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Construct 2/MMF2 Dilemma

Aaron C-T

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I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding which of these to dive into. I haven't used MMF2 in years and I haven't used Construct at all, but from what I've seen of Construct 2 it looks like it's

to get started making things and have them running well.

I'm only intending to work on a small testing area initially in my free- but I'd kind of like to see how it goes, and not have to switch later on if I decide to go well beyond that. I was planning on Construct 2, largely because it's free and can export to the Chrome Web Store (which, at least in theory, seems pretty cool), but that's about it- there's no standalone files. MMF2 seems like it offers more freedom over the end result but it's rather expensive and if you're looking to get it on any device at all, you're looking at double the cost.

At this point, I'm still leaning toward Construct 2, because I'd imagine more export options would be added over time. Thoughts?

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Guest Mr Lange

You're debating between the wrong programs.

What you want is Construct. I mean, Construct "classic" not Construct 2.

Construct 2 is being developed now in favor of "classic" and its hogging all of the stage. Problem is its a shitty program where it is right now, you have to pay for a licensed version, and it has no standalone program export. The original Construct is open source and requires no licenses, its quite mature now and is still being developed by the community. I've used both Construct and MMF2 and I can easily say MMF2 is a bitter old person with dementia compared to Construct. I have been having great success with Construct, more so than anything I've made with either Game Maker or MMF2 by a long shot. For me its truly no argument, though a lot of people will argue some. Construct is hardware accelerated, has a far superior level/layout editor, and its plugins rival and often outshine MMF2's plugins. The forums have a lot more of those too. Construct 2 is like Construct, but heavily watered down and butchered like two ounces of pepsi in a gallon of melted ice that's spilling into a patch of mud. Then you export that for BROWSER COMPATIBILITY. Speaking of which, if that's what you want, Construct "classic" can't do that sort of thing. If that's a deal breaker than I have truly lost faith in humanity.

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To say Construct 2 is a 'shitty' program compared to Construct Classic is, to be frank, quite an exaggeration. Scirra have been, with each new update, adding features from Classic into C2, the latest being families. At this point, the only major feature left from Classic that needs to be implemented is containers (and that's only if you don't include behaviors and objects), though feel free to correct me if I'm forgetting anything. C2 is much more stable and intuitive, in my opinion, and it improves on old features as well. The main thing it's lacking is the number of built-in objects, behaviors and no effects, but with WebGL support the latter will inevitably be included.

Then you export that for BROWSER COMPATIBILITY.

Unless you use WebGL, which is uniformly very fast on all browsers... Except for it not being used by IE, but fuck IE.

Honestly, C2 is rapidly improving, and I have no doubts that it'll eclipse Construct Classic eventually. The modular export system will, in time, allow C2 games to be exported to any platform there is an exporter for, and HTML5 already means C2 games can be played on way more platforms than Classic games can, web or not.

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I hope you bought Construct 2 a month ago. It was half off at the time.

I've been prepping up to do some Construct 2 stuff. It seems like a pretty good program in my eyes. It's not rich in plugins, but that will probably come with time, and you really shouldn't need a bunch of plugins to make stuff anyway. The interface is freakin' smooth and everything is in xml form, so it works wonderfully with version control programs.

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I've been prepping up to do some Construct 2 stuff. It seems like a pretty good program in my eyes. It's not rich in plugins, but that will probably come with time, and you really shouldn't need a bunch of plugins to make stuff anyway. The interface is freakin' smooth and everything is in xml form, so it works wonderfully with version control programs.

Yep. Even when you save projects as a single file, they're just practically zip files. And project folders are perfect for team projects.

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I only hate that C2 has no EXE support and could be MONTHS until we seen any. So for now, I'd stick with CC if you want to export to exe. Frankly, I don't give a crap about web gaming at all. Yeah, it can be a awesome market to get into, but I don't have a HTML5 phone.

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Thanks guys! I've decided to give Construct 2 a shot. Between the app stores popping up in major browsers, the ease of use Construct 2 seems to have, and the low cost barrier it seems like the best bet for me. Given the cost of using something like MMF2 on a project I'm not 100% sure I'd be able to complete seems a bad idea, especially with such a seemingly future-proof program like Construct 2 out there and it's myriad of possible platform support.

@Mr Lange: I was actually considering Construct initially up until I realized that projects couldn't be brought into Construct 2 later/it doesn't seem to have the fancy export options coming to MMF2.

@DW: No, sadly, but I think I'll truck on with their free version for now.

@Candescence: Thanks, I was curious as to how fast things were moving along (since they're apparently just a two-man wonder team). Good to know.

@Asuma: Yeah, that was a big hangup for me to, but I think HTML5 will be everywhere eventually and it's not as if I'd finish this anytime soon (if I indeed finish at all :P).

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Just started using Construct 1

The simple feature of assignable attributes lets me know i am never touching MMF2 again. Just looking through random differences in the event editor and stuff lets me see how much easier it will be to get shit working in this program.

Im gonna start porting my engine today. I can already think of like 20 ways i can improve upon things in the MMF2 version.

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@Serephim: Just be warned, Construct Classic can be buggy at times. The instability is partly why Construct 2 was redone from the ground-up.

And the EXE wrapper... I've tested it, and it works perfectly. I was wondering why the next C2 release was taking so long, incidentally. Can't wait for being able to export via the wrapper.

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Yeah i've lost about a collective 40 minutes through random crashes already. And the event editor...it's almost like it tries to piss me off on the regular.

But regardless, its runtime is far more solid, its debugger is amazing and the ability to use functions and crap....im never going back to MMF2.


The most annoying bug or overlooking so far would be the whole Subanimation gimmick, which has pissed me the fuck off because ive been trying to understand for like the last hour why my animations aren't working correctly, come to find out it's because they're all subanimations.

I try to move them, and i can't. So now i gotta remake all the animations again and pray to god i dont make a mistake and drag another one into the Subanimation territory.

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