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Everything posted by djtjj

  1. My method is to use, a password that I wont be able to remember, one made by the password recovery system, so the only way to get a new one is to "recover" it, but now I'm gonna mess up my E-Mail las well.
  2. Thats just wrong, I removed the originally reference, (With hopes of you removing yours...) See ya In a year, I'm not posting In SFGHQ till G.U.N. is done, you people (slingerland) sometimes just disturb me. (you got what you wanted slingerland)
  3. And What The Heck is Blazefire doing up there?! he was banned from the team, twice if I remember correctly (calling yourself sonic505 won't change a thing),the censoring thing came from A copy-paste from another forum.
  4. I wonder what the pig must be thinking...
  5. ok, I'll go fix it now. changed it from egg Carrier to ark
  6. G.U.N. got a new symbol in Shadow the Hedgehog, so I wanted to be specific about the one I want in the logo
  7. level editor? If I could use that I culled try to make some levels otherwise I just don't own MMF, (I have 3d level design experience). also you might be able to pull something off by maybe using GM for the boss fights, the example you release a while back plays just about the same, maybe if you used that to make the boss And MMF to make the levels you might actually be able to make something and it would be more true to the original (the original also used 2 different engines for bosses and levels.
  8. I added the symbol to the bost, it was on SA2 boxes
  9. Heres a request: A logo saying Guardian Units Of Nations, wtih the ark in the background and try to incorporate there sonic adventure 2 G.U.N. symbol in it (just much smaller, maybe behind the words "Guardian Units Of Nations): http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/4637/gunlodokd3.png
  10. cool, demo, wish you would of added a boss though, Oh and Dobermann, would you mind if I wrote an article about this for the Up and coming newsletter "The fan gamers news"?
  11. This is really interesting First the click-team 2 products, then pro sonic, now this? looks like next year will be interesting for fangaming. (depends how much time it take to develop)
  12. I do realise, forgive me for my choice of words, I changed some of it the word do is no longer in that sentence,
  13. Well I just cant wait! I was planing on making something smiler this my self (much less complex though just some simple character select, level select, and boss select).
  14. When should we expect this to come out?
  15. wierd they work fine for me (downloadlinks) and I'm still working on the Your Logo thing
  16. Hi G.U.N. the Sonic The Hedgehog fps has finally gotten a new and improved site, go there to check out the juicy details. site: http://guardian-units-of-the-nations.co.nr/
  17. hi its me djtjj maker of command and conquer renegade 2 the times between. and i need some one who knows his gm and can help me make a menu, yes a menu. since the software i am using to make my latest creation doesn't support saving, now if you have some gm expiriance and know how to use gm to open outside aplications then please pm me for the job. the moddb site for the game is this (not a mod, i just like moddb) http://mods.moddb.com/7441/cc-renegade-2the-times-between/ if you want proof of the work on this i have a concept drawing if you want more just tell me before you lock it! ty:D
  18. i'm dealing with that stuff rite now i'm trying to prefect the method.
  19. I hade this ideal to move an pbject using gravaty once, never hade the time to finish it till now, and another suprise with my gravaty movement was who it also makes exelaration, its extreamly easy to make and suporrts all movement angles, click here for a link to a post with the source code I made.
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