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Woot. Woot. Aaron's sketchbook-type thread.

Aaron C-T

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Been awhile, hasn't it? Hopefully I'll have some stuff to update this with every week until I head back to college on the 5th of January. Hopefully. Here's some new stuff from my new DevArt account:


^ Knuckles sketch from that "What's Sonic Canon?" topic from a week or two back. I've worked on neither that nor this since then. I don't really have the time for it I thought I did. Essentially while trying to do concepts for this I realized I don't yet have the abilities needed (so I'm going to focus on copying things from books, drawing from observation, etc). This'll have to take a backseat and maybe I'll pick up the idea over summer. Just trying to focus on getting better before my storyboarding class next quarter.


^ Having pretty much no art background, my classes this past quarter was full of first. I had never used charcoal, gauche, or colored pencil (at least not seriously) before. This shows improvement, hopefully, from my earlier projects.


^ Project from my 2D Design class. We had to use a grid to make a room that somehow was a "window into another world." I originally wanted to take this very literally and draw a dining room with a window, and you could see a world in space behind it. I ended up not being an a-hole, though, and changed the idea to the room being ripped apart to show two worlds.


^ We had to use 25 ribbons to represent and emotion. I didn't start out with an emotion, I just started drawing out shapes in my sketchbook. I think the initial few made me want to express how one can feel "free," but that was way before I added the other 20-something ribbons in. As I was doing this I changed it to "confusion." There's an upside down heart-type shape in there that someone pointed out. Cool, but not intentional.

C&C more than welcome. Thanks in advance.

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First one took maybe.. half an hour in total. I kept trying to draw stuff, I can't seem to get hoods to work properly. The other three took hours at a time because they were for grades. My 2D final, the ribbon one, didn't take nearly as long as some of my other projects, though. I started incredibly early and finished my concept before quite a few of my classmates because I knew I sucked with gauche and I wanted to be done with it so I could work on the charcoal dino. Thanks

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