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Everything posted by HeroSublime

  1. Hey Happy B-day Spike, go eat food at a good restaurant or something.
  2. That's some pretty harsh judgments, I think the things that made Doom 3 suck are not at all present in BioShock(run-of-the-mill story, generic guns that aren't very fun to use, nearly total lack of plot or unfolding)
  3. So BioShock is releasing soon, and I for one, am planning on getting this baby for PC and playing the hell out of it. I bought an 8800 GTX and this is exactly what I wanted it for. I know most of you have openly admitted to owning very low performance PCs. But that's what XBox 360 is for!(Though if you use XBox 360 on this game you're probably missing out on the full effect) I haven't been interested in a game's release in quite awhile, but BioShock is showing those traits of innovation and groundbreaking design that were present in other revolutionary and fantastic games like Half-Life 2. Reviews are coming in from all over the board with astonishingly positive results. I highly recommend everyone to play this game! Anyone else excited about this title?
  4. LMAO, I remember watching a Bibleman flick with my friends about a year ago. That game looks like it was developed by some Digipen juniors. It's probably got the deadly 3: only for PC, sold at kmart, placed in the "value" section.
  5. That as well as the "romantic ride" and the affeminate phone call.
  6. Way to go Logan! Yes I would like the others too, most notablly the wrap up that happened after the main event because I missed it. -__-
  7. Whoah great work there Phoenix, looks like an archie cover by the Spaz himself! I was just watching Indiana Jones recently. Such a great series of films.
  8. I think it's fair to say that Taxman could've just wiped the floor with SAGE. What he did was spare us of his all-powerful god-modding as a programmer. Personally, I think there were plenty of decent games to keep people's interests. Though I agree about the participation, although I'm new to SAGE, the participation, was infact, quite weak.
  9. Lol that was pretty impressive for random. Gets pretty annoying after a short while though.
  10. You weren't kidding about the boss, I loved the second form. Great job DW.
  11. Son of a ************* **** My only beef is what people noted already, Sonic's torso size and the fact that actually loading these models with this quality is probably impossible for like anyone on the boards since they can barely run full-screen mmf2 games. Though it would be awfully sweet to these in a decked out, cutting edge game.
  12. You know frustrating gameplay makes people give up from pure disdain more than continue. XD I often push on just to "beat the game" so that I can never have to play it again. But in this case I just didn't wanna deal with it, since alot of the time I lost was due to unfair circumstance(i.e. the checkpoint where you die everytime you spawn)
  13. The level design is gorgeous and everything was cool until I got stuck in the bubble riding part... I'll play some more later and get back to you on that. But it appears that there's no way to get out of that area.
  14. Thanks for the interest Rael, sorry it didn't work for you. Please don't let these crashes stop anyone else, I'm certain I've solved the problem for nearly all users.
  15. Should be included in the folder that you unzip. If not, make sure you are unblocking it(Right-Click, Properties, Unblock) before you unzip it, WinXP tends to freak out about certain file types I notice.
  16. Thanks so much for bearing with me through this TRD, spin dash doesn't work while crouching but it does work while in the air. So if you jump and spin dash you're good to go(left shift to jump)! I'm taking note of the charging speed thing, I'll see about reworking it. The robot death at the end is really corny, I know. XD Thanks again.
  17. Thank you guys very much for sticking in there with me. I have gone through the game with a fine toothed comb with my friend's assistance. Turns out MSC++ express compiler is really gay. So anyways, you can grab the link off the downloads page again and I promise you this will work.
  18. I know what you mean Slinger, I've been having troubles of my own. I'll be sure to check out Nexus though.
  19. ;__; Crap. If you're willing I believe this problem can be remedied by installing the .net 2.0 framework, this can be found for free on mincrosoft.com. I will look into it more after work today. Man this sucks...
  20. Windowed version is up, the reason full-screen crashes is because you need some sort of framework installed I think.
  21. Sorry about that, I didn't think about potential problems, but there definately are with full screen and fade effects when using this stupid development tool.... I'll toss a windowed version of the game up for d/l. F12 can switch between modes if you're able to do so before the error too. XD But yeah very sorry about that.
  22. Daaammmnnn that was brutal. Well it's up, not featuring much, but it's a miracle I found time to get it as done as it is. Check it out, I hope you can take some joy out of atleast part of it since I am missing a small piece of my soul after this production schedule I setup for myself. Download Demo
  23. Good call, DW. I think if "Best in show" was a programming contest, Taxman would win with his project hands down.
  24. Hey calm down there. I really like Thousand Year Door myself.
  25. Made fully in C++, complete with level editor, dev kit and animation editor? Wtf, you are amazing Taxman.
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