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Camera area/resolution [Sonic Worlds Delta 1.3]


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So my game uses some pretty large and detailed sprites (tiles that are 128x128 or 256x256), and as a result the default camera area/resolution of 320x240 is too small. I've spent a good 6 or so hours sifting through code and looking for a solution but I can't find it. I'm at a total loss.

So what do I need to do/change to make the camera area/resolution bigger. I'm talking like, sonic 2 HD kind of camera area and resolution.

Much appreciated.

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Since no one replied until now, I think that what I say might help (not precisely because my MF2 Demo expired =X), but u must look for the Global Events, there the resolution is set, also is resized for 2x (I don't remember exactly but I think that is).

Also, the event is related to one extension (that detects the computer resolution and the game resolution events).

My tip for this is: use 1280x720 resolution (default 16:9 HD resolution), If needs to change resolution, just stretch up or down using anti-aliasing.

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I think what you are looking for is actually a global property. I'm not sure about the screen resizing code, but for the version I wrote at least (which probably didn't go into the Delta branch), it scaled dynamically based on the original size of the window. Try to examine the project properties in the properties pane and then find the base resolution.

Keep in mind that if you work at a higher resolution, you might run into some problems. If you aren't using the hardware accelerated MMF for instance, you might have poor frame rates if too much stuff is rendered at once. Likewise, if you try to use lots of pixel-perfect collision on enemies and stuff like that, the performance burden is a lot higher with higher resolution graphics. Try to stick to simple collisions as much as you reasonably can.

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