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Torque3D is going open source

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They haven't given a release date yet (probably soon), but GarageGames is open sourcing the Torque3D game engine. It'll be released under the MIT license on GitHub. What once cost $140 for a single license will now be FREE AS DIRT.

Announcement 1

Announcement 2

Might prove useful for people wanting to make a new 3D Sonic fangame but don't feel like using UDK, Unity, or Blitz.

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That's pretty cool. I love Unity, and I've heard Torque is a mess, but depending on what it can offer free that Unity requires a license for I might try it. All the concepts should remain relatively the same.

EDIT: I might make it a point to use Torque's terrain engine in Unity since I don't know how to make one from scratch. Unity's terrain is the only problem I've had in it so far, and it's TERRIBLY buggy.

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