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Mmmmm...Lighting effects?


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Hi. :D

I'm trying to create some effects for my upcoming game. The first level is in a jungle setting, and I want to create a lighting effect, for example. Being under a canopy with the sunlight piercing through the leaves. I've tried everything I know in Photoshop...(Which is- not much.) I just don't get the concept.

So if anyone could help me, I would appreciate that!

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Two ways to do it...

The easiest of the two is to use transparancy. Basically, this can be used to make a light overlay of whatever image you want to use. Just check out the blending options in photoshop, or if you really feel adroit, dick with an alpha map. Transparency when saved to a png file will automatically convert to alphamapped transparency which can be used in most worthwhile game development programs.

The other way is to use ink effects such as boolean add or multiply, and that will net you mixed results depending on how you do it. If you do use add, use dark colors, as it will simply add th rbg values to the preexisting parts, resulting in a slight brightening even if your source image is very dark.

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