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FFXIII is awesome.

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Did I not say everything Sefiroth just said within like.. 3 posts? I love how when he says it everyone's all like "oh, I guess that makes some sense" but the exact same thing out of my mouth and it's like "bleh." Either way, I hope both FFXIII (the actual game) and FFVerXIII do go to X360. That'd be sweet.

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You need more diagrams. Plus I don't believe anyone acknowledged Sefi, either.

Anyway, I didn't know the FFXIII 'series' was going to span 6 frickin games (I thought only the 3 announced). That's messed up. What does SquareEnix have to gain from spreading themselves thin? Oh yea, money.

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It might be under a different name or even a different circle on that silly diagram Sef, but mark my words, the main game will be hitting a platform that isn't the PS3. Its not like they can really afford the development costs to market to an audience of 3 million.

As for MGS 4, it isn't like all three of the other Metal Gear Solid games haven't been ported under a different name at a later date.

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It might be under a different name or even a different circle on that silly diagram Sef, but mark my words, the main game will be hitting a platform that isn't the PS3. Its not like they can really afford the development costs to market to an audience of 3 million.
It doesn't matter anymore, you wasted your "told you so" retort on fake info. Now even if tomorrow all the 6 FNC games were announced exclusively for 360 you can't affect e-penors with it, as by quickly jumping to conclusions with this topic you've lost any shock effect it might have had.

My e-penor is safe :3

As for MGS 4, it isn't like all three of the other Metal Gear Solid games haven't been ported under a different name at a later date.

MGS3 hasn't left the PS2. Not to say MGS4 won't get a shitty xbawk port, mind you. Just clarifying.

Anyways, love how these kind of topic go.

"X is coming to Y according to Z"

"Actually, no. Z is wrong because blah blah blah"

"... it doesn't matter, it's coming anyways >.<"

*cue 20 pages of system wars, game lists and stealth trolling*


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First, where does that site say its quoting any particular magazine? The damn thing doesn't list its references.

Other than that, I figure you know... what the hell. Everyone turned on Sony this generation anyway. Its only a matter of time before they sink. UK sales certainly reflect that :P

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Guest Shadix


On Topic: So lemme get this straight... The games are STILL only PS3 exclusive because this site misinterpreted an article?

:\ I was looking forward to Versus.

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When i say (ps3) versions, i mean the "main" versions.

The main reason im against Square enix making super sequals to their games is because i really hate keeping up with them. I dont want to play the main game, then have to follow ANOTHER character on DS, then ANOTHER on PSP, then a story extention on X360, then a stupid minigame spinoff on Wii...

Its just too tedious.

XIII and Versus are just too much money for me to be spending on basically the same game/storyline. Which is why i WISH they would go back to just making Paralell Final Fantasy games with lots of Cameos.

I miss beating a Final Fantasy game and being done with it. Only game disincluded is Kingdom Hearts, because its a different series.

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@Sereph: There's only one "main" game and that's the unsubtitled FFXIII.

Versus, Agito, Haeresis, whatever they come out with next are just set on the same world as FFXIII, but by no means they're sequels. At the end of FFXIII you won't be left with a cliffhanger nor will you have to purchase Versus to "complete" FFXIII's storyline as far as I know.

Vagrant Story, FFT and FFXII are set at the world of Ivalice, but they're completely independant games. My guess is they're doing something similar to that, only the connection is more apparent. And that way they can stick the "Final Fantasy" branding for extra sales.

Personally I'd trade the 5 FNC spinoffs for a new Parasite Eve. Or Chrono. Or Einhander. Or *gasp* a new IP.

Btw, Square event next month. I'd expect at least another spinoff to be unveiled (my bet's on the DS) and there'll be new trailers. Which isn't saying much because there were new trailers at TGS too and we haven't seen shit D:

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Serephim: Haha, again with it.

Sefiroth: Actually, that's basically how it's supposed to be. Vagrant Story, FFT, FFXII are all set on the world of Ivalice and, judging by what Square Enix has said, all the Fabula Novala Crystallis entries are going to be based around the crystals. So I don't think it's going to be any more apparent than with your example. In fact, it'll probably be less apparent given that Versus will most likely be tons different than XIII.

DW: Hmm? Isn't that completely legitimate, though? Like.. that's how Matrix Reloaded & Revelations was done. I totally need to Wiki .hack at some point now. You've sparked my interest.

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Serephim: Haha, again with it.

No, this is completely different. Im not arguing about Square Enix sucking.

Hell, im not arguing at all. Opionion much

DW is right, im just sick of them making games with incompleted storylines so they can expand on it.

Or im just tired of them making other spinoffs (or games) in a world where an entire storyline already finshed. It takes the feeling away from the game you previously beat already. Like FFX. There was no need at ALLLL to expand on that storyline. And Final Fantasy 7's world has been whored so bad these past few years that i dont even like talking or hearing about it anymore.

Perhaps, since everyone knows the storyline is changing, it wont be as bad as FFX getting a sequel. But i just miss the days when i could beat a game and aftnot have to hear about it any fucking more.

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DW: Hmm? Isn't that completely legitimate, though? Like.. that's how Matrix Reloaded & Revelations was done. I totally need to Wiki .hack at some point now. You've sparked my interest.

Its unanimously agreed upon that the first Matrix movie completely owned the crap out of its successors and worked better as a stand alone movie without a certain conclusion than it does with that conclusion.

With .Hack, everything is made in an obvious "to be continued" manner. The first game ends with a very generic boss fight that you would never even come close to expecting would be the final boss of any game.

A much better game made in this fashion would be Xenosaga... or at least it would have been if the second title hadn't completely sucked ass in large part due to the developers listening to reviewers and taking the focus off of long story driven cutscenes and replacing it with an emphasis on the lackluster RPG gameplay. Supposedly the 3rd one is better, but I wouldn't know because of how much the second one turned me off from the series :P

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My brother, who played through the series (I could never make it past 2, so never made it to 3), said that playing the third, you could hardly even tell that the second even happened. That there was nothing in the 2nd that really contributed to the story as a whole, or something along those lines.

Anyway, from what little I've seen of the third Xenosaga, there's a bit in it that's in Xenogears (Merkava, Abel (Fei), etc.) so I've been wanting to check it out for that. Maybe I'll just skip the rest of 2 entirely.

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I'll go ahead and spoil the rest of it for your convenience.

You dick around for a long time doing a lot of nothing. You enter Momo's brain and learn a bunch of crap about Albedo and Junior growing up together. Pretty much nothing about it is unpredictable. Junior fought against UDO and freaked out causing most of his allies to get killed and Albedo to go insane (because he was killed over and over again and couldn't be killed permanently).

Afterwards, you fight against UTic who is trying to find the way back to Lost Jerusalem (read: Earth). The mega pope finds a way to bring that games equivalent to the Proto Merkaba *Entitled Proto Omega* into real space using the Zohars and then this opens the road to Lost Jerusalem, which apparently is just some kind of warp space.

You then kill the Pope which signifies the real end of the game (but not without a lot of mindless running around and getting your ass kicked by enemies in overly long unavoidable but standard battles!).

Then your role switches to Junior who wanders along an annoying staircase in what appears to be a drug induced acid trip. Albedo merges with Udo which allows him to be killed, so Junior kills him and its revealed that Albedo's motivation the entire time was for Junior to kill him.

During the credits they talk motivationally for a little while and then there is a newly revealed member of the Testaments... a white one, and it should be rather obvious who he is since all the other testaments are also dead people.

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Serephim: Actually, I wasn't referring to you saying Square Enix sucks because, well, you didn't. It's just that you've once again passed judgement on their games without actually caring to check your info first. I don't believe DW was actually referring to Fabula, as these are not going to be "incomplete" storylines, which is exactly my point. They will be completely seperate stories based around a central point. For instance, let's say some members here formed a team and they all agreed to focus their games around a specific thing- let's say.. the Master Emerald. Now, they all must include the master emerald in the stories for their games but that is pretty much all that they must do. They can use completely different characters, completely different stories, and completely different worlds so long as the Master Emerald is somehow involved in the game. That's pretty much how Fabula Novala Crystallis is supposed to go down. As in, once these games are done they're supposed to be done. No sequel to them or anything. Although, keep in mind that they're a business if people go "hey, we want a sequel" then of course they're going to make one. So basically, you can play FFXIII and not have to play Versus or any of the other Fabula games. You're still completely missing the point. Thus, "haha, again with it."

DW: Just saying that it's been done with movies too. I personally didn't think the sequels were all that bad. Then again, when I watched the first movie it was as Reloaded was coming out and I was watching it with the fact that it'd be continued in mind. Which.. makes quite a bit of difference. I never really had the chance to think of it as being "complete" or anything.

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