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Everything posted by Kyran

  1. Wow, that really looks bad. Good think the classic graphics are there. How's the voice acting?
  2. I still miss that screen shot thread. The black border depends on the resolution you play at, the neat thing is you can stick stuff in that spare space, such as character sheets. The stick figure to the left represents the player's character. If you have any party members they'll appear to the right. I hope to have the avatars show what the characters are wearing, and will react to the situation. Codename SFF* is going to be the first full game made on the engine I've been developing for the past few years. Unfortunately unlike Dlpha, there is no eye candy yet. The characters are all stick-figures, and the hud shown was taken directly from a mock-up image I made and hasn't undergone a single revision. Setting I'm going for a semi-post-apocalyptic setting. I say semi because its not quite what you'd expect as post-apocalyptic. Instead of baron waste lands filled with destroyed technology and feral tribes (I'm thinking of Mad Max here), it'll be lush forests filled with destroyed technology and a few medieval states. I'm hoping this will give a rather interesting dynamic to equipment. The best stuff will be old, rushed, prone to not working, rare and expensive (from the technology era), while the new stuff will will be reliable, readily available, and ultimately inferior. A gun will pretty much kill anything, but it'll be unreliable (prone to jamming), expensive, and will require ammunition, which is also unreliable, rare and expensive. Story I'm hoping to have a few plot lines that are available to follow that will lead to a large number of speical endings. A number of smaller endings will also be available which will be rather generic, you'll get these if you haven't done anything. The main plot line I have planned will involve finding out what happened in the past, though I hope to have more then just that. The game will be time limited, so the game advances whether or not you've done anything. Scope I'm going to focus on one town and the imminent surrounding country side. I may move up to a much larger area after the town is will a truly filled up. The Engine Under the hood the engine has gone through a lot of improvements since the release of Dlpha-RC4 at SAGE2008, such as a scripting language (sort of) which makes events and branching conversation trees a breeze. The most visible improvement is the improved interaction with characters. Now when you click on a character you are presented with a range of options (talk, fight, examine and barter). You can view the character sheet of any character, not just the one you are currently controlling (this bit took ages to do). * Until I find a real name.
  3. Heh, first track was unexpected yet neato. Who did the voices in it?
  4. That's the thing that keeps me coming back. Reading about what they get up to. Open Source is neato. The reason I don't bother to release any source is because I doubt anyone would want it. That and I care about the art assets that would have to be released with the code.
  5. Sweet, we need more Flash around here. Unfortunately that link doesn't seem to want to work for me.
  6. If at any stage if the future you wish to change the name, ask Shadix. He's come up with some amazing titles. Your engine is rather nice, level design though is a little iffy with some annoyingly place bottomless pits.
  7. The specs are rather nice, though I think a little more ram would have been nice. I have every intention on getting this thing... eventually.
  8. I played some mini-games. I think I may have worked out the formula for rock scissors paper.
  9. This brings back so many memories of playing WWiML on the Mega Drive and Master System. Never did manage to beat that final boss. Anyway, this looks sweet as, you've really captured the look of the original. Some of your level design is really nice, you seemed to have have the transition between the two gameplay styles work rather well.
  10. That looks sweet. Is your screen recorder dodgy or haven't you put sound in yet?
  11. Sonic Stadium just updated their amazing coverage of SAGE2008 and I noticed this. They fail so badly.
  12. I'm currently using J Sonic's server so hopefully there wont be a problem there (though it is a little slow). Mario Roots there looks sweet as. I can't wait to play it.
  13. I bought a 4GiB Hong Kong import for $30. Works great, 2.8 inch touch screen too. I'm even able to read subtitles of the videos I've put on it. Sound quality is super though, while listening to heavy metal it sounds rather dodgy.
  14. I've setup my SAGE Booth, although the server seems rather slow. http://jsonicserver.no-ip.org/files/111/news.htm
  15. Looks real nice. Those snails remind me of Commander Keen 4 for some reason.
  16. Hey, this games neat. The bottom of the loops on the first two levels look a tad odd. Ah, I only got up to that bottomless pit at the second act. Is there a trick to the full screen? I can only play it windowed.
  17. I've never be quite sure of have SAGE works. I remember I was aiming to release something for SAGE 2006. It is likely I'll be able to prepare a preview game, but for the full release I am hoping for I'm going to need battle graphics for Sally and a minor robot of some kind. The above backdrop I managed to put together in thirty minuets. Hopefully a largish world can be put together quickly. EDIT: Yeah, it seems likely I'll be able to make a release for SAGE.
  18. I haven't said anything on the matter. How am I fooling anyone? That passion stat was only shown in one screenshot, and has since been renamed to leadership. The looks stat is no longer around either just check out the game play footage I posted in post 10. No.
  19. Kinda. I trace a source image, then import that trace into Flash and then mess with it for a while. Same with most of the backgrounds too, except with my newer ones I take a picture of a location, trace it, then make it look all dark and SatAM like.
  20. I've upload a history of the project to youtube. It includes footage of this latest version.
  21. Appearance is important for the persuasion feat, and passion has been renamed to leadership. Anyway, those stats will never be a problem again!: And now the battle system is semi-working: Blue box to the left is Sonic, blue box to the right is Sally, and the red box is Tails (I don't have any battle art). I'm not sure what I'll put in the lower left and right boxes yet.
  22. UI problem is because I don't have the right font when I compile the game. The general idea of the game is: The player has thirty days to explore the world, influence characters, and do subplots before the main plot starts (via a tragic event). At the start of each day the player sets their schedule. The schedule generally has what training will take place during day. Each major character teaches a skill. For example, if Cooking was chosen then the character would learn that skill from the character that specializes in it; Antoine in this case. The player’s character would gain experience in cooking and possibly improve their relationship with the teacher. Game play is along the lines of a point and click adventure. Searching through areas, using object A with object B to trigger event C and unlock area D. Well, hopefully it's not that dull. I also hope to involve quite a bit of tactics as well. Stationing party members at particular locations in order to accomplish things not possible if everyone just stuck together, trapping enemies by destroying doors and a few interesting combat situations. This is a discussion page on the plot.
  23. After all this time I return to discover that my favorate thread (the screen shot thread ) - the one I spent all my time in - has gone. Now I have to make a new thread and write information and... yuck. Anyway, some of you might remember this screenshot: Some thought it was a Sonic hentai game. Some progress has been made since then: This is showing off the new party management system. The little temp images I'm using are from Battle of Wesnoth. This one is showing off the schedule. The activities shown are the default ones for the engine I'm using (as were the states in the top image). I'm aiming at having quite a few activities, such as Cooking with Antoine. I was intending to post a screen shot of the battle system, but it's in a rather incomplete state. Each battle is going to consist of up to six characters (three on each side). One character is selected from each team and they move to the center and fight it out. Long range characters can attack the enemy's center character at any time.
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