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Sonic RunDrive X | by null1024


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No offense, but this engine is still plagued by loads of problems, even with the upgrade. Sonic feels more like an olympic ice skater than the hedgehog hero we all know and love. You definetly need to work on acceleration, top speed and responsiveness of the engine. Not to mention the tons of bugs it's filled to the brim with, like getting stuck in the jump animation while in 90 degree angle corners and so on. Common problems that have plenty of common solutions. Definitely needs some work, if I were you, I would of fixed those before releasing a demo.

I hope that level is just for engine testing too, because it's bad man... really bad. Geez, haven't you ever heard of slopes? Sonic feels more like he's falling down a set of concrete stairs than racing through a green hill zone like area. Ridged can be fun, but you've gotta add more variety my man, some curves. Sonic level design is supposed to be more about flow, not jerkiness and stop n' go like this level seems to be.

The other big issue is the graphics. Granted, it's a demo, so you get some slack there, but you really need to consider adding more to your levels. First of all, the gradient level tiles remind me of 1999 fan games, not 2007 fan games. Definitely something to fix in future versions. Next, where is everything? You've got some drawn in trees and all, which help a lot, but how about a few tangible things too? Maybe some rocks or posts. A few signs or something perhaps? Spicing your levels up with some simple, extra objects can have a dramatic effect on the over all feel for the entire project.

Over all, I think this project needs a lot of work before it truly meets the standards of today's fan games. As it is, it just doesn't meet the bar. Don't let that discourage you though! Just keep working on it and improve it until you really have something to show off. As it is though, it has too many simple problems that need fixing before this game will have a chance to shine.

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Ok, the new engine is 1/2 way implemented, a hyper beta demo of it is up for download, it's engine180.gmd, at the first page d-load link.


...I got ninja'd. Crap...

You posted before I was done typing. And your post is long!!!

^ And in reply to the above post ^

I'm currently working on implementing Dami's slope engine for GM5.3 into the game. engine180.gmd is the ultra-beta...ish new demo. GM5 is needed. EXE will come soon.

[edit 2]

engine180.exe is up. That's the ultra-beta (almost alpha-ish) engine test.

Download page:


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Yes, PC0s post is long, but this is a MESSAGE BOARD. I'm sorry that we're not SCDTI and think your game is absolutely perfect. Oh wait...no I'm not sorry, because it's not perfect.

The new engine is a step in the right direction, but I suggest you add some sort of rolling/spindash mechanic into the mix. Also, the animations need to change angle according to the slopes or else it just looks weird and off-putting.

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Ok Sling. But the rotation part might get kinda weird to implement... The rolling part won't be too hard to do though, I'll get started on that now.

[edit] Until I find a decent get_angle() function, rotation won't be possible, since the engine doesn't check the angles.

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The standard angle detection function, as used in pretty much every 360 degree engine in SFGHQ, is to take two points, slightly left and right from the center of sonic (but still inside the sprite). Take those points and move them down (relative to the current angle) until they touch the floor. Then finding the angle is simple math (using arctan2 or similar function).

Here's a very simple example:

// get_angle( angle )
//  Determines the angle of the ground.
//   The argument -angle- is the angle of the ground from
//   the previous step and is used for estimation.
    var x1, y1, c1, x2, y2, c2;

    // Place (x1,y1) left of the player
    x1 = x + lengthdir_x(-8, argument0);
    y1 = y + lengthdir_y(-8, argument0);
    // Place (x2,y2) right of player
    x2 = x + lengthdir_x( 8, argument0);
    y2 = y + lengthdir_y( 8, argument0);

    c1 = 0;
    c2 = 0;

    repeat(20) {
        if( !c1 ) {
            // Move the left point down 1 pixel
            x1 += lengthdir_x( 1, argument0 - 90);
            y1 += lengthdir_y( 1, argument0 - 90);

            // If the left point hit the ground, stop moving it down
            c1 = collision_point( x1, y1, oWall, 1, 0);
        if( !c2 ) {
            // Move the right point down 1 pixel
            x2 += lengthdir_x( 1, argument0 - 90);
            y2 += lengthdir_y( 1, argument0 - 90);

            // If the right point hit the ground, stop moving it down
            c2 = collision_point( x1, y1, oWall, 1, 0);

    // Return the angle formed from the left point and the right point
    return point_direction( x1, y1, x2, y2);

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If we were willing to sacrifice audience, personally I'd opt to use Garagegame's 2D game making program.

What a coincidence - I have a copy of Torque on my comp for a competition at my school. It seems that Torque is an okay API to use for game development if you're interested into moving into the industry. That's the impression I'm getting, anyways, but you can never be sure until you're there.

Oh, and Torque is not free. I have to uninstall it after the competition (or until I take all the classes that I'll need it for)

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