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Everything posted by VectorSatyr

  1. scrMenuNewGameCharacterSelect() var CounterReference; CounterReference = scrMenuInterfaceFindControl(InterfaceReference, "Counter01"); global.FirstCharacter = CounterReference.CounterValue+1; CounterReference = scrMenuInterfaceFindControl(InterfaceReference, "Counter02"); global.SecondCharacter = CounterReference.CounterValue; The counter value is simply the menu's position in the array of values. i.e. "TAILS" is at position 1 in the array (position starts at 0). This script will return a value of 2 as the first character. What's this? consCharacterTails has a value of 2. So really, choosing "TAILS" results in "global.FirstCharacter = consCharacterTails;"... Player objects are instantiated in the create event of objGlobalController. ... // ---- Create player objects ----------------------------------------------- switch(global.FirstCharacter) { case consCharacterTails: // ---- Create character and setup ---------------------------------- global.Player1 = instance_create(objEngineStartPosition.x, objEngineStartPosition.y, objPlayer); global.Player1.CharacterId = global.FirstCharacter; global.Player1.ComputerControlled = false; global.Player1.depth = -1; // ---- Setup camera ------------------------------------------------ global.Player1.LinkedCamera = instance_create(global.Player1.x, global.Player1.y, objCamera); view_object[0] = global.Player1.LinkedCamera; view_visible[0] = true; break; ... default: show_error("Invalid first character", true); } ... Do you understand where I'm getting at?
  2. Oh, DW, it's not a game maker thing... it's a Sonic DASH thing. =P
  3. Yes, you have to make it seperately. If you're using vanilla SDASH, there should already be one for each character available. Just modify it with the frames and speeds you want.
  4. EDIT: Oh... you got it while I was typing... welp. EDIT2: Copied from a pm I sent another user.
  5. http://sonicunited.org/hsfqmtif/forum/showpost.php?p=140259&postcount=59
  6. The parallax example on the engine thread is not sufficiently advanced enough. Use this version instead. Do not combine this with the parallax object in your build. The parallax stretches itself between Height position and WaterLevel. MaxScaleY is a limit to how much each individual strip can be stretched. RatioY is how much the parallax will vertically interpolate from Height position. Values will typically lie between 0 (won't shift from its starting point Height) and 1 (will always be Height distance away from the camera). In the for loop of the draw event, value <20> is the number of strips the water texture is broken up into. value <8> is the height/minimum spacing between each strip (should be <texture height>/<amount of strips>). <384> is simply half the texture width. I recommend turning these into variables. (current_time*0.01)*_i is your "xSpeed" factor. Could also be made a variable, I guess. (see below) The texture width should not be thinner than the view width; otherwise, you will notice gaps between each strip and the edges of the view. As a general rule, it should actually be bigger. Btw: scrParallaxAddNode( Tiling direction; 0 is a static image; 1 tiles horizontally; 2 tiles vertically; 3 does both x/yFactor: how much the parallax will interpolate from its initial position (same as Height above) x/ySpeed: how much each strip will move x/yScroll: optional; when each strip should start moving (is actually used to hold increments of x/ySpeed) x/yOffset: where each strip should be placed x/ySeperation: gap between tiled strips Left, Top, Right, Bottom; actual texture mapping of each strip. );
  7. Hey, if you have a party, can Link and I get an invite? ... erm, I mean happy birthday, good sir! >_>
  8. Does this game have any slopes or loops this time? Because seriously, I like these games but they're not very good sonic games when there isn't any interesting terrain to move on. EDIT: (6/28/11) 100% Completed I've come to expect acceleration/deceleration to be a bit off in these games, but in this case it hurts playability because it makes rolling really tedious - you can't tell if you'll actually hit your target, or if you'll decelerate to a crawl right before you touch it, so you're forced to go full sprint whenever you want to destroy something by rolling. This would be far less of a concern if deceleration weren't so instantaneous, but I get the feeling that's intentional. Getting lives is such a frivilous commodity in this game - just by consequence of going for the star emblems in each level - that it wouldn't hurt to have restarting cost lives, just this once. If you just barely land on a platform from a spring, you get stuck in spring animation until hit by an enemy. (or touching another spring, although that's just an assumption) Massive slowdown in Lost Palace Zone 1 and 2. Nothing more to say, another complete and somewhat fun game from Lionsoft!
  9. Happy Birthday, good mam... erm, I mean sir... I mean, mam... sir... mam... sir... mam... sir... *head asplodes*
  10. I don't get it, either. I adjusted well enough to the them that I was only dying when the damn homing attack beamed me towards an enemy off-screen or I mistimed a super-boost across a chasm. Yeah, I could have done without those minor annoyances but overall I found controlling Sonic to be quite painless in the game, I just can't relate.
  11. GamerGuy made Sonic Adventure Remix. This guy is remaking it.
  12. Not only does this fangame pay more attention to detail than your average fangame, but it actually looks like it will be completed. And that, honestly, makes me smile. =)
  13. New bed covers and a cushion to put my laptop on while I'm sitting in bed. Not bad.
  14. I did not expect this. What a wonderful Christmas present. Thank you, Streak.
  15. Awww, I missed DW's birthday. ... Welp, happy belated birthday, good sir!
  16. [insert "WTF?!" message here] [insert "good sir!" here]
  17. Two observations I've made whilst playing through Stone Sea: There was a point where I had enter the water with a Bubble Shield and the drown ping still counted down, followed by silence for the moment you'd normally see the final drown countdown (the numbers don't show up, the sound doesn't go off, and I don't drown though). I could only guess it was because I was also wearing speed shoes, so the game didn't recognize I had the shield on. If you build up enough flight as Tails and touch the ceiling, you don't float down. I had this problem myself with my own builds. There should already be a check for when you touch the ceiling that sets your vspeed to 0 - put the same check as another condition for when you press the Z key to fly, and this will prevent you from getting stuck on the ceiling (I'm saying it this way, because I don't know how you'd go about that in MMF) Aside from this and some minor collision oversights I exploited through flight, I share Aerosol's condolences. Just check all the spots in each level that you might be able to reach by flying, and it should be fine.
  18. He's been working on it for a while, Overbound. It'd be pretty silly to ask him to change over to a completely different creation tool. Also, there is at least 16 steps after hitting a horizontal spring where you can't change direction or skid. This gives you time to move your fingers to the other direction; without it, you'd lose a bit of speed unless you switched arrow keys perfectly. Just pointing that out, though I'm not sure if that's what's happening here... EDIT: Nope, it's not. Tried it for myself, and rather than limit the directions for a handful of steps as mentioned, you can't turn around until you've decelerated to a complete stop. Normally, you could even circumvent the limiting steps by jumping and using aerial deceleration to back up, but that's not even possible here - trying to jump to stop actually takes longer than simply holding the opposite direction and nothing else. This needs to be rectified - see the notes above.
  19. Call it Stockholm Syndrome, but I can't help but feel slightly impressed whenever he manages to slip past our radar.
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