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Water depth and perspective manupulation

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Okay, so this one has blown my mind for quite a while now. So, what I want to do is have this image:


change height depending on the WATER "level" while still scrolling smoothly "Parallaxer object is what I am using" and also when you are UNDER the Water "Level", you see underneath it. "HYROCITY ZONE".

I hope at least one of you knows. =/

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If I'm understanding you correctly, you want the perspective on that image to change as you go higher or lower in the level, and eventually to go underneath it?

I'd suggest making each row of rocks a separate layer, and setting up a system to raise or lower them (IE: The rocks furthest away would reach the horizon first, then the row in front of them, then the row in front of them, and so on as you climb higher in the level). Then, resize the plain water layer accordingly.

Hope that gives you some ideas, at least.

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I think in this case the rocks need to be separate from the water layer itself. The rocks shouldn't be scaling with the water due to their alignment as sort of being on the normal angle to the water.

The water itself should scale on the Y like hydrocity's. The rocks on the other hand only need to change the y-position of their bottom. Calculate their initial y position on the fully scaled water by hand. This offset will simply be multiplied by whatever the current y scaling factor of the water is.

As for the parallaxer objects in Worlds, that's not how Damizean did the fancy water scrolling thing back in... I'm thinking it was like 07. You'll need to make some changes in order to get a similar effect.

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The following is a quick demo of the scaling effect. It doesn't have parallax beyond the scaling effect itself, but there are a bunch of tutorials for that and it's not a very complicated concept anyway.

Enjoy, you pushy mook.

Also, thanks to you I totally forgot the reason I came upstairs... and now it's too late. Damnit.

EDIT: Including EXE for people who just want to look.



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