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Great game engine or GREATEST game engine?

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Thats because he picked up the 2007 tech demo. I told him on AIM it was older than old as fuck.

I did hear something about a patch a while back that increases frame rates... mostly at higher resolutions, but also somewhat across the board.

Yar, I downloaded that and tried it out. There was a notable jump in performance at 1280x800 and below, but I usually play games at 1440x900 or 1680x1050, plus those lower resolutions ran fairly decent to start with. Oh well.

Technology is always advancing. I'm pretty sure that computer and even later consoles will be able to support this engine and more. It may not be useful NOW but it will be.

This is quite true, but there'll probably be an engine even bigger and better that will require technology yet unreleased to run capably. Those new 9000 series cards Nvidia released just a month or so ago are probably the only cards that, for instance, can deliver 60+FPS on Crysis at higher resolutions.

As an aside, being a PC enthusiast can be so frustrating and bittersweet when you hardware shop. :(

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Lucasarts are using good ol' Havok. Can't remember if CryEngine uses that (THey're also using their whacky neural AI ragdoll system thing and their "Things-Break-About-Bettar!" system as well, both which have funky names that I can't recall)

The DMM physics is what i was referring to. Where basically every object in the game has its own physical properties and can be broken/molten/shattered/splintered, ect ect. Its really neat and ive seen it being used In-game (video of a Jedi using the force to splinter a tree in half) but they already said the Lightsaber wouldn't take advantage of the technology, in fear of being able to cut and melt your way through every door/wall in the game.

Which is really sad, if you ask me. They had a chance to develop a completely different gaming experience, and now its just going to be Jedi Outcast on Physics steroids.

Edit: and i use this as an example because thats what i WANT to see out of new gaming technology. I want them to be smart and actually apply technology to a game in the ways that they would NEED it. Lightsabers that can basically melt and destroy anything it touches is something i want to play with.

A Next-gen DBZ videogame could use those kinds of physics applications to make the kind of ideal destructible environments people would expect out of such a game. Being able to blow infinate chunks out of the ground, evaporating oceans, and melting rock with your overpowered energy moves would be too fun for words.

Or how about a TRUELY Next-Gen War FPS, where the explosions and bullets are actually able to destroy your Urban Environment? Where you can take a Tank and level an entire city? Well, with consequences of course, im sure you would lose the mission after too much destruction, but meh they could have a Cheat for it.


See, this is what im talking about. This looks FUN.

That tech demo looked Neat. But in truth, i would have more fun with playing Sandbox with it than whatever game they would give me. And really, thats saying something.

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Which is really sad, if you ask me. They had a chance to develop a completely different gaming experience, and now its just going to be Jedi Outcast on Physics steroids.

Nothing wrong with that, I've loved the Jedi Knight series since Dark Forces. Frankly, sod gravity guns - Every game should have Force Powers.

I mean, look at Psychonauts.

And Bioshock!

Or how about a TRUELY Next-Gen War FPS, where the explosions and bullets are actually able to destroy your Urban Environment? Where you can take a Tank and level an entire city? Well, with consequences of course, im sure you would lose the mission after too much destruction, but meh they could have a Cheat for it.

I'm fairly certain that's what Mercenaries was going for (Also by the hand of Lucasarts, but mainly Pandemic). Urban warfare meets GTA meets everything-can-be-destroyed. Level buildings, drive over other cars in tanks... It didn't exactly have a "To the individual brick" level of destruction, but it seems the Unreal Engine's latest tech demo has unearthed something Red Faction tried to do (destructable chunk-taking environments), the difference is Epic might actually be able to make a relatively decent game out of it :D

I'm guessing they've cut the "Lightsabres can destroy anything" for a few simple reasons - Firstly, depending on how detailed their DMM thing is, it may or may not have looked good enough, and secondly from a game design perspective, having *Everything* slicable means its harder to contain the player and script the story properly.

Granted though, for a few puzzles or certain areas ("Slice this bulkhead kthx!") would've been nifty, but for now just assume everything is made from Cortosis :D

Also bare in mind that it's the first game to use this technology, so improvements'll come further down the line. Frankly I still want to know why the PC has been shafted out of its Jedi Knight Lineage :/

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I can only run Crysis on medium, and many features such as motion blur are turned off to up the FPS. Other games like Bioshock run fine on my system with all settings on max, so overall I'd probably prefer something using the Unreal or Source engines..

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I'm guessing they've cut the "Lightsabres can destroy anything" for a few simple reasons - Firstly, depending on how detailed their DMM thing is, it may or may not have looked good enough, and secondly from a game design perspective, having *Everything* slicable means its harder to contain the player and script the story properly.

Granted though, for a few puzzles or certain areas ("Slice this bulkhead kthx!") would've been nifty, but for now just assume everything is made from Cortosis :D

Also bare in mind that it's the first game to use this technology, so improvements'll come further down the line. Frankly I still want to know why the PC has been shafted out of its Jedi Knight Lineage :/

Yeah that was obvious to me as well, but im sure they could have set like "restriction" settings for how deep you could cut into a wall. But then again that would make not being able to slice through doors really, really sloppy and disappointing, so i can see why they cut the idea. That, and it would be hard to contain a puzzle environment when you can simply slice through everything and screw up key elements.

Its just sad they arent using it at all, though. Its something i really wanted to see, mostly so i could see if it DID look neat.

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