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Everything posted by sonicyoda

  1. Strife, this should really have its' own thread. This is incredible stuff my man. Your character animations are superb! Keep up the good work!
  2. Wicked albums. So far The Instant Monty Python CD Collection has been the best thing I recieved this Christmas. I love me some British comedy.
  3. It's on my list but I'm trying not to go nuts for new purchases over the Christmas period.
  4. It shows! It's cute that you're doing this and everything but I think you might be a little out of place at this forum. ... *psst* Nobody swear.
  5. I've got Jett Rocket. Great little platformer. Very Mario Galaxy-ish but it's a platformer so it was always gonna be a little like Mario regardless. Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth also gets a lot of play on my Wii. It's a remake of Castlevania: The Adventure for Gameboy but it's made to look like a SNES Castlevania game. It's a wicked slab of action-platforming. However, the WiiWare title you really need is Muscle March. Look it up. It's the most bat-shit crazy game I've ever had the pleasure of playing. As for physical games, you're really spoilt for choice now. Here's some recommendations: No More Heroes (haven't played the sequel yet but the first is easily one of the funniest games I've ever played) Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (easily my favourite game on the Wii) Sin and Punishment 2 (what can I say, Treasure don't make bad games) House of the Dead Overkill (stupid amounts of fun) MySims and MySims Kingdom (they're a bit on the casual side, but I've lost so many hours to these games) Sonic Colours (yeah I know, obvious choice. But if you're a fan of platforming then you really need this)
  6. You should probably read this before you say anything like this again: http://sonicunited.org/hsfqmtif/forum/showthread.php?t=3939
  7. When you do the pipe in Hidden Palace, make it like the pipes in Chemical Plant where there's a set path and not like the Hidden Palace in Sonic 2 Beta where Sonic just sticks to one side.
  8. Finally finished it. I can't believe anyone on Destructoid actually took that ending seriously. That was hysterical. It's also quite strange to think that some of the storys in the 3D Sonic games have come close to the ridiculousness of . I mean we've had some pretty stupid, over-the-top, apocalyptic boss battles before. It could only be a matter of time before we actually see this sort of shit!
  9. Can I use my old save file with the new build?
  10. Absolutely love the new build and I've featured the game at SEGADriven: http://sega.sonicstadium.org/2010/12/08/fan-scene-sonic-rebirth/ I found a bug though. Pushing the first block in Marble Zone onto the switch caused Sonic to get stuck in a ball that I couldn't get out of.
  11. Yeah I noticed that. But what do you expect? After all, this is the site that Jim Sterling works at. Hack.
  12. Oh shit, they sourced it from my feature (even though they've put 'via Sonic Stadium'). Well that certainly got you some unexpected popularity!
  13. This is looking really, really nice. Like the name as well. Why is the background solid grey in the 2nd screen?
  14. Happy Birthday guys! ... Pssst, I realise Adventure Time is cool and everything but has DW gone a bit mental?
  15. Absolutely loving the new build. The game progresses at a steadier pace now. The only thing I'd recommend changing now is the song that plays in the dream sequence/tutorial. Bit irritating! I've also featured the game at SEGADriven: http://sega.sonicstadium.org/2010/12/05/fan-scene-eggman-hates-furries/
  16. Oh sweet. Is this going to be a sort of bonus for Mayhem?
  17. The 'above the clouds' screenshot is beautiful. Still not keen on the bright blue haze in the last screen. Make it more transparent.
  18. Man, that Fast Revelation 2 demo brings me back! You're a legend Mr Bailey. There's something about isometric games. I bloody love em. Time Attacked 2 engine test is very silly. I approve! Out of interest, have you ever thought of actually developing something based on your Sonic Who avatar? I would totally play that.
  19. Really like the grey Hydrocity re-colour. I assume you're going to add a backdrop as well? Maple Hill looks like it might be a fun little stage but I'd try and change it up a little better. Maybe an interesting backdrop could help... Looking forward to the collab. Something like this should have come out of SFGHQ ages ago!
  20. You could, you know, upload the demo of Fast Revelation 2 that was on the site but no longer works. Pretty please?
  21. This is incredible stuff man. I've featured the new trailer at SEGADriven.com. Glad to see you haven't given up on this project. It's been one of my faves.
  22. 1) Include a key for skipping the score countdown. Takes forever 2) The title screen looks strange. Why is Sonic's back to the camera? 3) Not a fan of the Palmtree Panic foreground texture. There's also a section near the start of this stage where you come down a hill and it drops you into a spike-pit. Very unfair. 4) The multiple layers of parallax scrolling in the background of the watery stage are causing quite a lot of slowdown. Maybe take a few out? 5) The terrain is really strange. It's just like you've cut weird shapes out of an existing section of foreground and doesn't flow very well at all. 6) Don't use the mouse for selecting zones. Allow users to use the arrow keys and fire button. 7) You can't go all the way round the enormous loop at the start of Hill Top. You fall out of the loop half way round: 8) You should really try and make your stages look more original. The water one has promise but I'm really not a fan of all the sections that just contain one big solid colour. 9) Rainy section in the Hill Top Zone does cause a lot of slowdown. There's this horrible gradient you're using that's very difficult to see Sonic through at the bottom of this section. I'd remove it. Your game needs a lot of work mate.
  23. Really? My memory is going... I can only remember the spikes from Sonic Chaos.
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