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Grinding Trouble in GM6.1???

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Here is it. I've did a very quick and dirty implementation of grinding. It works as follows:

When the character is falling on air or while he's on the ground, if the key action B is pressed, it activates collision with the grinding objects. If not, it's just keep it deactivated. Once the character is in the grinding action, there's no need to keep holding the key action B.

After that, we just use a different slope deceleration value and a small acceleration while pressing the direction keys, so if for any reason Sonic stops while being on a grind rail and there's no slope, he can move (slowly, but move).

For placeholding purposses, I've used the hurt animation for grinding, it's up to you change it on your engines. Also, the keys have redefined to "Z" and "X", being them action A and B, respectively.

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