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Everything posted by Amesuki

  1. @Yoda: Actually the spindash in the old games is totally different to the spindash in 16bit games. Its hard to explain but how it's controlled when launched and how it stops is odd. In S&T(1) you can launch a spindash and aslong as you don't jump you can get to one end of the level to the other continuly spindashing. I've hopefully mimic'd it but yeah it's kinda sucky but those games engines were too. . The skidding has been changed, that was just a silly fault of me doing the sprites wrong way around. The only issues I need to address is, looking up and down and skidding. (He rolls in a ball if you skid under a certain speed). Righty, I'm just going to show you these six screenshots because thats it. No more. (I might release one of the Special Stages and some bosses but that'll be in a whiles time.) These are the first six levels in the game. The rest of the levels shall be a surprise! He he. ( I know you've seen some already but I'm just showing you the levels in order with the new pictures added in aswell ) Neo Turquoise Zone Carnival Night Zone Aquapolis Zone Egg Ruins Zone Aero Babylon Zone Winter Crisis Zone I'm also adding another surprise to all of the levels but I'm not going to tell you what it is, but trust me its something new to the GG world of Sonic. Secondly this game is only going to star Sonic and Robotnik. Yes I know what about Tails and Knuckles...Well to be honest I couldn't care less about them. It's going to be old skool and that means getting rid of some characters then so be it. Originally it was going to take place after Triple Trouble but instead it's going to take place straight after the first Sonic for GG/SMS. Yep that means your going to see the Sky Base crashing down onto a new Island . Thirdly after much thought I'm not going to include Super Sonic in it. Sad I know but I'm really going to make it like a Game Gear game so it's going to be a no no to Mr. Super Sonic. HOWEVER...I am including something special if you collect all the five Emeralds in the special stages. (Five you say?) Indeed because GG only usually got you collecting only five and Robotnik had the sixth. But isn't there seven Chaos Emeralds? No not in the GG world there isn't. Finally, thank you for posting the video and Mayhem stuff on TSS. Very happy about that! Indeed I must then get this completed and get some real retroness onto the internets. -Amesuki
  2. Planning to there Blue Frenzy. Taken your advice you give me about a year ago or two. I'm keeping the last levels a surprise and changing some of the levels so it's not what your expecting
  3. The production quality is really high. I enjoyed watching it, even though the dubbing put me off a bit. I don't like it when it isn't lip synced well and what not. 3D effects were amazing though.
  4. Thanks for your comments, they have all been really useful. I've managed to fix most of the bugs, granted there are still some small ones but overall its nothing to worry about. (Nearer completion and release I'll polish them up.). Anyway I'm gunna, I mean, I will, 100% deffo beffo jeffo WILL release it at SAGE 2010. Im gunna make it one of my lifetime goals. I shall break a trend of SAGE only releasing demos and actually get one out on time. (unless 2009 had one, but I was too busy to check SAGE this year ). @ Blue Frenzy: The difference is that the first one had some bugs with the spindash and the second corrects most of them. @ V' CLM: The level design is a bit bland yes. The level art isn't even going to be in the game it was just something I had lying around. I'm hoping the first level "Neo Turquoise" to have a look just like my old "Forest Shores". Although I'm not there yet in designing that. Right, some pictures of some levels, it's not all of them but its a few. - (Still needs alot of work) - (How the hud shall be from now on) - Old mock up (level graphics are being used) (Sprite isn't being used) - (8-bit version of Sky Babylon) Also there is a small zone list here. (Granted it doesn't tell you every level or shows pictures for every level ) Anyway I'm glad to pick this old dog back up and heal it back to life. Needs to completed now, its dragged on too long. -Amesuki
  5. Righty, I think I've managed to get all those bugs you've listed. Thanks for helping me beta test, been really helpful. Anyway I've replayed Sonic Chaos, and I've modeled it off that. I've added skidded (I know the animation is the wrong way around but you'll live). Badnik problem has been solved as well as the spindash. Anyway please try this new version and see if its better? Turquoise Gardens Demo Thankies -Amesuki
  6. FINALLY! The ultimate engine for Sonic Mayhem has been built! All in TGF aswell. Mhahahahahaha! Sorry for that over n00bish post but it was needed. Oh yes, last few days I came back to Mayhem because I felt I really need to finish this old dog. Going on twoish years now I've lost engines, built many and finally got one that is just yum. Featuring, loops, platforms, badniks, bosses, shield all the general jazz all from TGF. Secondly I feel it mimics the Game Gear games rather well, from the sluggish frame rate to the odd physics. Yes finally I can go about creating the actual levels. I've also made a quick level for you to lot to test out. Granted it still does need some minor bugs ironing but it's mostly all there. (Press 1 for original screen size. Press 2 for a X2 size and Press 3 for a X4 size) Turquoise Gardens Zone Anyway hope ya like it, have fun and keep Game Gearing...cheesy ending I know. Edit: Sorry for the delay guys on this game. It's been a busy year with starting university, exams and life in general. Anyway to make up, hope ya enjoy the demo! *btw I know theres a lil bug where you can do a slight spindash in the air. I forgot to reinclude the counter so ignore that >.< and order the shield correctly. Oops)
  7. I dunno if you did or not, but alot of people are complaining about your frame-rate uses. I played an old demo, and I had the same problem is DW, and the 30/30 does lie. I was running about 10, prolly less. You need to make a draw distance, it is vital for making it run a HELL of a lot fast. Just deactive objects when from a certain distance, and reactive them when with-in a certain distance of the character. Add fog if you want to hide it. Trust me, it runs it alot faster, because the reason it runs so slow is because it is drawing the whole level, where it should only be drawing parts it needs at the current time.
  8. Done and Done . The 1hp hit thing has been added (I love that in the game.) It only doesn't happen if you fall off the screen. It just bugs sometimes and keeps adding up 1hp. (TGF really does SUCK). The replay value has been added in. It saves what weapons you bought from the first playthrough, so in the later stages (Stage one is linear) there might be vines that you can burn away using your Flare power which inturn leads into another path ect ect. Thanks for your comments The "lens" effect is done by using this extention: Perspective Object http://click.andersriggelsen.dk/extensions.php
  9. I've decided not to make it into a scrolling RPG game because the amount of people going, ooh that reminds me of one of Treasures games. (Those are huge compliments by the way.) Instead it's going to stages, but it's not going to be linear because that’s boring. Instead depending how well you do on the stage, you can travel a new route. Three types of routes, Easy/Medium/Hard. I've also revamping the gem stuff. Instead of the original plan of finding the weapons and upgrades, you can buy them using the gems you collected. (So there no longer used for ammo.) You can also buy health aswell as shield items and superbombs. Anyway this is how the stage order has been planned: This means that the video level ("Castle Heights Area 1") will most likely be redone. The story will still stay the same and stuff. Also I've got a neat ideas for two stages. One being "Tunnel Stage" and the other "Tower Stage", which will look sort of 3D, thanks to the Perspective Extension. He he he. I'll show more of that when I've finished all the level graphics. I don't want to show much of the game because I rather this time it's kept as more a surprise. Secondly, the weapons are changing. I'm stll going to keep it so you can interlink weapons. (I love that idea in Gunstar). Of course you interlink with Element and Shot type. I'm getting rid of the Shield and the Stomp Shots. Going to make two new types of weapons. And no, there isnt going to be homing, I HATE homing weapons, takes away the fun. Thirdly I've re-done the hud for the third time: It's not changed too much, but I feel it's the best so far. Also I might put a score system in, but it'll be like old SNES/Genesis games where it wont remember and is just there for decoration purposes. I'm also going to add in a option that allows you to play the game with different settings. For example you can change the camera turning speed. Another is the difficulty of the bosses, Normal it'll have it's avarage attack patterns, but put it on Hard, then it'll add in a few more attacks. Finally you can change how much damage you take. You'll have three modes, Easy, Normal, Hard. The character has 100HP (100%) and on Easy most attacks will do 1-5 Damage (some powerful ones could do 10-20). Normal the damage range will be 10-20Hp and Hard being 30Hp-One Hit Kills.) Don't worry if you die, it'll remember what level you got up to, so you can change back the setting and play again. Finally I have a voice actress named Poppy, who's going all the stereotypical, "Incoming Guardian", "Power-Up!" in the sexy monotone female voice. There really good, so yeah, adds to the gaming feel. I've re-designed the bad dudes for the Castle level and given them some classic genesis/SNES A.I...basically they're dumb. Instead of being pirates/rebels they are now going to be Bots, or "Badbots" called in the game. Anyway here is the enemies: SwordBot FlitterBot SpawnBot I hope you like them and think they're an improvement because I think they are ha ha ha. Anyway and for the weapons well I'm going to tease, 'ere is the icons for them. Up to you to guess what they are. You'll be suprised on some of them I think I've also re-sprited the girl. Note: I've edited the hair to make it more girly. Also 'Ere's area 1-2 "Collapsing Castle". By using the Perspective Object by Andos I'm able to create a "tower" look to the area. It also gives it a great fake 3D effect, you'll see it more clearly when it's in motion. Yeah it's a scrolling level (it scrolls slowly don't worry). Even if you fall to the bottom, you get launched back up losing only 25% of your Vitality. A demo should be out this or next week lol. I hope you like the progress made, -Joel *btw* I'm addicted to all stuff Treasure now. (The guys whom made Gunstar Heroes/Radiant Silvergun/Silhouette Mirage incase ya didn't know. Hopefully you'll see some Treasure elements in this game from now on, because they're like awesome ha ha ha.) *edit: I've just copy and pasted this from another site I'm posting the game on. I've edited some stuff though *
  10. Actually thats a really good idea. I might just have to do that. The current attack when you run out of bullets is that you fire this short distanced low powered bullet, but I really like the sound of the melee attack, might just have to put that in. I'll do both, so that in bosses you can still damage them with the bullets. Melee and Metal...wont work lol. Thanks for your comments guys. ^^ :Update: I've done the second part with a cool boss. He's rather easy, but he's just another mini-boss so what do you except. I've called him "Boiled FuryFists"
  11. Can't be bothered with it. I just use facebook when I can be bothered. That shall be enough. I have a thing I like to call "privacy" and "social life"
  12. Sadly no online co-op . I'm not too good with the online extensions for Clickteam to be honest. It will be like a joint effort for the co-op meaning you actually will need to work as a team, but I'll release more details of that when I start to fully code it all in. All I'll say, you'll play two characters from Méllon that come back to try and rescue Sakasa. I don't think it can be entered into Sage, because it's not Sonic based lol.
  13. @Cyborg: Yes, but not in this main quest. It'll be a seperate feature with seperate "co-op" levels. Already programmed the two player engine for that Oh yeah, it shall have the stereotypical "Incoming Guardian" voice. @Spike: Yeah, I havn't finished the graphics yet, the top parts should get darker towards the top. (gives it a naff 2D effect gba games have) @Realm: Everything is my own, music, graphics, engine, all. Trying to mimic GBA/DS art style games. Thanks for your comments guys, I'll post more information when more stuff is done. A demo will be released soon.
  14. INFORMATION: Right, I've sadly had enough of Sonic fan gaming at this current time. Never seems to go right or work, so I've scrapped it. However I still make games and I know this is a Sonic game forum, I really want to show this game I've been working. It's programmed on a better version of the old old Sonic Mayhem engine, it's been really updated to make it more playable. Anyway I hope you'll except it 'ere on SFGHQ because I've been working on this for about 2 weeks. Non stop Being mainly programmed on TGF but then ported over to MMF2 for making it playable on modern computers and making sure the EXE file doesn’t crash every 5 seconds. Everything has been done by moi, from graphics to sound to engine. All. Yay. A new name will be given, but at the moment, I can't think of one. Anyway about the game... STORY: Set in Fairy Tales and Méllon. Prince Ouranos in Fairy Tales uncovers a portal that allows for people to time travel and hop into other dimensions. Being the "brave" Prince he is, he gets teleported to a place called Méllon which happens to be half way through the Great War Of Mechanical Mayhem. Trying to get back to his own world, he accidentally teleports a group of Mechanical Rebels. The Rebels, after seeing that this new place is a easy target, sets up a base and then destroys the peaceful world Fairy Tales for resources so they can set up an army of their own to win the war in Méllon. However... Luckily for Fairy Tales, a cop, named Sakasa was also teleported into the world. Begged by the Prince to save his land and the fact that the Rebel's are making a super army to destroy Méllon, she must take down the Rebels in a world totally opposite and reversed to hers. Features: 5 Types of Gun 5 Types of Elements (25 types of Combination) 12+ Environments Huge bosses Hours of gameplay NewGame/SaveGame/LoadGame feature. A chiptune'd soundtrack or a Genesis soundtrack. Bonus features to be unlocked. Pictures: Progress: (OVERALL) ENGINE: 80% GRAPHICS: 20% MUSIC: 40% OVERALL STUFF: 15% (what needs doing: for demo/alpha release) CAMERA: Done (27/6/09) NEW HURT SPRITE NEW WEAPON GRAPHICS NEW HUD SOME MUSIC NEW ENEMY SPRITES (DEMO) Demo: 60% Hope you like the look/sound of it so far. Demo shall be out soon! . And 'eres a video of the first part of the game. (After the tutorial/opening cutscenes)
  15. Can pick up about 5-10gb SD cards for £3-10 over in the UK in our lil computer shop. I like SD cards more than USB. The sticks tend to stick out and I keep bashing it. I got my tB external HDD for £70 last year. (Plug in one) -Amesuki
  16. Loops in TGF with or without the 360o engine are just buggy and takes too much resources up. I'll be mimicking loops like in the Game Gear that are near enough pre-defined. Not meaning it shall be path movement, because it wont, it just wont be "free-flowing". Actually scrap it, I really cannot be bothered to work on a new engine. LOL.
  17. Nope, just a basic static engine. Be alot easier, and it will feel more like a Game Gear title. (Hopes)
  18. I've re-defined the spikes, and taken out the black part, so they looked more curved. After Lark pointed it out, I began to notice yeah it did look like Sonic had a haircut =P Anyway 'ere a picture, and I wonder what zone this is based off... Yeah, that means the Death Egg is in the 8bit game. =P This is just a small mock up, (all the tiles/lib is done, but the layout of the level isnt.) Anyway which background do you think is better? -Egg Launch Zone- I'm re-doing the engine, I'm taking out the 360 movement. Why? Because after playing and playing the GG titles, they don't actually really use 360 movement like the genesis titles does. Sonic doesn't tilt when running down a slope in GG games. So I'm doing this in mine =P =Amesuki=
  19. That happens in Sonic 3D with the gold shield. It only homes if close to the bad-dude and if not, shoots Sonic downwards. It's coming on this game alot, just waiting to see a full level . That will be good. -Amesuki
  20. I tried to mix Chaos' and T.T's sprites together. As you can see the head is Chaos' but with the body of T.T. 'Eres some of the sprites I been doing since my post. The walking legs are just taken from T.T. These are rough, the ones I have ported into TGF are alot more re-fined. (The jump is just T.T's, was no point in doing another jump animation when they all look the same) (Sorry about the transparent thingie, its to stop lurkers stealing my sprites.) -Amesuki (Thanks for your comments btw)
  21. Thanks for your crit, I've been trying to move the screen around but it always looks mis-centered. So it calls for me to make my own title screen. Because of this being a new chapter of the GG storyline (this game will take place straight after Triple Trouble =P) I felt I needed to make new GG sprites. And 'ere it is: And this is to compare against all GG sprites. His face needs a lil tweaking, but the overall look is there. Anyway what do you think, shall I keep with the triple trouble sprites or use my own sprite? -Amesuki (EDIT: Loops doesn't like to work in TGF, so we'll be seeing the likes of Loops featured in Sonic 2 GG...crap and naff)
  22. Tbh the sex scene was just ROFL. That song...why that song seriously! Loved the film, not as good as the g'novel, but it was close, and thats a seriously challenge. So well done. =Amesuki=
  23. I do love that hud as well. Looks promising, shall look forward for proper level screenies. -Amesuki
  24. Good Luck with the spriting. And Yay for the poll finally being over! -Amesuki
  25. Here: I've zipped the ones I ripped from the emulator. I use these ones for my pieces of music: Click here VOPM is a emulation of the Yamaha 2152 synthesizer/sound chip, which is the closes thing to the YM2612 chip that the genesis uses. So it's not the acutal chip/thingie that the genesis uses. So the sixth channel that can store 8bit PCM samples are not on that plugin Lol hoped I helped -Amesuki
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