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Everything posted by LarkSS

  1. Probably a false positive. Tell your antivirus (McAfee I'm guessing) to make an exception for the exe and try again. You can try uploading it here just to be sure. I didn't say there was a graphical issue, just that the attack range should be slightly increased. I did say however that after trying for awhile I got better at defending myself, but it still was frustrating for me to have to rely on hopeful timing at chancy distances with only 3 health points to back me up. Ah, I do remember that from the tut. I guess I forgot about it later on and figured some form of auto-save or friendly resume system was in place. I'll give it another go and see how far I get this time!
  2. The graphics for this is really nice, and the music fits in rather well. In general the game feels very tightly wound together too, great work. However, I couldn't get very far. The tiny buzzing bugs are very mean. If you let them get on top of you, it's pretty much impossible to shake them off and you can't hit them because they're too close, guaranteeing death. They should really fly away for a little bit after biting you before returning back for more. Rumble's attack feels very weak. I somewhat got used to using it, but it still remained a difficult ability to have to rely on. Maybe his attack range could be slightly increased without any graphical modifications? When I lose all my lives, I'm not allowed to resume anymore? I was booted back to the title screen, and when choosing Continue, I'm once again redirected back to the title screen, essentially leaving me with the only choice of making a new game. That seems rather brutal. - - - Speaking of continue, do you happen to know where the save file is stored? I don't really like the idea of a file being made somewhere I don't know about. Would be nicer if instead it was made right next to the EXE.
  3. ATM, he probably can't fix that because it's just a cel-shade effect. Probably looks better in-game anyway when the camera is no where near as close.
  4. Sejez, you are the first person outside of the people me and Aerosane know to actually complete Geoff, including the 6 second ending; congratulations! xD And thanks for playing! For the rest, it would seem that some hints may be in order if you would like to join the finish line reception.
  5. @Dan: We were never trying to make a perfect clone, but just borrowing moves and abilities that we wanted for the engine. I personally never saw that situation happen before, though I think I'd prefer the control to remain ignored. I guess in the end it's up to Kaosu though.
  6. Sorry, I reread the bullet bill thing and your wording makes perfect sense now. Last question: The vehicle needs to go up, and then smoothly or instantly start going down, and the vica versa? If so, are you saying that by the missile always hitting, it cannot miss? I'm asking since if it cannot miss and the vehicle has to change movement direction back and forth, I'd have to figure out a way for the missile to predict the vehicle will have changed directions by the time it reaches its position to start turning early, which would complicate things.
  7. ...what? Does this mean there are random bills at random speeds all over the place, or that the single bullet bill moves at a random speed? No other concerns besides that. Lots of time for each of them, and the third is pretty easy. I think I'll try this just to keep my mind active. Oh I do have a concern. You mentioned graphics being necessary. Say for the Mario problem; do you require the actual mario sprites being used, or can shapes as placeholders work well enough as long as the example is visual? I'd honestly rather just do the programming aspect of this rather than dig for and compile sprites.
  8. Yes it's the same engine, it was just reused as a joke game toward Aerosane's friend, so obviously a lot of elements remained the same. I just figured I'd show it hear since we put more effort than we thought we would into it, and perhaps someone would find interest in its humor and the challenge itself. @Aerosol: Yeah, after having seen a lot of people play it, the difficulty is quite high (higher than the original it was modified from). The stage however is very short and...that's all there is, so I think it's best to think of it as a puzzle, which though can have a fast solution, figuring it out takes much determination. I also figured it was just certain people having trouble with it since my little brothers kicked its butt no problem, though so far they are the only ones besides Aerosane and I to actually beat it. If enough people are having trouble yet want to reach the end, I can give a hint which will make progression a lot easier, but I highly recommend sticking with it until you land in the end zone!
  9. That's probably the best option Azu, especially since I was thinking on releasing a standalone version of the input manager with no features cut out. I was just wondering what people thought behind the practicality in selecting a rumble device in a game heh. All the more reason to support them!
  10. Get the download link from this page, and read some about Geoff's legacy! http://www.paulvaneck.net/geoff If you are able to get the best ending by finishing with 6 seconds or more, your precise time will be displayed after a bit. Feel free to post screenshots of your time, though I would request you spoiler tag it to not ruin the ending for others who are still trying to get it! HINTS Use as a last resort!
  11. In the first pic, it looks like you have a yellow boot for your left hand.
  12. That rules me and my old monitor out then. I don't care to get a larger display either since my DDR2 cards only feel powerful on lower resolutons.
  13. It forces the benchmark at a minimum of 1280x720 even if that horizontal size surpasses your monitor's maximum resolution?
  14. Kirs, there was only like 5 seconds of gameplay video among all of that cinematic.
  15. It can read inputs from any input, it's just up to you to set up the game to use it. In the screenshots I just showed an example providing deadzones for the directional inputs and the L and R inputs (in case of triggers). If you so please you could give two XY deadzones for two analog sticks, and make a Geometry Wars fangame. Right now though, you can map the second stick to any of the existing inputs, even the movement directions, but you should provide deadzones for something you think might commonly be mapped to an analog stick or trigger. ;] Tightening up Delta while I can during freetime between classes. I don't want to put a deadline on things, but it should hopefully be coming soon! I HAVE A QUESTION FOR ANYONE INTERESTED! If rumble support is added, should it be limited to Joystick2 devices only, or include a selection for rumble devices should someone have something like a force feedback chair that the game happens to detect? Also if the rumble selection is your choice, should it allow multi-selection? :3 Try to pick an answer you think is most sensible that compromises with flexibility, as IMO the rumble device selector might be pushing it.
  16. @justin123: It sounds like you might need that direct x update he already mentioned requiring for the newest version.
  17. Lovely engine as always Xaklse. It feels nice finally being able to run around with an actual Sonic. The model itself is quite a charmer too, though his hands are huge! (Also, the white buckles on his shoes like to disappear if the camera gets too close; Z buffer issue I'm guessing from the buckles being so thin.) The 2.5D keeps looking better too. It remains quite solid unless you purposefully try to make it break like if you jump early on the first loop-de-loop you see in the 2.5D section, or if you use dodge jump near that end part this can result: Basically I'm still in 2.5D mode in that screenshot helplessly being thrown into the air repeatedly.
  18. If it is just a newer version of what I tried before, then it is a very solid engine that runs great on older computers. Probably to be expected from Blitz3D, but even at low cpu clock speeds and a below 30 framerate, the engine still holds strong.
  19. Gear, it looks really nice. The desaturation effect on the island far back is an excellent addition, though you might have ripped the graphic like that to start with. ;P
  20. I'm really impressed with the animation work; feels like it's an actual game engine. Lighting was very nicely replicated too. Don't care too much for the Sonic model or sunbeam effect though.
  21. Maybe if college hadn't started already I wouldn't have minded trying this out.
  22. The input management system has been completed! (In terms of use for Delta anyway.) It is still lacking full Player 2 support, but I'll add that in whenever someone actually needs it. (Need, not want.) In this screen I have the left analog stick moved to the top-rightish while holding down the left trigger enough to pass its deadzone. http://larkss.thisisourcorner.net/videos/InputManager.avi Youtube wouldn't take this for whatever reason; only uses the standard H.264 codec. *shrug* Made a sloppy video of how it looks like in action, minus it working in an actual game (that would be better off for your testing pleasure anyhow once I get the system snuggled in with Delta). For some quick information on the system, all digital inputs are converted to analog input values, and all analog inputs are converted to the same value range, being 0 is idle and 1000 is fully pressed (so buttons being pressed returns 1000 instead of the normal 1). This makes it as easy as it normally is to handle inputs, while allowing simplicity in retrieving a precise analog value to use for pressure sensitive actions, as well as letting any input be mapped to any control. Deadzone examples are shown in the mapping screen, as well as a test control layout which can be easily changed to the game's needs. I also spent specific attention in making everything as optimized as possible, without sacrificing user-friendliness. Hopefully when the source is finally released to everyone, it proves to be very benefitial to fangames, and developers aren't afraid to work it into their projects. I'd also be willing to allow developers to contact me on AIM/MSN for support in getting it set up! Edit: Forgot to mention that due to a detection failure with a small number of game devices when using the Joystick2 extension, the device manager will also detect and display Joypad devices, as even though the Joypad extension is from the same author, it seems to have better detection with console controllers than its newer counterpart. So to increase compatibility, if the player doesn't see their game controller listed but sees the Joypad device, they can use that as a fallback, and though they will not have rumble support (not yet implemented), the player will at least still be able to use their device with the input management system. Better than nothing!
  23. I just think the "Defeat Robotnik's Aerial Army" is a bit too glowy, otherwise it's quite nice (though I can't help but feel that a few traditional background animations behind the title card font would make it somewhat more appealing). @Gear: I prefer the first one. The simplicity just sorta suits the game more.
  24. Try the Advanced Game Board object. If it doesn't come with examples in your Examples folder (where MMF2 is installed), I'm sure you should find one with an internet browse.
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