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Everything posted by USC

  1. ...Or, perhaps you could use Game Maker? The unregistered version is free with no limit on how long you can have it, so you'll feel better about yourself. http://www.gamemaker.nl/ We have a decent set of tutorials for GM as well... http://sfghq.emulationzone.org/tuts.php?cat=7
  2. http://www.themysticalforestzone.com/Kajin/sprites/Sonic%20Sprites/unfolderd/Sonic2.htm Yeah, the MFZ has a few in the "others" section.
  3. Goldfinger - Superman
  4. Yeah, but then again they're system files, so many people won't have their settings to show them. And those who do...are usually smart enough to figure out how to get the files.
  5. Heh, I saw something about a "Tingle RPG" a few months ago. I blew it off, thinking it was just another joke, but apparently not. Should be interesting...
  6. Well, from what I've heard, some of the last Dreamcasts made were fixed, so that you had to go in and void your warrenty if you wanted to play modded games. I've never run across like that, though...
  7. Bah...be a man and learn asm. It puts hair on your chest AND give you a greater appreciation of things. Although, it's not all that great for game making (other than things on the level of the NES and calculators)...
  8. A quick sketch of the far side of my room. My back was to my closet; to my right is the door, and to the left is my work desk, mostly covered with papers and books. Eh, not much there, really.
  9. Gah, wish I had a digital camera. Ah well, I suppose I could make a sketch of my room...not much to draw, though. Maybe later.
  10. Oh, I see. I was thinking more like Halo, where you switch weapons when you run across them... Okay, make your *weapon selection* sprite, with however many weapons you want. Make a global variable (which I will call "Weapon limit")...for this example, we'll assume you want your character to start off with just two weapons, so set the variable to equal 2. Then, make a second global variable (I'll call it "Menu Selector"), and set it equal to 1 to start with. Assign the frames of animation for the *weapon selection* sprite to equal that of the "Menu Selector" variable (IE : If Menu Selector = 1, then display "Fist" frame; if Menu Selector = 2, then display "Sythe" animation, etc). Now, make a condition like this... ------------------------ If "Menu Selector" = ("Weapon limit" + 1) Then Set "Menu Selector" = 1 --------------------------------- If "Menu Selector" = 0 Then Set "Menu Selector" = "Weapon limit" ------------------------------------------- This will make it loop back to the beginning if you go past the number of weapons you have; or, if you're at the beginning, you'll jump to last weapon you have... As you get new weapons, increase the value of the "Weapon limit". Once you select your weapon, follow what I said before about changing the power of the weapon, based on what value the "Menu Selector" variable is. Hope that answers your questions.
  11. Umm...I'm guessing you want the ability to pick up and change weapons? Make a variable (call it "Guns" or something). When you hit an object, set that variable to different values. Then, make multiple events for shooting (IE : Guns = 1, then shoot at Shot Gun power; Guns = 2, then shoot at Air Rifle power). Hope that gives you some ideas.
  12. It's basically an "upgrade" to the original Click n' Create. So, it's not compatible with MMF.
  13. I don't think it's click and drag. I think what happens is...Saxman will release ProSonic, and when you make a new project, you'll have a "template" engine already in place. Then, once you've learned the basics of Sax's special script, you'll be able to add/remove/change anything you want.
  14. I think he means that you won't need to know a lot to make a game with this engine. Like, the difference between someone who can use MMF and someone...who can make a Sonic game engine from scratch.
  15. Well, there's a (17) next to Scatta's name, so I guess that's his age... Happy Birthday! Now you can watch R-rated movies alone, legally. Hahaha...
  16. Yeah. For seem reason, I've always imagined him as a computer...with a pirate bandana draped over one of the corners, and a face drawn on with markers. Something about the name, I guess... o.o
  17. What were you doing in the weeks before it stopped loading? For example, I've noticed that if I play Propeller Arena (which was never released, so it's burned on a CDR) more than a few times, my DC has a hard time loading stuff. Eventually it goes back to normal...it might be a quirk.
  18. Yeah, but Smidge isn't really human, so it's understandable. Anyways, I've always found computers interesting; how sending some power into certain areas and not others, leads up to being able to input Machine Code and beyond. I'd like to study it one day, if I had time.
  19. The multi-post merger is nice; hopefully it'll stop topics from getting derailed because five people have to remind someone that they made two posts.
  20. Gah...I thought this was about a House Bill for a minute (my state has had a lot of controversy of them lately...) Anyways, hope you have a good day.
  21. Well, I've got a Metal Knuckles lib, based off the Mecha from Sonic and Knuckles. Is this what you need? http://www.sepwich.com/nikc/hostedfangames/Mecha_Knux.cca
  22. Well, being that Rockstar itself is releasing it for free...and the fact that it was released in '99...I think we can safely assume it's going to be around for a while.
  23. Yeah, it'd be cool. I think Ty brought up that point when we were planning a board from scratch. It'd be like a Guild system : one for spriters, one for musicians, etc. I'm not sure how it'd be laid out though...perhaps someone(s) "sponsers" it, and thus maintains member flow, discussions, and such?
  24. Yeah, I get the feeling this was a bit rushed. Still, glad the process has started.
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