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  1. http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Memory-Stick-Flash-MSMT8G/dp/B0013AZ19G/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1260596992&sr=8-2 Recently I've acquired a PSP. (3K, if it matters.) Anyways, I've ordered this memory stick, and I've just wanted to know if it works with it, because there's also a PSP-specific one. o_O My friend says it's working the same (since he owns one himself), but I just wanted to know more about this. I'm pretty scared though, I've already blown like 40 bucks trying to find the right card. Pretty retarded of me to order it before asking. Ugh.
  2. ^Were you using JEnesisDS? because I ran that on a R4DS, and I had similar issues.
  3. So, since this game is coming out soon? Anybody going to get it? Huh? : D Does anyone know what this game is even like? :X It seems like an adventure/platform genre, but I'm not sure. The trailers don't show enough
  4. Love the stage you've shown in the video.. But that logo is f#@ing gigantic, bro.
  5. It's definitely MMF2 with Sonic Worlds. Nice game! I will look forward to this. I love the graphics you've made for this, and the previous posters have said what I was thinking, basically. Btw, you don't have to use attachments, try uploading images to a site like imageshack.com and using (IMG)link here(/IMG) (with [] instead of () ) PS - Welcome to the forum.
  6. Oh em gee, that's really awesome work there. I think all the crit. that needs to be said has been said, and if you work with these aspects in mind you'll have a great(er/est) sprite.
  7. Me too. I don't get that nonsense at all. "I am Shadow :0" "OMG Eggman made a billion clones of meh!" =1 billion ultimate life forms..?! @!$!@$!@$@!#$@$#@
  8. yeah, like Lucario. Blue robot-cat with horn-nipple ftw!
  9. @Serephim: I don't have a problem with Advance style, to be honest, but I just don't like seeing it mixed in with these custom and Genesis sprites.
  10. as if Pokemon wasn't on enough Nintendo products
  11. Yeah. Happy Birthday. And stuff. Although it's not really November Fifteenth where I live. 7:30 PM, actually. But, mhmm, Daniel is 13 today/tomorrow! : D So congratulate him! And get ready for puberty.
  12. Ah. I apologize for some of my wrong critiscm.. I haven't found that the picture was a mockup until I saw Pedr0's post in the Art Forum, as well. I'm not very educated on how humidity and light works right now, however, so I was very wrong on that, too. (Argh, I'm feeling abit like an idiot right now.)
  13. @Above 1. Advance/Rush sprites? 2. The foreground sand's color is too different from the background for me. It just bugs me. 3. Realisticly, that broken pillar on the top-left cannot support itself in the air. 4. The background's hue/color/whatever doesn't change as it goes into the distance, making it look as if it's going upward or something.
  14. http://www.2012hoax.org/ Everyone needs to read this site. Every word. It is a page made by some intelligent people around the world to disprove 2012. Summary of it all: The Mayans died before they finished the calendar, it was NOT a prediction, nothing was predicted at all, the planets will align, but nothing will happen, no volcanoes will explode, nothing. Most people who believe the shit are just trying to freak out little kids. Honestly, even if it does come true, what can you do about it? Just live life to the fullest. Make the best of it. And I would still reccomend going by that rule even if 2012 wasn't the end. Regarding the movie "2012"; I find it abit unrealistic. I haven't watched it, but jumping into an airplane after the earth splits apart seems abit unrealistic. I mean, where could you go, really, to avoid death? The government can't pull out rockets out of their arse.
  15. What the HELL did I miss? Anyway, coolio graphics you got there Ped. The floating island has infinitely flowing water on the side, however. o_o Please show us pictures of the engine as you go along : D It would be nice to see.
  16. No different charger works with Lite, I think. You'll have to seperately buy a DS Lite charger.
  17. There's a main site for this forum? Lol /serious It is a decent rip indeed, if you could organize it, it would be nice to have on the main site.
  18. That was pretty badass, I love how this is shaping out. I reccomend Sonic be a bit different color from his shoes however, or perhaps recoloring his shoes too (first one seems more do-able).
  19. Woo, screen is bigger by like half an inch >_>
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