/zoom-vs-goku-488.jpg THE ORIGINAL http://sailorscoutwolrd.webs.com/photos/Moon-Sailor-Scouts/7.JPG how about them hair meatballs? http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/S/SH/SHA/SHAIY/1229991806_2237_full.jpeg gravity is useless. http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/74/41308-yugi_pokemon_large.jpg wut http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/348/f/f/Tenjou_Tenge___Maya__s_Fans_by_Xpand_Your_Mind.jpg apparently tenjo tenge is all about boobs sry but yeah, OP picture is not that ridiculous. I think it's really pretty. Kuja's hair is crazier. Here's some bonus pictures of crazy real life hair! http://www.mopo.ca/uploaded_images/crazy-haircut2-759920.jpg http://www.1designer-clothing.com/wp-content/uploads/crazy-hair-horse.jpg Okay, I'll go back into my hole now But yaaay for Gosick! Have you read the light novels?
  3. Lol yup. Guess I'm getting this game then. Edit: Oh wait, BlazBlue? DEFINITELY then, wow I need to keep up with this!
  4. Just freaked out over the news. So excited. Oh my goodness. Thank you for sharing!
  5. Hello Falcon! I'm new as well I'll see you around the boards! P.S. All of you are cool.
  6. Oh, wow! This is really cool! I had to use C4D in a class and I found it difficult to put together whole projects like this, so I really admire you for being able to do a whole courtyard :> The Super Mario one is neat, hahah. Great use of the mats!
  7. Whoaa, did I put my name down somewhere or are you psychic?
  8. N'aw I feel special that you know what a hime cut is hahah. Also, It's a real life Starly !! I also know what you mean hahah, I usually only draw looking at a computer screen so along with squinting when it gets too bright after a few hours, I'm sure I look suuuper angry drawing eventually haha. Oh, and I stick my tongue out while I'm trying to teach myself guitar. I can't do bar chords yet, cause my fingers are too small
  9. Thank you so much, everyone! I'm so happy that my art is welcomed here ! I'll be sure to update when I get the time (and the tablet working heh). Thanks again :'3 Also I lol'd, don't worry about it
  10. I feel the need to add more estrogen to this thread Graduatin' tentril and I playin' pokemans at my grad dance What is probably a very large picture.. And now, my cat! I have an interview for Best Buy today, awesome y/n? Edit for non-existant tan-lines cause I don't go out much lol :>
  11. Who do you know in Winnipeg, just curious? :> I swear Winnipeg is small enough that I will know them through somebody other than you.
  12. I really hope that this hasn't been posted before, but, um.. Well, have you ever sat around on a weekend and said "Boy, I wish I could draw a really good Muscle Elf"? All of this guy's segments are amazing. Srsly.
  13. Thank you!! I would love to share more whenever I get around to drawing Thank you I find it hard to define my style, since I practice different kinds so often, so I appreciate your compliment!
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