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Marvel Vs Capcom 3

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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone actively playing this?

I dunno if im going to buy it anymore. A bunch of friends i know own the game, but honestly it's looking to be kind of spammy, similar to the 2nd one.

Maybe it's just because i've been playing Blazblue so long, but this game just seems watered down to me. It's still fun, just not as deep as i originally thought. I can trash people with Sentinel without even trying. Magneto looks to be in the same tier spot as he was in the 2nd game. Characters like Akuma have moves with ridiculous hitboxes and properties. (im looking at that damn spinny lightning kick.)

The way the game handles the buffer when it comes to specials is ESPECIALLY annoying, as it basically encourages you to throw out specials at random and actually hit someone. (Prime example being Ryu's Hamehamedoken. It's unblockable if you're doing ANYTHING other than standing around or something.) If you press a button during the special, it carries it out even if you were neutral before the special started.

Im not gonna call it broken, but im sure the game isn't too many months away from another one-sided tournament roster. Im able to pick people like Sentinel, Magneto, Storm, Hulk and a few others and basically win without trying.


I Haven't played the game online though. I DID play a match or two at a convention though. SUPER close match, would have won if the guy didnt snap-in phoenix and murder her first 10 seconds though.

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more like marvel (at this garbage) vs CRAPCOM

actually i'm sure the game is really good i just wanted to post that

My studies confirmed that, if you want to make a girl come to your home to- oh you know what, and you wanna start playing videogames, they usually love Mario, Kinect and this game.

Gonna buy that.

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it REALLY is, i dont know what the fuck they were thinking honesty. It's like they sat down at a table and discussed the most flamboyant game breaking mechanic they could think of.

Not only does it act as a Cancel for pretty much any super animation, it boosts your characters to absolutely asinine levels of strength. I mean, i've heard of comeback mechanics, but this is just completely overboard.

With Lv3 X-Factor you're almost guaranteed to take one of your opponents characters, and you cant balance it out by using yours because Lv3 X-Factor takes like 6 hours to wear off. Not to mention, the damage and speed upgrades are way too powerful. (Morrigan + Lv3 X Factor + Copy special = opponent at almost complete mercy until it wears off.)

SSF4's Ultra system and Blazblue's Burst system works perfectly. I have no clue why they went to such extremes to make skill a smaller factor in gameplay, from x-factor to allowing MOST super attacks to punish you for doing almost anything but blocking. Did they NOT have years upon years to study MvC2?

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Hasn't the MvC series always suffered from balance issues? I only played an hour or so of it the other day, so I really didn't pay attention to the game's balance, but I didn't expect anything special in that regard. The game was fun though, I'll give it that.

If anyone is interested in MvC mechanics with good character/mechanic balance, look into Skull Girls when it hits XBLA/PSN.

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Hasn't the MvC series always suffered from balance issues? I only played an hour or so of it the other day, so I really didn't pay attention to the game's balance, but I didn't expect anything special in that regard. The game was fun though, I'll give it that.

If anyone is interested in MvC mechanics with good character/mechanic balance, look into Skull Girls when it hits XBLA/PSN.

Yes, yes it has. But they've done something extra heinous this time, because when you have these unbalanced characters combined with X-factor, it isn't entirely uncommon to see 2 characters wiped out in 10 seconds.

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Yes, yes it has. But they've done something extra heinous this time, because when you have these unbalanced characters combined with X-factor, it isn't entirely uncommon to see 2 characters wiped out in 10 seconds.

Like I said, I played only for an hour, but I did manage to enter X-factor mode somehow in one fight (I didn't know how you do it) and killed off two characters (each was on around 50% hp) with Arthur. I thought it was luck more than anything else, although the X-factor mode being OP also makes sense.

I'd definitely play the game for casual fun, but I wouldn't bother trying to play it on a tournament level.

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I'd definitely play the game for casual fun, but I wouldn't bother trying to play it on a tournament level.

Definitely agree with you on this, as soon as you let it go to tourny level it's just rage on top of more rage, it's stupid watching some of the matches on youtube. I hate a game like this where it pretty much pigeon holes you into certain characters, rather than being good with characters you want to be good with, that has and always will bother me about a game. I like playing characters that I enjoy, not characters that are going to net me a fucking win everytime.

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All 4 attack buttons at once. Humorously the same as going into Instant Kill mode in Guilty Gear.

Oh, I always used a shortcut trigger for IK mode in GG. I probably pressed all the buttons at once in MvC3 when mashing and hoping Arthur would do something amazing.

Definitely agree with you on this, as soon as you let it go to tourny level it's just rage on top of more rage, it's stupid watching some of the matches on youtube. I hate a game like this where it pretty much pigeon holes you into certain characters, rather than being good with characters you want to be good with, that has and always will bother me about a game. I like playing characters that I enjoy, not characters that are going to net me a fucking win everytime.

As far as 2D fighters go, I've been spoiled by Arc System Works game balance. Of course there are complaints with both BlazBlue and Guilty Gear regarding certain characters, but you always have that in a fighting game community. You're at least able to


MvC3 is a really fun game, but if I were to play ranked matches or some shit like that, I'd go insane. I'm expecting the same for the new Mortal Kombat. Shitty balance and fun experience. And that's ok. I'll just play BB or GG if I want an effort = reward time. (Since I can't play 3D fighters worth a bloody damn.)

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The thing about Blazblue's OP characters is that none of them COMPLETELY overwhelm the rest of the roster.

Nu-13 was never broken or OP to me. She was most definitely annoying to fight and difficult to get close to, but her ability to control the screen is only so good as the player's ability to read your mind...which always fails at some point or another. She could survive 2, maybe 3 halfway decent combos at most. (Although that whole deal of her burst actually giving her the advantage again by putting you on the opposite side of the screen was always annoying.) Rachel was very much way past broken, but at least you still needed some kind of skill to find out WHY she was broken in the first place.

I think it may be just because ive been spoiled by Arc Systems.

( BTW, i NEVER saw Hakumen as Shit Tier. Nu vs Haku might have just been a bad matchup, but as you can see from that video, if Hakumen ever catches her, thats more than half her HP gone in a single combo. Same goes for her matchup with Tager, which has to be one of the gayest matchups on earth. )

I still enjoy this game. It's definitely more fun than the 2nd one...i just wish they jumped on this chance to balance the game. Hopefully they'll patch the stupid decisions they've made later on.

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imo, the biggest issue with the game isn't so much the characters as it is X-factor.

I can see X-factor increasing strength, but the speed increase is just not needed. I can literally spam the Hard Attack button with Morrigan and get 26 hits out of it before it resets. That isn't including a launch. With her double special on it's even worse. I found that with lv3 X-factor, you can spam X-23's little dash attack damn near infinitely, guaranteed to kill pretty much anyone.

It's the next thing that needs to be patched. They need to default the time it lasts and remove the speed advantage.

Characters like Dark Phoenix aren't broken, she dies in one combo. Characters like Dark Phoenix with lv3 X-factor are broken.

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