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Status Updates posted by Riseodvi

  1. http://oi59.tinypic.com/fbglj5.jpg So yeah, I made a simple model of Bonnie from FNAF...
  2. No Man's Sky looks so beautiful...

  3. I made a mock-up off how Sonic 1 would look under the constraints of the NES. http://s27.postimg.org/ptawnkn03/Sonic_NES1.png (Sonic would be a have to be a triple-layered sprite to have all of his colors.)

    1. S0LV0


      Ooh, interesting.

  4. Does anyone remember the EGGEN project?

    1. JiyakoZen


      Tried googling it, I'm completely lost :P

    2. OverbounD


      I think Dami still works on it when he has time.

  5. Is anyone here interested in doing some brief voice acting? I won't need anything for a while, I just have some ideas brewing and want to know if anyone has some voice talent...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clouder



    3. Mr. Potatobadger
    4. Riseodvi


      Alright, glad some people are interested! Again, I'm not looking for roles yet, just taking note on who's interested.

  6. THIS is what I hope Sonic on PS4 and One looks like: http://mixlou.deviantart.com/art/Running-around-465178408

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spykid


      id buy a ps4, just to have it lol

    3. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      now that i'd pay $50 for.

    4. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      inb4 the gameplay is bad :v joking of course. for the most part...

  7. Just a quick question here: What's your stance on emulation?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Agreed 100% with Jassbec. If a system is nearly impossible to buy, emulate away! I also think emulation is alright if you have the system in real life. I have my Game Boy Advance, and I have VBA.

    3. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Seeing as though I'm having rotten luck getting my hands on a Gameboy Color that doesn't cost me an internal organ, yeah I'm comfy with Emus.

    4. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      It would be hard to study sonic's physics with an actual sega. I'm all for emulating.

  8. Hmm... should I play Five Nights at Freddy's or should I keep my peace-of-mind and ability to sleep?

    1. ZanicBeast
    2. Sly4Good


      Play it only if you're Ready 4 Freddy

  9. Does anyone know a way to make a voice recording sound like a Genesis-era PCM? (Auto-tune might work, but it would sound too clear...)

    1. Sir Spacebar

      Sir Spacebar

      There's something called a bitcrusher if that's what you're looking for. Just google it.

    2. Riseodvi


      Thanks Spacebar, I think I'm heading in the right direction now.

    3. JiyakoZen


      There are plenty of "bit crushers" for various music software such as GarageBand, Logic, Mixcraft, etc.

    1. Riseodvi


      Should also mention, if it says that you need to update something, ignore it, you can chat without it.

  10. This isn't related to Sonic, but a guy who's name rhymes with"Bobin Filliams" was found dead today, likely a suicide. Am being sad, game is not happy end.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      He was such a terrific guy who would cheer me up whenever I watched his movies. Depression can be a bitch sometimes, huh?

    3. Miru


      Well, at least he's been immortalized as Genie.

    4. Assassin-HeatBeat
  11. Should I play Eggman Hates Furries? It looks freakin' awesome but I just don't want to have to get a new set of eyes when I'm done (What exactly happens at the end?).

  12. Man, Project Morpheous has me so hyped! (The PS4 one, not the NASA one.)

  13. Mecha Knuckles missed the brilliant opportunity to be called Brass Knuckles :P

  14. Heeey P3DRO m'man where ypu @, I meed to hear say that Sanic is gay ya crasy sumbitch!!!111

    1. Jassbec


      Pedro is dead.


    2. Riseodvi


      I'm so paranoid, checked P3DRO's profile to make sure he had been on recently >_>

  15. Scrolling through Google Images is like diving deep into the sea: the further down you go, the weirder and more disturbing the things you see are.

  16. Would a hotwired spindash (like the one in Generations) work in a classic-style fangame or would it feel out of place?

    1. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      I think it could work and actaully had it (somewhat) in one of my older fiddling things

    2. Chaos-Fusion


      Depends on how you design the levels I suppose.

      The levels in Generations were built with the Spin dash button build in mind allowing players to spam it as much as they want.

      In the classics, I'm pretty sure a dedicated spindash button would possbily allow players to access areas they should be able to get to. Still, this is just off the top of my head so just add the spindash button and decide for yourself if its out of place. I don't think it would feel to out of place.

  17. I just discovered that you can do a low range homing attack in Super Mario Galaxy by jumping, then performing a spin and stomp in quick fashion. yay...

  18. Now look... I gotta FEAVUH. And the only cure...

  19. To me, Sonic Adventure 1 always felt more like the classic games. Sure he has a homing attack, but the controls were much looser and it featured more gimmicks.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Serephim


      Adventure 1 would have been alot better if it wasn't so buggy. SA2 built around its engine way better and encouraged environment interactions. It was the better designed game IMO.

    3. Riseodvi


      @Serephim SA1 was buggy, but I don't really remember any times it really obstructed the gameplay, though I do agree that SA2 was built with the engine's limitations in mind. SA1 had fantastic moments that were often ruined by the camera screwing around. SA2 worked around this by keeping the levels more linear. But it'd be hard for me to choose which is my favorite because of how different they are. It's like comparing apples and pineapples.

    4. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      Adventure Control- how I miss you

  20. Do you guys prefer the US soundtrack or the EU/JP soundtrack? (I prefer the EU/JP one more because it was the first I heard and it is just so FUNKEH.)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MrLevRocks


      I'm into JP/EU too... HEY! TURN IT UP!

    3. Jassbec


      The US soundtrack is based more on the enviroments and feelings, while the JAP/EU is based more around the actual level themes/tropes.

    4. GSF


      I'd have to say Hataya's. It's got Cosmic Eternity, which makes for a way better credits sequence than just a longer Sonic Boom. US soundtrack is still pretty nice, though!

  21. I haven't been up to much lately... just snooPING AS usual...

    1. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      ah there you are, snooPING AS usual i see

    2. Riseodvi
  22. Does anyone know a good source for Sonic-esque sound samples (preferably .wav) ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stardust Gear
    3. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      If were talking original sounds from scratch, then BFXR. If we're talking sonic sounds themselves, then lange's sound pack.

    4. Riseodvi


      Thanks all, you guys have been really helpful :D

  23. I just realized how incredibly strange all of our usernames are...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Assassin-HeatBeat


      It makes life abit more intresting.

    3. Riseodvi


      Maybe I should start a thread on how we all got our user names... Nah, too tired, maybe another time.

    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      um my username isn't strange brah

  24. I've got this weird problem: every once in a while, all GM fangames will run at about a third of it's usual speed and it won't return to normal until I restart my computer. Anyone have this problem or know how to solve it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riseodvi


      Well, at least I'm not the only one. :1

    3. Assassin-HeatBeat


      I've had this problem as well but opening it also slows down my entire laptop with it. My solution if that's happening is task manager and ending the games process

    4. Riseodvi


      Hmm.. I'll try that next time.

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