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Everything posted by Sockman

  1. ...and this fell out. I'm still getting the hang of the program, but this thing turned out pretty well. It's a remix (or rearrangement, or whatever the term is) of Egg Rocket Zone Act 1 & 2 from Sonic Advanced. Also, is 9 MB okay for a 5 min MP3? I'm not that knowledgeable about those sort of things.
  2. I'll post my list a few years from now, since I'm a couple of years behind the gaming curve. I just now got my hands on Halo 1, San Andreas, and Half-Life 2.
  3. I never really gave a damn about a film adaptation's loyalty to its original property. As long as the film is a good cinematic experience in its own right, then I could care less about changes they made to the book/anime/comic/etc. Also, I've completely forgiven 20th Century Fox after seeing the trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine and subsequently shitting myself.
  4. Man, I had alot of good times with that engine. I'm pretty sure I used that engine as a base for all of my non-Sonic projects.
  5. All of my work is so chaotic and disorganized, it'd be impossible for anyone to do anything with it if I were to make it open source. Hell, even I can't figure out what I've done to my engine half of the time. Pro-Tip: Always design your game engine while sober.
  6. I think it would've been cool if one side was Robotnick and a bunch of Badnicks. Instead they just recolored the bases. Lame.
  7. http://www.gaya-entertainment.de/produkte_sth.html What's sad is this will probably be the most solid Sonic gameplay we've seen in awhile.
  8. Fuck. Why didn't I see this thread earlier? I'm loving the engine, Streak, and I'd be more than happy to give level design a try. You can have a look at some of my Sonic Blitz level work to see if it's what you'd like. This is an older thread, so I'll PM you a copy of this message too.
  9. Are you looking for tiles to match Advanced style or Genesis style sprites?
  10. New Star Trek Prequel Trailer Looks off the fuckin' chain.
  11. EDIT: Sonuvabitch. hRook beat me to it. Not to nitpick at something irrelevant, but... Sonic Nautica? Is Sonic breaking into the menswear industry now? In all seriousness, though, I think that people should wait until they have a little more than screenshots of a test level before making a project thread. (A video of the test level in action would even work) There's really not enough here for me to give any praise or criticism. I guess all I can say is "Cool, another decent looking game."
  12. Is it wrong that I like the rap intro better than any of the Japanese intros? GOTTA GO! UH-OH! Set sail for ONE PIECE!
  13. Holy. Shit. A couple of meh-sounding tracks notwithstanding, this is pretty epic. "Chemical Plant" is my favorite. Expect to see these tracks used in every goddamn fangame from here on into 2050.
  14. AKA: Sonic goes all Incredible Hulk inside Luigi's Mansion. Seriously. WHAT. THE. HELL.
  15. Palin and Obama playable in Mercs 2 Not just through some character creator, either, these are bonafide reskins.
  16. I'm not too worried about the China food scare. A majority of the products encountered in your average grocery store are still manufactured here.
  17. With or without this law, one thing stays the same: It's only illegal if you get caught.
  18. Make the bullet Ball Movement and just add (or subtract, depending on the direction) a degree of the angle of the bullets movement until its moving downwards.
  19. ITT: DW bumps old stuff That'd be an amazing feat for an MMF2 game. However, the way the the project is moving (barely) I probably will go for something less ambitious. As of right now, Sonic Blitz in its current form progresses like the Genesis era Sonic games. IE: Act 1, Act 2, Boss, New Zone. However, I've been messing around with alot of the special moves and have developed a sort of training system that will let you spend points on different abilities, and gives you the option of "speccing" Sonic in three different categories. The first category is a melee spec where Sonic will learn hard hitting physical blows. (The homing attack, something I originally said I'd never implement into the game, is one for example.) The second category is a general abilities spec where Sonic upgrades his top speed, acceleration, jump height, attack damage, etc. The third ability is a caster spec where Sonic learns Chaos-based attacks such as many of the abilities that were seen in the early videos. (Sonic Wind, etc.) All Chaos-based abilities will use a Chaos Meter (AKA: A green mana bar) which will needed to be filled by collecting rings and killing enemies. The levels will play out differently depending on how you level up Sonic. If you teach Sonic the melee Up+B move, he'll be unable to learn the Chaos Up+B move. You can, however, mix and match Chaos and melee moves. You also have the option of spending all of your upgrade points on general stats and playing the levels like an old-school Sonic game. The major setback I'm encountering is coming up with and implementing different moves.
  20. Exactly. This bailout was about more than bailing out Wall Street fat cats; trouble in the market not only ripples over to the "average joe", but markets around the world are affected due to the heavy investment in the US markets. Bush and Pelosi aren't soley responsible for the recession hype, either. If you've even took a passing glance at the US media coverage within the past few months, you'll see that they've stopped short of predicting an Economic Apocalypse. Case in point. The drop is actually the biggest since the 1987 drop. However, comparing it to the Great Depression has a far more dramatic effect. Which is usually the only thing one cares about when they're a ratings whore.
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