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Wall Kicking in Damizean's engine(new pack)

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Hello guys,

I'm trying implement Wall Kicking into my game using Damizean's engine, but how? I making sensors would solve my problem but I don't know where to start. Also I'm using Game Maker 6 and I'm trying to implement Megaman X style wall kicking where Sonic clips to an wall object when in collision and with another key like X for example he changes into another animation and kicks off the wall into another direction. Does anyone know how I can do this please?:confused:


- Zonar Games

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No need to make a new sensor. You could just use player_collision_left and player_collision_right, only use a big sensor as opposed to the medium used for getting out of the wall:

if( player_collision_left(x,y,0,maskBig) == true )
    //Left wall
    sprite_index = wallslide_left;

    if( key_action )
        //wall jump from left wall
        vx = -4;
        vy = -4;
if( player_collision_right(x,y,0,maskBig) == true )
    //Right wall
    sprite_index = wallslide_right;

    if( key_action )
        //wall jump from right wall
        vx = 4;
        vy = -4;

That's doesn't include everything you need for the animations, but that should do it as long as you plan on keeping gravity down and walls straight.

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