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[Super Ring Engine] Looping and End Level


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Q1: How do I remove the boundary at the start and end of the level, I want to remove them because I want to create a game based of looping levels.

The level boundaries are there to prevent the player from going outside the room to the left (basically because there wouldn't be any point), and also to the right (unless you wanted an end level system like Sonic 1. So if you want to know what controls the level and view boundaries-

Go into objController, and in the Create event, you'll see the following lines:

global.camera_min_x = 0;
global.camera_max_x = room_width-1;
global.camera_min_y = view_yview-1;

Those variables control the level boundaries. Also in objSignPost in the collision with objPlayer event, just take out where it says to set the boundaries just like stated above.

If you want to remove the boundaries completely, then you'll have to go into each player object (i.e- objSonic, objTails, and objKnuckles), and go into the STEP event. Once there, locate the code block that says movement, and delete the following lines:

// move the player back inside the room / view.
if (x<(global.camera_min_x+16))
x = global.camera_min_x+16;
x_speed = 0;

if (x>(global.camera_max_x-16))
x = global.camera_max_x-16;
x_speed = 0;

if (global.YCamLock == true){
if (y>(global.camera_max_y-16)){ y = global.camera_max_y-16;}

ALSO, locate the code block that says ACTIONS/GAMEPLAY, and delete these lines also:

if (x_speed > 0 && (player_collision_right(x,y,angle,maskBig) || x >= (global.camera_max_x-16)))
x_speed = 0;
if (x_speed < 0 && (player_collision_left(x,y,angle,maskBig) || x <= (global.camera_min_x+16)))
x_speed = 0;[/CODE]

That'll disable the level and view boundaries all together.

Q2: How do I go about making rooms loop smoothly?

I'm not too familiar with this concept. Maybe there are some tutorials around on the internet to help you better.

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Cheers was looking for that for a long time. I got looping level to work for no but it is not very smooth. I will continue to work on other features for the time being. Thank you for your help.

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