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[MMF2] Angle + Positioning?


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I'm trying to get the these shield pieces to rotate and position right with the main drone here.

It works fine when when is opened.



I got it work by making a mask of the drone+plus the shield.

This is how it looked closed, and it's starting angle.


When it beings to rotate, it does this.


My question is, how do I get the to rotate and position properly?

My guess it that I need to use sine/cos with the X/Y Position of the shields, but I know basic trig.

Something like this.

X( "Object" )+Range*Sin(Delta)

Y( "Object" )-Range*Cos(Delta)

Edit: You know, after bit of testing, I got it.

X( "LaserBot" )+NudgeX( "LaserBot_Shield 1" )*Cos(Angle( "LaserBot" ))

Y( "LaserBot" )-NudgeY( "LaserBot_Shield 1" )*Sin(Angle( "LaserBot" ))

Still would like your input. Also, is there a way to alternate between two values using one event? Like alternate between 0 and 1.

Also, there is something else. I have a flamethrower type weapon. I want the flames to spiral out, so I'm assuming I can use this?

Like the laser in this video.

X( "Object" )+Range*Sin(Delta)

Y( "Object" )-Range*Cos(Delta)

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