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Final Fantasy XIV PC beta, will you join?


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The PC open beta stage starts in september, and I cannot be more excited, this game looks promising!

Every MMO I've played got me tired after a few hours, but everyone who played Final Fantasy XI says that it's the best MMO.

And I'm a very huge FF fan.

So I'm gonna give it a try. Will I see any of you around there ??

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i dunno, i didnt like FF11 because it was kinda i dunno, dull and hard sometimes, and too much "pay for this outfit and stuff" after FF9 kinda stoped to play FF games even when i tried FF11, dunno maybe i will give it a chance, but with all those graphics isnt gonna to have huge lags? i mean Lineage have serious lags because some of the graphics and i dont know about a game that has almost the same graphics that FF13, only time will tell XDD

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From what I've been told, square took every negative complaint that 11 had, and fixed it. That's what 14 is. I'm glad I never spent any time playing 11.

I'm definitely going to be playing 14 on release. Gonna hit up the jecht server whenever I get into the open beta (it's a timed opening, kinda stupid)

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FF11 was a piece of shit. FFXIV is basically the same damn game judging by the fact that they didn't even have enough sense to make new damn races... renaming the old ones as if it meant anything.

Maybe... but not as WoW xD

I dont played it, but I always hear good things about it : /

And XIV cannot be worst, besides, I love what I've seen in the video.

I'm smelling a WIN, but lets wait to its release...

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But it showed the graphics and a sneak peak of battle system.

I mean, it would be really cool if battle system is like I imagine it.

Anyways, its enough to give it a try -.-

If graphics made a game good, FFXI would have been a great game at the time. Instead it was easily the worst MMO I've played in my life.

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@Azu: why did you even bother reading the topic then? MMOs are a grindfest. Period.

I liked FF11. Sure it was slow, but it was enjoyable for the most part. Well except for spending an hour every night trying to find a party. Couldn't care less for FF XI-2 though.

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I've play several MMOs that wasn't a grindfest. They all were lame. Expect Phantasy Star (if you consider an MMO). Anyway. I couldn't play this even if I wanted to. I tried the bench mark and my 9600 GSO when up to 103c.

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Phantasy Star (online I assume you mean) is so a grind fest. You ever try to get one specific weapon that only drops from one specific enemy? It sucks. You ever try to get ready to fight Dark Fallz once you've reached Ultimate difficulty? It takes a hundred years. Hell, it takes a hundred years just to get through the damn long ass dungeons if you aren't a force.

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Dunno, I was able to beat Dark Falz on my first try in ultimate. The weapons maybe a grind fest, but level up isn't. By the end of Easy, I at level 30 or so. That about 2-4hrs logged. In most generic MMOs, I've play for 5 hours straight only to get up to level 3, like maple Story and GPotato games.

But yeah, the rare drop rates and a little depressing. I mean, I found the dragon on hard to get Musashi. Howeverm I don't think anyone has every gotten Parasitic Gene Flow without cheats.


Why put it in there if it's not meant to be dropped. 0%? Really Sega.

But Yes, my processor only when up to 58c from 48c. It seems my GFX card didn't like the forced widescreen in the benchmark test.

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