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Introducing MEEDEOR - HUGE update. Request invites!


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Hey guys. I've been working on a web app on and off now for the past 6 or 7 months, and over the past 5 or 6 grueling days, I finally got it to a point where it can be released as a closed beta. The site is called MEEDEOR, and it's a micro-blogging site that promotes a lot of small content more often rather than a few posts of large content less often.

You see, on MEEDEOR, you make a post (it can be either photo or text) and it is put into your "Media Feed," an essentially stylized timeline that is than aggregated on the site and integrated into your subscribers' feeds and the sitewide public feed. It's not too robust... it's very simple and clean.

Anyway, the URL is www.meedeor.com . Since it's closed beta right now, it uses an invite code system. But, all you have to do is request a code and post here, and I'll go ahead and send you an invite. We are especially looking for people who will keep an eye out for bugs and report them.

Anyway, I've put a lot of hard work into it and I'm very proud of what I've done. I hope that you guys will check it out.


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So, my password contains a hyphen, but it apparently cannot. My computer just keeps me logged on, but it won't let me use my password on other computers.

However, mobile posting still works, so I suppose its just the website that won't let me log in.

EDIT: So, if you could, please change the log in thing so it will allow me to use my password, or change my password to have an underscore in place of the hyphen.

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