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So... I switched to a Mac.

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Hello, everyone. First, I haven't posted in a while, mostly because college was taking all my time. But now I'm on my vacation and I should be able to hang out more. Next semester won't be so demanding in terms of time... hopefully.

Anyway, I bought a MacBook. I got the 120GB model, because the other ones were considerably more expensive on the local stores... It was a rather quick decision (to get a Mac) and I thought I would regret it.

But I did not. I have to say, I really enjoyed Mac OS X and the overall user experience. It took me some time to install and configure everything to my liking (Like removing the weird 3D dock) but after that, it's running like a charm.

Here's my desktop:


I do, however, have a question: The computer is white. And it's starting to get a bit dirty. What would you guys recommend to clean a notebook?

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WTF? It's not that nasty. It's just white, and it's starting to get dirty.

It's not like... I'm eating fried chicken while I type on the computer or something.

It's just starting to look discolored in the palm rest area.


See, this guy had the same problem. I'll look unto the product he used.

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I personally would have avoided white... That is, if they come in any other color... just that all the floating dust particles that land on objects are so obvious when they land on shiny white surfaces... Ever wonder why the iTouch and iPhone are black? They expect you to touch ...

Wait... so that explains the strange way people type on Macs in Starbucks...

Granted, it does look great... but requires a lot of maintenance... and I'm too lazy for that...

Aww, Wesker, it's not all that bad... I mean... uh... well...

I shouldn't complain too much, since I kinda have to use a Mac (G5) at work, only because there just happened to be one at my desk, much to the surprise of IT... I don't want Excel to crash on me again and refuse to "Force Quit"

On a side note, I finally found a Dunkin Donuts in NYC that sells Iced Tea... Score another reason to fight popular trends (Starbucks & Mac) I'm actually starting to like OSX...

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OSX is ok, it just seems really useless to me. It's as if most people use Macs for 3 reasons these days:

1) They're forced to through work or School

2) They don't know anything about computers

3) Macs are sleek and popular (Mad respect for the design/marketing behind the Apple brand)

That's odd that you're in IT and they have a Mac there, what kind of IT is it?

Wait... so that explains the strange way people type on Macs in Starbucks...


Also, theres a 24hr Dunkin Donuts that's got their shit together that's not too far from St. Marks and 2nd Avenue. Nice outdoor area and free internet. Some funny weirdos too.

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Nah.. I'm not in IT... I was referring to the IT peoples who were supposed to be setting up my box for access and such... They do have Macs tho, since they have to support some of the peoples who do art and like their Macs...

I do know a guy who works in IT at a Japanese bank somewhere in NYC and the main computer he had was a Mac running Windows in bootcamp...

But yeah... I think I"m going to need to clean my laptop a bit with some compressed air... I kinda dropped some crumbs in between the touchpad mouse buttons... And the edges of the touchpad are... discolored...

Damn, I need to care more...

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@ Wesker:

I've got a Mac. The school doesn't require it. I'm good with computers. I didn't get it because it was popular, I got it because one, it's a good computer, and two, since I do web design, I have to be able to design for browsers on the two most common platforms, Windows and Mac. I've got a dual-boot setup to boot to OSX and XP, and I do have to say that this computer runs XP the smoothest out of any computer I've had.

Let's try not to over-generalize.

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I'd probably go with a Mac if I had the money. Many campuses, including my own, not only offer student discounts on MacBooks, but give you free shit like an IPod Touch and printer for free.

And I'll confess, I'm quite the whore when it comes to free stuff.

But as long as MMF2 and World of Warcraft run smoothly on this machine, I'm now giving up my current Windows laptop.

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I just find Macs to be an expensive waste of time and that the money spent would go to much better use at getting a better PC... but hey, if wasting money floats your boat, go for it.

That and I find their advertising schema deplorable. Acting as though macs were more popular than PCs is just the most fucking stupid thing I've ever heard of, playing only on the technicality that the PC market is saturated with hundreds of manufacturers while the Mac is limited to the one company.

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I haven't tried the Mac computers before, so I'm sticking with windows. And to me, I don't see anything dirty. Maybe it's my eyes.

Perhaps I might try it one day if one of the colleges forced you to use it.

I love Haruri wallpaper man, you are so lucky!

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