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Everything posted by TheJeli

  1. Even though he's had the most voice actor changes thorughout the series. Corey Bringas (English game voice (1999-2001)) Connor Bringas (Sonic Adventure 2 - English) Ryo Hirohashi (Japanese game voice (2003-present) plus Sonic X) William Corkery (Sonic Heroes-Sonic Advance 3 - English) Amy Palant (English game voice (2005-2009) plus Sonic X) Kate Higgins (English game voice (2010-present))
  2. Sorry about using the word 'rip-off'. I didn't mean that. I just feel that some more original ideas would make the game more unique. I know my game is a rip-off of Sonic. I just replaced Sonic with me and my friends for fun. If there's a problem with my game PLEASE tell me. I really need the feedback.
  3. This does seem to be getting more and more of an ATS rip-off.
  4. I really enjoyed Generations, it was a very good game and was a great return to form. However, I would have made some slight changes that would make the game a bit better. It's a weird thought, but Generations doesn't really feel like a game, but more of a level collection. I would have made it so you started on classic Green Hill, moved on to two of the best missions to emulate act 2 and 3, and then do the same for every other level. I would have put Metal Sonic after Chemical Plant, Death Egg Robot after Sky Sanctuary, then shadow. Perfect Chaos after Seaside Hill, Silver after Crisis City, and Egg Dragoon after Planet Wisp. I would have changed a few levels too. I would have changed Seaside Hill to Casino Park, Crisis City to Tropical Jungle, Rooftop Run to Cool Edge (just so we got Icecap) and Planet Wisp to Asteroid Coaster. What are you're thoughts? What levels would you have?
  5. HOLY SHIT DUDE! I wish I ould contribute but I'm having to save moeny for myself, I feel so mean. Good luck!
  6. But you could make it good. If you ever release this as open source, that is what I will make with this.
  7. It really wouldn't NEED any of that. I was just thinking Super Mario Kart with Sonic. Don't even needs Karts. You would only need to add opponents and items.
  8. You know what this would be awesome for? A racing game, Sonic Kart without the kart. Also you need to make the level bigger, Sonic feels way too big.
  9. What version of Game Maker did you make this with? I can't open the .exe on Windows 8. EDIT: Sorry it was Windows 8 stupid smart screen not letting me open it.
  10. Thanks for the help! Works perfectly!
  11. Wouldn't it be coll just to run around levels with 10 of your friends. Wouldn't make a good MMO, but it would be cool to have race 12 people in Green Hill Act 2 from Generations.
  12. How do you import them manually? I've tried downloading it multiple times. EDIT: Tried using this link http://www.yoyogames.com/resources/2360/download Didn't work. Does anyone have another link to it?
  13. Everyone seemed to love sugar splash, but I just found it a level with a lot of promise, crippled by it being mostly underwater.
  14. I'm guessing your going for a basic endless runner game. There was a game that looked just like it. It could probably handle it.
  15. I think a torrent file would be a good idea too. Too bad I don't know how to make one.
  16. It could be used as an insta-sheild that can kill spiked enemies or monitors stuck in walls.
  17. [qimg]http://jassbecspot.webs.com/photos/undefined/Livin%20in%20the%20crystal%20citadel.png[/qimg] I prefer the first one if you get rid of that gradient.
  18. The spikes on his ball don't really look like they are there. What advantage does that move have? Does it have extra reach?
  19. Is it bad that I'm more exited for this than I was for Ats? I just love the idea of exploring a world with Sonic.
  20. I that for Sonic? It kinda reminds me of Mecha-Sonic from S3&K. Its great to see how much work you have put into this, and it will be great to see a final release.
  21. Really looking forward to this one. The comparisons to BtS and AtS are obvious, but if it has great level and boss designs, I'm sold.
  22. After re-reading my post, I want to apologise. I feel that I came across as an arrogant asshole and what to let you know I appreciate your help.
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