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Everything posted by Amesuki

  1. Wow, BF, this looks awesome. I'm looking forward to playing it, I used to love Chao racing when I was younger, so I hope I can recapture the spirit. BTw I lost my old email account, so I am on a new one, I'll PM it too you soon! ^^ - Keep it up! -Amesuki=-
  2. Agreed, then I might see a point in owning a Wii, Brawl alone doesn't temp me buying one. -=-Amesuki-=-
  3. XD... I totally lol'd Well...I have seen worse. =-Amesuki-=
  4. I thought I post someone on here, but I must of not of done, so my bad. You know the bugs, so like Slingerland said, no need to repeat. I thought it was rather good, but short. (Good things come in small packages) lol'd. It looked very good, it played pretty well, so all in all it was a very good demo. ^^ The graphics were very very nice, by the way, really fit well with the game XD.
  5. Blah Laptop Broke: Yes my laptop, after only being fixed for a week, has broke... The good news I get £650 in vouchers in a weeks time, to get a new sparkly one. Yet what annoys me is that PC World, in promising me getting my laptop fixed for sure, (and said, I should have no more worries) clearly were lying. I'm now stuck, with a PC Laptop thing, the size of old moblie brick home "on loan" one, with a horrid version of Vista, and also I dont think I will be able to carry on with my projects... (well I might...). So you better take me out of the Winter Games comp . Sorry for me little rant, but this being the fifth time PC World siad my laptop has been fixed "for sure", you can see why I am a little peev'd. =Amesuki=
  6. Lol'd. Here is a screenshot of me SHMUP in progress. It's using the mode 7 for the background, (because I am too lazy for paralex). The sprite will prob's be changed to a ship, I dunno. Here is the video: =-Amesuki-=
  7. I lol'd. And that isn't a good thing considering its 3:15am and me parents are asleep, but it's worth it.
  8. I will enter with an SHMUP. I love making ShMUPs, ^^ I'm hopefully gunna make an awesome one! -Amesuki
  9. I have some good and some sad news. Lets start with the good first, I have gained MMF2! ^^ So I can finally start work with it. Sad news, it can't be ported very well into MMF2... The flash doesn't work, (when hurt) and the collision is terrible... I want to make this game in TGF, as it will be my final TGF game because I have MMF2 now, but I can't port it over to MMF2 very well. I'm a little stuck on what to do. However if the problem is based on how many samples are playing, I'll edit to single samples, and just have midi's instead? That might work? -Amesuki- (Btw I am learning 360o engines now! So after this mammoth project, I'll have another one straight after XD)
  10. Why dont call it Hydro Tempest? It would be alot cooler. Anyway, I played the demo, and I didn't mind it. I actully quite like it. Good point is that it contains a really nice retro feel. It plays pretty well and also it seem Sonic. However I must say sometimes I go through backdrops, or not gain a good flow of speed. Two other points need addressing is that one the screen is too far right when Sonic is running, thus not creating a good field of view coming up. Second the "stack" of platforms... make curves, loops ramps, it will make it ALOT better. However I like where it is going, so REP UP! for you. =Amesuki=
  11. Looks nice, maybe needs more some background objects, because it looks bare. However it looks good. Anyway why not release the beta now? Or work on the beta so we can play it. Like peeps been saying, it IS annoying when someone posts controls, so your ready to play a demo, and ye cant. Lol I'll check out your other fan game too. Keep it up though, Im interested. =amesuki=
  12. Also, when you get to something look like this: [qimg]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i34/JoeruK/Canyon2.png[/qimg] YOu need to press (Z) on the circle part, not on the arrow in order to boost or fly up in the air. Answered your question? I hope it does. And thankies for your comments, and yup TRD is right, I don't have MMF2, I used to have the first one ages ago, but I lost the disks... . I was going to buy it but I don't have enough money yet. Anyway thanks for your comments, I'll keep ye updated with progress. =Amesuki=
  13. You do know TRD I do have a reputation of never finishing any of my game/projects. (I'll promise just too you, I will ) Anyway thanks for your comments, been helpful, Violet I know most of those bugs, but I had to sorta rush completion so I can release it on Christmas day. I'm ironing them out as we speak, also setting up gimmicks for Forest Shores and Cyber Park! (You'll love Cyber Park trust me, me concept drawings look umm "nice".) I'll be re-positioning the counters and puting everything in right alignment ect, (notice Sonic goes behind the arrows ect). Also I included a small joke with a backgound object: Have a guess what it looks like! Anyway again thanks for your support! I love it when people post and help me out, really gives me the drive to do me best XD -AMesuki
  14. HAPPY BOXING DAY...oh wait.. s**t. Wrong thread. I hope all had a very merry christmas! The odd thing is, the best thing I enjoyed about today, is the dinner, and snuggling up too my girlfriend. Because peeps are right, it isn't really the presents that count (although they are nice), its the time spent with your family and friends. XD I sound like my mum. -Amesuki
  15. I know it's only a test demo, so I wont like say bad stuff about the Arial font (I hate basic fonts in games..except Small Fonts). Anyway I actully enjoyed the very short test demo XD. The good point is that it so much remind me of an advanced game, but that run smooth. However I didn't like when sometimes when I was going really fast, my character was on the right side of the screen and I couldn't see at all what was coming up against me. Also I few really high when I smashed open a monitor. Anyway I like where this is going, so I'm still staying tuned. Rep up! and Merry Christmas! -Amesuki
  16. Amesuki


    He wasn't even born on 25th... it was sometime in Spring/Summer time. We don't really know the birthday for Jesus. And second I feel sorry for him because he is the only one person I know that doesnt get presents on his birthday but everyone else does!
  17. Amesuki


    Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday dear Time Traveling Future Con Man (Jesus) Happy Birthday To You... *gets killed*
  18. Finally got Sonic Mayhem 2 demo working... so thats a christmas gift to you lot XD. Lol I got a new phone now XD! yeya. -Amesuki
  19. Merry Christmas. I got a PSP... wow! And shoes and socks.
  20. Poo... it isnt working. Great XD. I don't know what to do, it wont let me save a stand alone game without saying error file. I'll keep trying to make something work. Sorry about this guys. This might work: (EDIT) XD! I FORGOT THE GAM. FILE lawl! Okies, it protected (I hope) so no one can steal the source. Sonic Mayhem Demo! I got to say thanks to Clwe because when my hard drive crashed I had to use one of Clwe's old Static engines to re-build my old one from. (I was too lazy to do it all my self ) Lawl I just remember that know, so Clwe isn't in the credits so sorry... (I'll put it in the next demo)
  21. Did it say missing cnc32.dll or something?
  22. SONIC MAYHEM 2 DEMO OUT!!! (Christmas Present lawl) Okies I present the demo, that been pushed back for a while...sorry guys. I havn't been on much because I had some life problems (serious ones, I got very ill) and also my laptop broke'd. Anyway I been working in past three days solid on this demo, and I hope you like it. There are some bugs I do know about, but I'll iron them out later. Remember this is made on TGF, so it not as awesome as XG or Worlds engine. Right the controls... LEFT RIGHT ARROW = MOVE SHIFT = JUMP (When got normal shield, double shift = Double Jump Also, when you get to something look like this: YOu need to press (Z) on the circle part, not on the arrow in order to boost or fly up in the air. In this demo you have: Canyon Crisis Act 1 Canyon Crisis Storm Canyon Crisis Act 2 Canyon Crisis Boss Some pictures: The Boss The Level (Act 1) (Act two is different slightly, and you might meet up with an old friend) Right I think I explained myself enough DOWNLOAD THE GAME: (Check post below this one!!!)
  23. Why would I want to be anyway? Im on my new PSP writing this so sorry its short. Thanks for the welcome peeps. When my laptop is back I post up a demo. CYa!
  24. Hey Amesuki here, just posting a topic using my girlfriends computer. (Mines broken...) Anyway don't worry I havn't left, nor abandoned my projects, just I had one of the worse eight weeks for a while. Firstly I became ill for two weeks, then I became depressed due to reasons of splitting up with my girlfriend. Also my MSN got hacked, and now I am waiting on my laptop to get fixed... its been three weeks now. Anyway I have the game still saved on my external hard drive, and all the programmes, I might be getting MMF2 for christmas and a new PC... So it's looking up for me at the moment. Anyway I've been missing you (adds alot of sobbing here) once I'm back for good (when my laptop is back) I'll post up a demo of Mayhem dead quick and try and get back into this awesome community XD. Anyway see ya around, miss ye all. -Amesuki- (Sorry for any mistakes in this post, this keyboard is really bad and I am very tired from college lectures)
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