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Beta testing for BrazSonic 2, for troubleshooting - new build released


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Well, BrazSonic 2 doesn't even work on my computer. it gets to the first cutscene and the whole computer stops working. That must mean it's going over 1GB of RAM. Can you make a hardware accelerated version?

So you have played the old version, in this new build I removed temporally the cutscene. Also I forgot to change the download link in the 1st post, sorry!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, I won't release a new version right now, because I am implementing new stuff in the game:

-an unlockable character

-new power ups

-new tiles

-fixed glitches (like the wall spikes, that was used to hurt when you stands upside that)

But I have another question, not regarding about speed, but for gameplay. PeloTails (a brazilian-cowboy Tails) attacks lacing and grabbing on enemies and other stuff. This works like Ristar grabbing, where you can aim where you throw the rope.

When you catch a target, you can push that towards you or perform a homing attack against that. But I didn't find out how to swing around the laced target like this.


The orange thing is the Player, where would swing around using left or right keys.

What's the best algorythim to do that?

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(sorry for the lateness, I've been busy with stuff and disinterested in fangaming for a while)

I was working on such an example for a Super Metroid engine. It more or less does exactly what you want. You're able to make the rope longer, unlike your explanation, but you can just get rid of that one line. What it doesn't have is the correct physics to convert your vector speed into angular speed when you first latch on, but I'm not sure if you want that. Anyway, here's the example, tell me if you need any tweaking or explaining:

Grappling Example


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Hmm... this looks pretty interesting, but I want to do something simpler to doesn't change too much the player's physics, because that grapple use to happens in this way:

- The character throw the lasso and grapples a target

- You doesn't swing around that, in fact, you are just connected to the target where you can push and throw yourself toward that (like a homing attack);

- you can throw yourself holding "B", to attack the target.

- If you press Left or Right, you should move to the sides in a circulair way. Only this is remaining to complete te grappling.

I only want to use x and y cordinates to perform that.

And, making the super form to the character I got a glitch. I used a external mp3 for the super theme, but the other sound effects that objects use to play, interfers the music.

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Only using the x/y values, you say? Try this (target would be the ID of the object you're homing):

// Pressing left while grappling:
x = target.x + lengthdir_x( point_distance( target.x, target.y, x, y), point_direction( target.x, target.y, x, y) - 3);
y = target.y + lengthdir_y( point_distance( target.x, target.y, x, y), point_direction( target.x, target.y, x, y) - 3);

// Pressing right while grappling:
x = target.x + lengthdir_x( point_distance( target.x, target.y, x, y), point_direction( target.x, target.y, x, y) + 3);
y = target.y + lengthdir_y( point_distance( target.x, target.y, x, y), point_direction( target.x, target.y, x, y) + 3);

I can't guarantee it'll play well with your other actions, but if you just want the x and y coordinate changes, I'm guessing you have it covered.

I'm not sure about the super form glitch. I don't have that much experience with using sound files that aren't waves or midis.

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